# Description # Get the available port license remaining count. # SSH into the IxVM chassis and enter "show licenses --floatingstats". # Get the available port licenses for IxNetwork VE and IxLoad VE. # # Supports Python2 and Python3 # # Requirements # Since there are many type of licenses, you must set the variable # "licenseNameToGet" with a value of your license. # # Usage: # python GetPortLicenses.py ixnetwork # python GetPortLicenses.py ixload # # By: Hubert Gee from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import paramiko import sys import re import traceback import time #------ User settings ------- username = 'admin' password = 'admin' if sys.argv[2] not in ['ixnetwork', 'ixload']: sys.exit('\nNo such platform: %s\nMust be either ixnetwork or ixload\n\n' % sys.argv[1]) # Set the license name if sys.argv[2] == 'ixnetwork': licenseNameToGet = 'VM-IXN-TIER3' if sys.argv[2] == 'ixload': licenseNameToGet = 'VM-IXL-TIER4-10G' #------ User settings end ------- class PortLicenses(): def __init__(self, chassisIp, username, password, licenseToGet): """ Description Class PortLicenses() Get available port licenses from the chassis. Only supported on chassis's running LinuxOS. Not for Windows. Parameters host: The chassis IP address username: The chassis login username. Default = admin password: The chassis login password. Default = admin licenseToGet: The license name to look under: For example: VM-IxN-TIER3 VM-IXL-TIER4-10G """ self.chassisIp = chassisIp self.username = username self.password = password self.licenseNameToGet = licenseToGet self.command = 'show licenses --floatingstats' self.availablePortLicenses = 0 self.sshPort = 22 self.sshTimeout = 10 self.sshPkey = None self.sshKeyFilename = None self.getLicenseDetails() def sshConnect(self): try: self.ssh.connect(hostname=self.chassisIp, port=self.sshPort, username=self.username, password=self.password, pkey=self.sshPkey, key_filename=self.sshKeyFilename, timeout=self.sshTimeout) except paramiko.SSHException: raise Exception('\nSSH Failed to connect:', self.chassisIp) def send(self, command=None, expect=None): print('\nChecking port licenses on:', self.chassisIp) stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(command) for line in stdout.readlines(): if line.strip() == '': continue print(line.strip()) match = re.match('^%s.*([0-9]+-[a-zA-Z]+-[0-9]+)(.*?)\|(.*?)\| +([0-9]+)' % expect, line) if match: # Located license name: VM-IXN-TIER3 | 18-dec-2017 | No | 8 | hgee | Windows2012 | | 2 | No | | self.availablePortLicenses = match.group(4) def getLicenseDetails(self): self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.sshConnect() transport = self.ssh.get_transport() transport.set_keepalive(1) self.channel = self.ssh.invoke_shell() self.send(command=self.command, expect=self.licenseNameToGet) def areThereEnoughLicenses(self, required): self.requiredNumberOfLicenses = required msg = '\nPort license check:' msg = msg+'\n\tAvailablePortLicenses: {0}\n\tRequiredLicenses: {1}\n'.format(self.availablePortLicenses, self.requiredNumberOfLicenses) if int(self.requiredNumberOfLicenses) <= int(self.availablePortLicenses): print(msg) else: raise IxNetRestApiException('Not enough port licenses:'+msg) try: portLicenseObj = PortLicenses(chassisIp=sys.argv[1], username=username, password=password, licenseToGet=licenseNameToGet) portLicenseObj.areThereEnoughLicenses(required=2) print('\nAvailable port licenses:', portLicenseObj.availablePortLicenses) except Exception as errMsg: #print(traceback.format_exc()) print('\nException Error:', errMsg)