#!/usr/local/python2.7.6/bin/python2.7 # Description # # This script will use Python and IxNetwork low level APIs to # create two NGPF IPv4 topolopgies with back-to-back ports. # Then it will add TCP header to the Traffic Item and modify # the tcp srcPort and dstPort fields. # # If you use NGPF, its has to be Ethernet/LAN or IPv4 trafifc type, that is not RAW. # No need create DG, if you create RAW, just source and dest are ports. # If you use VM ports to do back to back, you probably not seeing the traffic. Use a physical ports instead. import sys import os import re import time import IxNetwork def ConnectToIxia( ixNetTclServer='', ixNetTclPort='8009', ixNetVersion='' ): ixNetConnect = ixNet.connect(ixNetTclServer, 'port', ixNetTclPort, '-version', ixNetVersion) print 'Verifying ixNet.connect():', ixNetConnect ;# ::ixNet::OK if ixNetConnect != '::ixNet::OK': print 'Failed to connect to:', ixNetTclServer sys.exit() else: print 'Successfully connected to:', ixNetTclServer def CreateNewBlankConfig(): print '\nCreating a blank configuration ...' ixNet.execute('newConfig') def AddIxiaChassis( ixChassisIp ): print '\nAdding chassis: ', ixChassisIp ixChassisObj = ixNet.add(ixNet.getRoot()+'availableHardware', 'chassis', '-hostname', ixChassisIp) ixNet.commit() ''' ixChassisObj1: ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:L10988 ixChassisObj2: ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:"" ''' ixChassisObj = ixNet.remapIds(ixChassisObj)[0] return ixChassisObj def ClearPortOwnership( ixChassisObj, portList ): for port in portList: # port looks like '1 2'. # Must do a port.split(' ') to convert string to list -> ['1', '2'] cardNumber = port.split('/')[0] portNumber = port.split('/')[1] # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:2 #print ('Clearing port'), 'card:'+cardNumber+'/port:'+portNumber print 'Clearing port:', ixChassisObj+'/card:' + cardNumber + '/port:' + portNumber try: ixNet.execute('clearOwnership', ixChassisObj+'/card:'+cardNumber+'/port:'+portNumber) except Exception, e: # Unable to release ownership is ok when the configuration is blanked already pass def CreateVPort( port ): print '\nCreating new VPort for %s' % port vPortObj = ixNet.add(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport') ixNet.commit() vPortObj = ixNet.remapIds(vPortObj)[0] return vPortObj def ConnectToPorts(vPortList, portList, ixChassisObj): print '\nConnectToPorts: vportList:', vPortList print 'portList:', portList print 'ixChassisObj:', ixChassisObj for vPort, port in zip(vPortList, portList): cardNumber = port.split('/')[0] portNumber = port.split('/')[1] print '\nConnectToPort:', ixChassisObj + '/card:' + cardNumber + '/port:' + portNumber print '\tvPort =', vPort ixNet.setAttribute(vPort, \ '-connectedTo', ixChassisObj + '/card:' + cardNumber + '/port:' + portNumber ) print '\nRebooting ports. Will take 40 seconds ...' ixNet.commit() def VerifyPortState( portList='', stopTime=120 ): for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): assignedPort = ixNet.getAttribute(vPort, '-assignedTo') print '\nVerifying port state on port::', assignedPort for timer in range(0, stopTime): portState = ixNet.getAttribute(vPort, '-state') print '\tCurrent port state:', portState if timer < stopTime and portState == 'up': print '\tVerifyPortState: ', assignedPort + ' is up' break if timer < stopTime and portState != 'up': print '\tVerifyPortState: %s is not up yet. Verifying %d/%d seconds' % (assignedPort, timer, stopTime) time.sleep(1) if timer == stopTime and portState != 'up': print '\nPort can\'t come up. Exiting test' return 1 def CreateTopologyPy(topologyName, vPorts): print '\nCreateTopology: %s : %s' % (topologyName, vPorts) topologyObj = ixNet.add(ixNet.getRoot(), 'topology') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(topologyObj, '-name', topologyName, '-vports', vPorts ) ixNet.commit() return topologyObj def