#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FILE :test.4.3.CP_EventTS_OSPFv2.tcl # # AUTHOR :Rakesh Kumar # # PURPOSE :To Verify CP Event Time stamps,Event Name for OSPFv2 RRs by # Disabling/Enabling OSPFv2 Route Ranges. # # STEPS : 1. Load config and assign ports # 2. Start OSPFv2. # 3. Generate,Apply and Start Traffic. # 4. Creating and Verifying Drill down view of Traffic stats # Taking Drill down by Destination Endpoint) # 5. Disabling OSPFv2 Route Range on RX port. # 6. Verifying CP/DP stats. # 7. Clearing and verifying CP/DP stats. # 8. Enabling OSPFv2 Route Range on RX port. # 9. Verifying CP/DP stats. # 10.Stopping Traffic and protocol. # STATUS :NEW #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ source $env(IXNETWORK_SAMPLE_SCRIPT_DIR)/IxNetwork/TestRun/config.tcl proc Action {portData1 portData2} { global endEventName global startEventName source $::pwd/CP-DPUtils.tcl #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize return values and other variables #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set PASSED 0 set FAILED 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get port info 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set chassisIp1 [getChassisIp $portData1] set card1 [getCardNumber $portData1] set port1 [getPortNumber $portData1] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get port info 2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set chassisIp2 [getChassisIp $portData2] set card2 [getCardNumber $portData2] set port2 [getPortNumber $portData2] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connecting to client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set connection_Result [connectToClient $portData1 $portData2 5.40] log "Connection Result: $connection_Result" if {[string equal $connection_Result "::ixNet::OK"] != 1} { log "connection to client unsuccessfill" return $FAILED } log "connectToClient Successful" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # clean up all the existing configurations from client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- log "cleaning up the client" ixNetCleanUp #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load the ixncfg config file #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set configFileName config.[getTestId].ixncfg if {[catch {ixNet exec loadConfig [ixNet readFrom $::pwd/$configFileName]} \ errorMsg]} { log "Error in loading Config file: $errorMsg" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the virtual port list and real port list #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- log "getting virtual ports ...." set vPorts [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] # getting the real port list set realPortsList [list [list $chassisIp1 $card1 $port1] \ [list $chassisIp2 $card2 $port2] ] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Assign virtual ports to real ports #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- log "Assign virtual ports to real ports ..." set force true set status [ixTclNet::AssignPorts $realPortsList {} $vPorts force] log "Assigned: $status" ixTclNet::CheckLinkState $vPorts doneList #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if the ports are assigned if un assigned re-assign them #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- after 5000 ifUnassignedConnectAgain #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Starting OSPF on port1 and port2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- catch {ixNet exec start ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf} result1 catch {ixNet exec start ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/ospf} result2 if {$result1 != "::ixNet::OK" || $result2 != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "FAILED : Starting Protocol" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "SUCCESS : Protocol started on all ports" log "Waiting for 30 seconds for protocol session to come UP" after 30000 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verifying protocol stats #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set OSPFStatsList {"Sess. Configured" 1 \ "Full State Count" 1 \ "Full Nbrs." 1} if {[checkAllProtocolStats $realPortsList "OSPF Aggregated Statistics" \ $OSPFStatsList]} { log "Failure: Did not get the expected value for the all OSPF stats" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generte the traffic #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set traffic [ixNet getRoot]/traffic if {[generateApplyTraffic]} { log "Failed to Generate and Apply traffic" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Traffic applyed successfully" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # start the traffic #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[startTraffic $traffic] == 1} { log "Failed to start the traffic" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Traffic started successfully" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # wait for desired amount of time #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set waitTime 15000 log "wait for $waitTime ms" after $waitTime set DestinationIPList {{} {} {}} set TrafficItemName "Traffic Item 1" set caption "FirstLevelDrilldown" if {[DesignAndVerifyCPDrillDownStats $TrafficItemName $chassisIp2 \ Card$card2 Port$port2 $DestinationIPList]} { log "FAILED : Design and Verification of Dril down view" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Disabling OSPFv2 Route Range on port2" set count 1 while {$count < 4} { set routerange($count) [subst \ {::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:$count}] log "$routerange($count)" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $routerange($count) "enabled" \ {"false" y}] == 1} { log "FAILURE :Disabling OSPFV2 Route Range$count failed" ixNetStopTrafficAndCleanup $traffic return $FAILED } incr count } log "SUCCESS :Disabled OSPFV2 Route Range" log "Waiting for 10 seconds after Disabling OSPFV2 Route Range" after 10000 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verifying CP stats #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set EndTSFlow3 [verifyCpStats $caption $DestinationIPList \ 3000000000 ospfDisableRR EndTSLastFlow] if {$EndTSFlow3 == 1} { log "FAILED : Verifiying CP stats after Disabling OSPFv2 RR" ixNetStopTrafficAndCleanup $traffic return $FAILED } else { log "SUCCESS : Verifiying CP stats after Disabling OSPFv2 RR" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Verification of CP stats after clearing CP-DP stats #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if {[ClearAndVerifyCpDpStats $caption 3] == 0} { log "SUCCESS : Clearing and Verifying CP DP stats" } else { log "FAILED : Clearing and Verifying CP DP stats" ixNetStopTrafficAndCleanup $traffic return $FAILED } log "Enabling OSPFv2 Route Range on port2" set count 1 while {$count < 4} { set routerange($count) [subst \ {::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:$count}] log "$routerange($count)" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $routerange($count) "enabled" \ {"true" y}] == 1} { log "FAILURE :Enabling OSPFV2 Route Range$count failed" ixNetStopTrafficAndCleanup $traffic return $FAILED } incr count } log "SUCCESS :Enabled OSPFV2 Route Range" log "Waiting for 10 seconds" after 10000 log "Checking Flow Statistics for CP specific stats" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verifying CP stats #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set startTSFlow1 [verifyCpStats $caption $DestinationIPList 3000000000 \ ospfEnableRR StartTSFirstFlow] if {$startTSFlow1 == 1} { log "FAILED : Verifiying CP stats after Enabling OSPFv2 RR" ixNetStopTrafficAndCleanup $traffic return $FAILED } else { log "SUCCESS : Verifiying CP stats after Enabling OSPFv2 RR" } log "Verifying CP START TS of Flow1 for Enable Event and End TS of \ Flow3 for Disable Event" log "CP START TS of Flow1 for Enable Event :: $startTSFlow1" log "End TS of Flow3 for Disable Event :: $EndTSFlow3" if {$startTSFlow1 > $EndTSFlow3} { log "CP START TS of Flow1 for Enable Event is greater than End TS \ of Flow3 for Disable Event" } else { log "CP START TS of Flow1 for Enable Event is less than End TS of \ Flow3 for Disable Event" ixNetStopTrafficAndCleanup $traffic return $FAILED } log "SUCCESS : Verification of CP specific Statistics is successful" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Stop the porotocl and traffic #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- log "stopping protocol" ixNet exec stop ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf ixNet exec stop ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/ospf if {[ixNetStopTrafficAndCleanup $traffic] == 0} { log "Traffic was stopped succesfully" return $PASSED } else { log "Stopping traffic failed" return $FAILED } } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Execute the Action procedure defined above # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Execute_Action