CreateDeviceGroupPy(topologyObj, deviceGroupName, multiplier): print '\nCreateDeviceGroup: %s : %s' % (topologyObj, deviceGroupName) deviceGroupObj = ixNet.add(topologyObj, 'deviceGroup') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(deviceGroupObj, '-name', deviceGroupName, '-multiplier', multiplier ) ixNet.commit() return deviceGroupObj def CreateEthernetNgpfPy(deviceGroupObj, ethernetName): print '\nCreateEthernetNgpfPy: %s : %s' % (deviceGroupObj, ethernetName) ethernetObj = ixNet.add(deviceGroupObj, 'ethernet') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(ethernetObj, '-name', 'ethernetName') ixNet.commit() return ethernetObj def CreateIpv4NgpfPy(ethernetObj, ipv4Name='', ipv4StartValue=None, ipv4Step='', ipv4Direction='increment', ipv4PrefixStartValue=None, ipv4PrefixStep='0', ipv4PrefixDirection='incremnet', gatewayIpStartValue=None, gatewayIpStep='', gatewayIpDirection='increment'): # Example: # ipv4Obj = CreateIpv4NgpfPy(ethernet1, 'ipv4-1', ipv4StartValue='', gatewayIpStartValue='', ipv4PrefixStartValue='24') print '\nCreateIpv4StackNgpf: %s : %s' % (ethernetObj, ipv4Name) ipv4Obj = ixNet.add(ethernetObj, 'ipv4') if ipv4Name != '': ixNet.setAttribute(ipv4Obj, '-name', ipv4Name) ixNet.commit() if ipv4StartValue != None: # ::ixNet::OBJ-/multivalue:2 ipv4Multivalue = ixNet.getAttribute(ipv4Obj, '-address') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(ipv4Multivalue, '-clearOverlays', 'true', '-pattern', 'counter' ) # ::ixNet::OBJ-/multivalue:2/counter ipv4MultivalueCounter = ixNet.add(ipv4Multivalue, 'counter') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(ipv4MultivalueCounter, '-start', ipv4StartValue, '-step', ipv4Step, '-direction', ipv4Direction ) if ipv4PrefixStartValue != None: prefixMultivalue = ixNet.getAttribute(ipv4Obj, '-prefix') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(prefixMultivalue, '-clearOverlays', 'true', '-pattern', 'conter' ) prefixMultivalueCounter = ixNet.add(prefixMultivalue, 'counter') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(prefixMultivalueCounter, '-start', ipv4PrefixStartValue, '-step', ipv4PrefixStep, '-direction', ipv4PrefixDirection ) if gatewayIpStartValue != None: gatewayMultivalue = ixNet.getAttribute(ipv4Obj, '-gatewayIp') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(gatewayMultivalue, '-clearOverlays', 'true', '-pattern', 'counter' ) gatewayMultivalueCounter = ixNet.add(gatewayMultivalue, 'counter') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(gatewayMultivalueCounter, '-start', gatewayIpStartValue, '-step', gatewayIpStep, '-direction', gatewayIpDirection ) ixNet.commit() return ipv4Obj def StartAllProtocolsPy(): print '\nStartAllProtocolsPy' ixNet.execute('startAllProtocols') ixNet.commit() time.sleep(2) def DeviceGroupProtocolStackNgpfPy(deviceGroup, ipType): # This Proc is an internal API for VerifyArpNgpf. # It's created because each deviceGroup has IPv4/IPv6 and # a deviceGroup could have inner deviceGroup that has IPv4/IPv6. # Therefore, you can loop device groups. import re unresolvedArpList = [] for ethernet in ixNet.getList(deviceGroup, 'ethernet'): for ipProtocol in ixNet.getList(ethernet, ipType): resolvedGatewayMac = ixNet.getAttribute(ipProtocol, '-resolvedGatewayMac') for index in range(0, len(resolvedGatewayMac)): if (bool(re.match('.*Unresolved.*', resolvedGatewayMac[index]))): multivalueNumber = ixNet.getAttribute(ipProtocol, '-address') srcIpAddrNotResolved = ixNet.getAttribute(ixNet.getRoot()+multivalueNumber, '-values')[index] print '\tFailed to resolveARP:', srcIpAddrNotResolved unresolvedArpList.append(srcIpAddrNotResolved) if unresolvedArpList == []: print '\tARP is resolved' return 0 else: return unresolvedArpList def VerifyArpNgpfPy(ipType='ipv4'): # This API requires: # 1> DeviceGroupProtocolStacksNgpfPy # # ipType: ipv4 or ipv6 # # This API will verify for ARP session resolvement on # every TopologyGroup/DeviceGroup and/or # TopologyGroup/DeviceGroup/DeviceGroup that has protocol "enabled". # # How it works? # Each device group has a list of $sessionStatus: up, down or notStarted. # If the deviceGroup has sessionStatus as "up", then ARP will be verified. # It also has a list of $resolvedGatewayMac: MacAddress or removePacket[Unresolved] # These two lists are aligned. # If lindex 0 on $sessionSatus is up, then the API expects lindex 0 on $resolvedGatewayMac # to have a mac address. # If not, then arp is not resolved. # This script will wait up to the $maxRetry before it declares failed. # # Return 0 if ARP passes. # Return 1 if device group is not started # Return a list of unresolved ARPs print '\nVerifyArpNgpfPy' startFlag = 0 unresolvedArpList = [] for topology in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'topology'): for deviceGroup in ixNet.getList(topology, 'deviceGroup'): print '\n', deviceGroup deviceGroupStatus = ixNet.getAttribute(deviceGroup, '-status') print '\tdeviceGroup status:', deviceGroupStatus if deviceGroupStatus == 'started': startFlag = 1 arpResult = DeviceGroupProtocolStackNgpfPy(deviceGroup, ipType) if arpResult != 0: unresolvedArpList = unresolvedArpList + arpResult if ixNet.getList(deviceGroup, 'deviceGroup') != '': for innerDeviceGroup in ixNet.getList(deviceGroup, 'deviceGroup'): print '\n', innerDeviceGroup arpResult = DeviceGroupProtocolStackNgpfPy(innerDeviceGroup, ipType) if arpResult != 0: unresolvedArpList = unresolvedArpList + arpResult elif ixNet.getAttribute(deviceGroup, '-status') == 'mixed': startFlag = 1 print '\tWarning: Ethernet stack is started, but layer3 is not started' arpResult = DeviceGroupProtocolStackNgpf(deviceGroup, ipType) if arpResult != 0: unresolvedArpList = unresolvedArpList + arpResult if ixNet.getList(deviceGroup, 'deviceGroup') != '': for innerDeviceGroup in ixNet.getList(deviceGroup, 'deviceGroup'): print '\n', innerDeviceGroup deviceGroupStatus2 = ixNet.getAttribute(innerDeviceGroup, '-status') if deviceGroupStatus2 == 'started': arpResult = DeviceGroupProtocolStackNgpfPy(deviceGroup, ipType) if arpResult != 0: unresolvedArpList = unresolvedArpList + arpResult if unresolvedArpList == [] and startFlag == 1: return 0 if unresolvedArpList == [] and startFlag == 0: return 1 if unresolvedArpList != [] and startFlag == 1: print '\n' for unresolvedArp in unresolvedArpList: print 'UnresolvedArps:', unresolvedArp print '\n' return unresolvedArpList def CreateTrafficItem(name= 'My Traffic Item', trafficType= 'ipv4', transmitMode= 'interleaved', biDirectional= '1', routeMesh= 'oneToOne', srcDestMesh= 'oneToOne' ): print '\nCreating Traffic Item: %s ...' % name trafficItemObj = ixNet.add(ixNet.getRoot() + '/traffic', 'trafficItem') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(trafficItemObj, '-enabled', 'True', '-name', name, '-routeMesh', routeMesh, '-srcDestMesh', srcDestMesh, '-trafficType', trafficType, '-transmitMode', transmitMode, '-biDirectional', biDirectional, ) ixNet.commit() trafficItemObj = ixNet.remapIds(trafficItemObj)[0] return trafficItemObj def ConfigTracking( trafficItemObj, trackingList ): print '\nConfiguring trackBy: %s ...' % trackingList ixNet.setAttribute(trafficItemObj + '/tracking', '-trackBy', trackingList ) ixNet.commit() def CreateEndPointSet(trafficItemObj='', name='Flow_Group', srcEndpoints='', destEndpoints='' ): ''' Each endpoint is a highlevelstream in a Traffic Item ''' print '\nCreating Endpoint: %s ...' % name endpointObj = ixNet.add(trafficItemObj, 'endpointSet', '-name', name, '-sources', srcEndpoints, '-destinations', destEndpoints ) ixNet.commit() endpointObj = ixNet.remapIds(endpointObj)[0] return endpointObj def ConfigFlowGroup(flowGroupObj='', frameSize='128', frameRate='100'): print '\nConfiguring Flow Group:', flowGroupObj print '\nConfiguring frame size:', frameSize ixNet.setAttribute(flowGroupObj + '/frameSize', '-fixedSize', frameSize) print '\nConfiguring line rate: %s%s' % (frameRate, '%') ixNet.setAttribute(flowGroupObj + '/frameRate', '-rate', frameRate) ixNet.commit() def ConfigFlowGroupFrameCount(flowGroupObj, frameCount): print '\nConfiguring frame count:', frameCount result = ixNet.setMultiAttribute(flowGroupObj + '/transmissionControl', '-frameCount', frameCount, '-type', 'fixedFrameCount' ) ixNet.commit() def ApplyTraffic(): print '\nApplying Traffic to hardware ...' #traffic = ixNet.getRoot()+'/traffic' #ixNet.execute('apply', traffic) stopCounter = 10 for startCounter in range(1,10): applyResult = ixNet.execute('apply', ixNet.getRoot() + 'traffic') print '\nApplyTraffic: ', applyResult if applyResult != '::ixNet::OK' and startCounter < stopCounter: print '\nApplyTraffic: Attempting to apply traffic:', startCounter+'/'+stopCounter+' tries' time.sleep(1) continue if applyResult == '::ixNet::OK' and startCounter == stopCounter: print '\nApplyTraffic Error:', applyResult ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() if applyResult == '::ixNet::OK' and startCounter < stopCounter: print '\nSuccessfully applied traffic to hardware' break def RegenerateAllTrafficItems(): for trafficItem in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot()+'/traffic', 'trafficItem'): regenerateResult = ixNet.execute('generate', trafficItem) if regenerateResult != '::ixNet::OK': print '\nRegenerateAllTrafficItem error:', trafficItem ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() else: print '\nRegenerateAllTrafficItem:', trafficItem def SendArp(): for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): for interface in ixNet.getList(vPort, 'interface'): interfaceType = ixNet.getAttribute(interface, '-type') # Don't send arps on Unconnected Routed or GRE interfaces if re.search(r'default', interfaceType): isIntEnabled = ixNet.getAttribute(interface, '-enabled') if re.search(r'true', isIntEnabled, re.I): print 'Sent ARP on:', interface ixNet.execute('sendArp', interface) ixNet.execute('sendNs', interface) def VerifyArpDiscoveries(): ''' - Get a list of all the expected Gateway IP addresses for each vPort. - Get only if the interface is enabled. We don't care about gateways if the interface isn't enabled. - Ignore Routed and GRE and Unconnected interfaces - Then get a list of all the discovered arps. - At the end, compare the two list. Any left overs are unresolved arps. ''' resolvedArp = [] allIpGateways = [] for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): # Refresh the arp table on this vport first ixNet.execute('refreshUnresolvedNeighbors', vPort) currentVportInterfaceList = ixNet.getList(vPort, 'interface') for interface in currentVportInterfaceList: # Ignore the Unconnected Routed and GRE interfaces interfaceType = ixNet.getAttribute(interface, '-type') if re.search(r'default', interfaceType): # Only append the gateway if the interface is enabled. isIntEnabled = ixNet.getAttribute(interface, '-enabled') if re.search(r'true', isIntEnabled, re.I): ipv4Gateway = ixNet.getAttribute(interface+'/ipv4', '-gateway') if re.search(r'null', ipv4Gateway, re.I) is None: if ipv4Gateway not in allIpGateways: allIpGateways.append(ipv4Gateway) ipv6GatewayList = ixNet.getList(interface, 'ipv6') if ipv6GatewayList: for ipv6Gateway in ipv6GatewayList: ipv6 = ixNet.getAttribute(ipv6Gateway, '-gateway') if ipv6 != '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0': if ipv6 not in allIpGateways: allIpGateways.append(ipv6) print '\nExpected IP addresses to resolve ARPs:' for arp in allIpGateways: print '\t', arp for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): # Get all the discovered ARPs for the current vPort vPortInterfaceList = ixNet.getList(vPort, 'discoveredNeighbor') if vPortInterfaceList: currentPort = ixTopo.getPort[vPort] for vPortInt in vPortInterfaceList: # vPortInt = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/discoveredNeighbor:1 currentVp = vPortInt.split('/') currentVp = currentVp[:2] currentVp = '/'.join(currentVp) discoveredIp = ixNet.getAttribute(vPortInt, '-neighborIp') discoveredMac = ixNet.getAttribute(vPortInt, '-neighborMac') print '\nDiscovered arp on:', currentPort, ': ', discoveredIp, discoveredMac # discoveredMac is not empty or != 00:00:00:00:00:00 if discoveredMac is not '' and discoveredMac is not '00:00:00:00:00:00': # if true, then append resolvedArp if discoveredIp in allIpGateways: resolvedArp.append(discoveredIp) # Now compare the expected list of arps with what is resolved. # Any left overs are unresovled arps. for resolvedGateway in resolvedArp: if resolvedGateway in allIpGateways: ipGatewayIndex = allIpGateways.index(resolvedGateway) allIpGateways.pop(ipGatewayIndex) if allIpGateways: print '\nError: Unresloved ARPs:' for unresolvedArp in allIpGateways: print '\t',(unresolvedArp) ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() else: print('All ARPs are resolved') def CheckTrafficState(): currentTrafficState = ixNet.getAttribute(ixNet.getRoot()+'traffic', '-state') if currentTrafficState == '::ixNet::OK': return 'notRunning' elif currentTrafficState == 'stopped': return 'stopped' elif currentTrafficState == 'started': return 'started' elif currentTrafficState == 'locked': return 'locked' elif currentTrafficState == 'unapplied': return 'unapplied' elif currentTrafficState == 'startedWaitingForStreams': return 'startedWaitingForStreams' elif currentTrafficState == 'stoppedWaitingForStats': return 'stoppedWaitingForStats' else: return currentTrafficState def StartTraffic(): traffic = ixNet.getRoot()+'traffic' print '\nStarting traffic ...' for retry in range(1,10): retry = retry + 1 try: result = ixNet.execute('start', traffic) if result != '::ixNet::OK': print '\nFailed to start traffic:', result ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() else: print '\nExecuting startTraffic:', result break except Exception, e: print '\nException error: Failed to start traffic:', e print '\nRetrying:', retry, '/', 10 time.sleep(1) if retry == 10: print '\nCan\'t start traffic. Exiting.' ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() time.sleep(2) startCounter = 1 stopCounter = 11 for start in range(startCounter, stopCounter): start = start + 1 trafficState = CheckTrafficState() if trafficState == 'started': print('Traffic started') break if trafficState == 'stopped': print('Traffic stopped') break if trafficState == 'startedWaitingForStats' or trafficState == 'stoppedWaitingForStats': print('Traffic started. Waiting for stats to complete') break if start < stopCounter: if trafficState != 'started' or trafficState != 'startedWaitingForStats' or \ trafficState != 'stoppedWaitingForStats' or trafficStats != 'stopped': print '\nStartTraffic: Current state = ', trafficState+'.'+' Waiting', start+'/'+stopCounter time.sleep(1) if start == stopCounter: if trafficState != 'started' or trafficState != 'startedWaitingForStats' or \ trafficState != 'stoppedWaitingForStats' or trafficStats != 'stopped': print '\nFailed: Traffic failed to start' ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() def GetStatsPy( getStatsBy='Flow Statistics', csvFile=None, csvEnableFileTimestamp=False): ''' Description: This API will return you a Python Dict of all the stats based on your specified stats. The exact stat name could be found on your IxNetwork GUI statistic tablets. Parameters: getStatsBy = The exact name of the stat that could be found on the IxNetwork GUI. csvFile = The name of the CSV file that you want to store stats in. csvEnableFileTimestamp = Append a timestamp to the CSV file so they don't get overwritten. This should only be used for getting the final stat result such as when the traffic has completely stopped. getStatsBy options (case sensitive): "Port Statistics" "Tx-Rx Frame Rate Statistics" "Port CPU Statistics" "Global Protocol Statistics" "Protocols Summary" "Port Summary" "OSPFv2-RTR Drill Down" "OSPFv2-RTR Per Port" "IPv4 Drill Down" "L2-L3 Test Summary Statistics" "Flow Statistics" "Traffic Item Statistics" ''' viewList = ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot()+'/statistics', 'view') statViewSelection = getStatsBy try: statsViewIndex = viewList.index('::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"' + getStatsBy +'"') except Exception, errMsg: sys.exit('\nNo such statistic name: %s' % getStatsBy) # ::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Flow Statistics" view = viewList[statsViewIndex] columnList = ixNet.getAttribute(view+'/page', '-columnCaptions') #print '\n', columnList if csvFile != None: import csv csvFileName = csvFile.replace(' ', '_') if csvEnableFileTimestamp: import datetime timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H%M%S') if '.' in csvFileName: csvFileNameTemp = csvFileName.split('.')[0] csvFileNameExtension = csvFileName.split('.')[1] csvFileName = csvFileNameTemp+'_'+timestamp+'.'+csvFileNameExtension else: csvFileName = csvFileName+'_'+timestamp csvFile = open(csvFileName, 'w') csvWriteObj = csv.writer(csvFile) csvWriteObj.writerow(columnList) startTime = 1 stopTime = 30 for timer in xrange(startTime, stopTime + 1): totalPages = ixNet.getAttribute(view+'/page', '-totalPages') if totalPages == 'null': print 'GetStatView: Getting total pages for %s is not ready: %s/%s' % (getStatsBy, startTime, stopTime) time.sleep(2) else: break row = 0 statDict = {} print '\nPlease wait for all the stats to be queried ...' for currentPage in xrange(1, int(totalPages)+1): ixNet.setAttribute(view+'/page', '-currentPage', currentPage) ixNet.commit() whileLoopStopCounter = 0 while (ixNet.getAttribute(view+'/page', '-isReady')) != 'true': if whileLoopStopCounter == 5: print'\nGetStatView: Could not get stats' return 1 if whileLoopStopCounter < 5: print'\nGetStatView: Not ready yet. Waiting %s/5 seconds ...' % whileLoopStopCounter time.sleep(1) whileLoopStopCounter += 1 pageList = ixNet.getAttribute(view+'/page', '-rowValues') totalFlowStatistics = len(pageList) for pageListIndex in xrange(0, totalFlowStatistics): rowList = pageList[pageListIndex] if csvFile != None: csvWriteObj.writerow(rowList[0]) for rowIndex in xrange(0, len(rowList)): row += 1 cellList = rowList[rowIndex] statDict[row] = {} # CellList: ['Ethernet - 002', 'Ethernet - 001', 'OSPF T1 to T2', '', 'OSPF T1 to T2-FlowGroup-1 - Flow Group 0002', '1225', '1225', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '156800', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '00:00:00.781', '00:00:00.849'] index = 0 for statValue in cellList: statDict[row].update({columnList[index]: statValue}) index += 1 if csvFile != None: csvFile.close() return statDict def DisconnectIxNet(): print '\nDisconnecting IxNetwork ...' disconnect = ixNet.disconnect() def PrintDict(obj, nested_level=0, output=sys.stdout): """ Print each dict key with indentions for readability. """ spacing = ' ' if type(obj) == dict: print >> output, '%s' % ((nested_level) * spacing) for k, v in obj.items(): if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): print >> output, '%s%s:' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, k) PrintDict(v, nested_level + 1, output) else: print >> output, '%s%s: %s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, k, v) print >> output, '%s' % (nested_level * spacing) elif type(obj) == list: print >> output, '%s[' % ((nested_level) * spacing) for v in obj: if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): PrintDict(v, nested_level + 1, output) else: print >> output, '%s%s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, v) print >> output, '%s]' % ((nested_level) * spacing) else: print >> output, '%s%s' % (nested_level * spacing, obj) ixNet = IxNetwork.IxNet() class IxTopoNamespace: pass ixTopo = IxTopoNamespace() ixNetTclServer = '' ixChassisIp = '' ixNetTclPort = '8009' ixNetVersion = '8.20' portList = ['1/1', '2/1'] ConnectToIxia(ixNetTclServer=ixNetTclServer, ixNetVersion=ixNetVersion) CreateNewBlankConfig() ixChassisObj = AddIxiaChassis(ixChassisIp) ClearPortOwnership(ixChassisObj, portList) vport1Obj = CreateVPort('1/1') vport2Obj = CreateVPort('2/1') ixTopo.vPortList = [vport1Obj, vport2Obj] ConnectToPorts(ixTopo.vPortList, portList, ixChassisObj) if VerifyPortState(): sys.exit() topology1 = CreateTopologyPy('Topo1', vport1Obj) topology2 = CreateTopologyPy('Topo2', vport2Obj) deviceGroup1 = CreateDeviceGroupPy(topology1, 'DG1', '1') deviceGroup2 = CreateDeviceGroupPy(topology2, 'DG2', '1') ethernet1 = CreateEthernetNgpfPy(deviceGroup1, 'Ethernet1') ethernet2 = CreateEthernetNgpfPy(deviceGroup2, 'Ethernet2') ipv41 = CreateIpv4NgpfPy(ethernet1, 'ipv4-1', ipv4StartValue='', gatewayIpStartValue='', ipv4PrefixStartValue='24') #ConfigIpv4AddressNgpfPy(ipv41, '') #ConfigIpv4GatewayNgpfPy(ipv41, '') ipv42 = CreateIpv4NgpfPy(ethernet2, 'ipv42', ipv4StartValue='', gatewayIpStartValue='', ipv4PrefixStartValue='27') #ConfigIpv4AddressNgpfPy(ipv42, '') #ConfigIpv4GatewayNgpfPy(ipv42, '') StartAllProtocolsPy() VerifyArpNgpfPy() trafficItem1Obj = CreateTrafficItem(name='TCP', trafficType='ipv4') # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/endpointSet:1 endpoint1Obj = CreateEndPointSet(trafficItemObj=trafficItem1Obj, name='FlowGroup1', srcEndpoints=topology1, destEndpoints=topology2, ) configElementObj = ixNet.getList(trafficItem1Obj, 'configElement')[0] print '\nconfigElementObj:', configElementObj ConfigFlowGroup(flowGroupObj=configElementObj, frameSize='256', frameRate='75') ConfigTracking(trafficItem1Obj, ['flowGroup0']) #ixNet.commit() #RegenerateAllTrafficItems() # ------ Add a TCP header -------# currentPacketHeaders = ixNet.getList(configElementObj, 'stack') print '\nCurrent packet headers ...' for currentHeader in currentPacketHeaders: if bool(re.search('ipv4', currentHeader, re.I)): ipv4Header = currentHeader print '\t', currentHeader # currentPacketHeaders # ['::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"', # '::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"', # '::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"fcs-4"'] # Get a list of all the protocol headers protocolTemplate = ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot()+'/traffic', 'protocolTemplate') for eachProtocolTemplate in protocolTemplate: if bool(re.search('tcp', eachProtocolTemplate, re.I)): tcpTemplate = eachProtocolTemplate break # tcpTemplate = ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/protocolTemplate:"tcp" print '\nAdding tcp Header:', tcpTemplate print 'Behind:', ipv4Header # Add tcp to the top of the ipv4 header: # protocolTemplate = ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/protocolTemplate: ixNet.execute('append', ipv4Header, tcpTemplate) ixNet.commit() # Verify the new stack for the tcp header newPacketHeader = ixNet.getList(configElementObj, 'stack') print '\nNew packdet headers...' for eachHeader in newPacketHeader: print '\t', eachHeader if bool(re.search('tcp', eachHeader, re.I)): tcpHeader = eachHeader # tcpHeader = ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"tcp-3" print '\ntcp header:', tcpHeader # entire tcp header = ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"tcp-3"/field:"tcp.header.srcPort-1" ixNet.setMultiAttribute(tcpHeader+'/field:"tcp.header.srcPort-1"', '-auto', 'false', '-valueType', 'singleValue', '-fieldValue', '3333', '-singleValue', '3333') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(tcpHeader+'/field:"tcp.header.dstPort-2"', '-auto', 'false', '-valueType', 'singleValue', '-singleValue', '80') ixNet.commit() ApplyTraffic() RegenerateAllTrafficItems() time.sleep(10) StartTraffic() time.sleep(10) stats = GetStatsPy() PrintDict(stats) DisconnectIxNet()