#!/opt/ActivePython-2.7/bin/python # The IxNetwork module is the file IxNetwork.py # located in /IxNetwork_7.0_EA/PythonApi # Users have to manually copy this file to their # Python location because each Unix platform has # Python installed in different locations. import sys import os import re import time #sys.path.append('/home/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/Python') #import IxNetwork721 #import IxNetLowLevel import IxNetwork def ConnectToIxia(ixNetTclServer='', ixNetTclPort='8009', ixNetVersion=''): global ixNet ixNetConnect = ixNet.connect(ixNetTclServer, 'port', ixNetTclPort, '-version', ixNetVersion) print ('Verifying ixNet.connect() :'), ixNetConnect ;# ::ixNet::OK if ixNetConnect != '::ixNet::OK': print('Failed to connect to'), ixNetTclServer sys.exit() else: print('Successfully connected to'), ixNetTclServer def CreateNewBlankConfig(): print('Creating a blank configuration ...') ixNet.execute('newConfig') def AddIxiaChassis( ixChassisIp ): print('Adding chassis: '), ixChassisIp ixChassisObj = ixNet.add(ixNet.getRoot()+'availableHardware', 'chassis', '-hostname', ixChassisIp) ixNet.commit() ''' ixChassisObj1: ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:L10988 ixChassisObj2: ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:"" ''' ixChassisObj = ixNet.remapIds(ixChassisObj)[0] return ixChassisObj def ClearPortOwnership(ixChassisObj, portList): # Clear port ownership for port in portList: # port looks like '1 2'. # Must do a port.split(' ') to convert string to list -> ['1', '2'] cardNumber = port.split('/')[0] portNumber = port.split('/')[1] # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:2 #print ('Clearing port'), 'card:'+cardNumber+'/port:'+portNumber print 'Clearing port:', ixChassisObj+'/card:' + cardNumber + '/port:' + portNumber try: ixNet.execute('clearOwnership', ixChassisObj+'/card:'+cardNumber+'/port:'+portNumber) except Exception, e: # Unable to release ownership is ok when the configuration is blanked already pass def CreateVPort(port): print 'Creating new VPort for %s' % port vPortObj = ixNet.add(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport') ixNet.commit() vPortObj = ixNet.remapIds(vPortObj)[0] return vPortObj def ConnectToPorts(vPortList, portList, ixChassisObj): for vPort, port in zip(vPortList, portList): cardNumber = port.split('/')[0] portNumber = port.split('/')[1] print 'ConnectToPort:', ixChassisObj + '/card:' + cardNumber + '/port:' + portNumber print '\tvPort =', vPort ixNet.setAttribute(vPort, \ '-connectedTo', ixChassisObj + '/card:' + cardNumber + '/port:' + portNumber ) print '\nRebooting ports. Will take 40 seconds ...' ixNet.commit() def VerifyPortState( stopTime = 5 ): global ixTopo for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): port = ixTopo.getPort[vPort] for timer in range(0, stopTime): timer = timer + 1 portState = ixNet.getAttribute(vPort, '-state') if portState == 'up': print('VerifyPortState: '), port + ' is up' break if portState != 'up': print 'VerifyPortState: %s is not up yet. Verifying %d/%d seconds' % (port, timer, stopTime) time.sleep(1) if timer == stopTime: print('Port can\'t come up. Exiting test') ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() def CreateProtocolInterface(vPort, port): #global ixNet print 'Creating Protocol Interface:', port + '...' vPortInterfaceObj = ixNet.add(vPort, 'interface') addPortIntResult = ixNet.setMultiAttribute(vPortInterfaceObj, \ '-enabled', 'True', \ '-description', port \ ) ixNet.commit() vPortInterfaceObj = ixNet.remapIds(vPortInterfaceObj)[0] return vPortInterfaceObj def ProtocolIntMacAddress(protocolIntObj, macAddress): print '\nProtocol Interface MacAddress:', macAddress ixNet.setAttribute(protocolIntObj + '/ethernet', \ '-macAddress', macAddress \ ) ixNet.commit() def ProtocolIntIpv4(protocolIntObj, ipAddress, gateway): print '\nProtocol Interface IPv4:', ipAddress ipv4IntObj = ixNet.add(protocolIntObj, 'ipv4') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(ipv4IntObj, \ '-gateway', gateway, \ '-ip', ipAddress, \ '-maskWidth', '24' \ ) ixNet.commit() ipv4IntObj = ixNet.remapIds(ipv4IntObj)[0] return ipv4IntObj def CreateTrafficItem(name= 'My Traffic Item', trafficType= 'ipv4', transmitMode= 'interleaved', biDirectional= '1', routeMesh= 'oneToOne', srcDestMesh= 'oneToOne'): print '\nCreating Traffic Item: %s ...' % name trafficItemObj = ixNet.add(ixNet.getRoot() + '/traffic', 'trafficItem') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(trafficItemObj, \ '-enabled', 'True', \ '-name', name, \ '-routeMesh', routeMesh, \ '-srcDestMesh', srcDestMesh, \ '-trafficType', trafficType, \ '-transmitMode', transmitMode, \ '-biDirectional', biDirectional, \ ) ixNet.commit() trafficItemObj = ixNet.remapIds(trafficItemObj)[0] return trafficItemObj def ConfigTracking(trafficItemObj, trackingList): print '\nConfiguring trackBy: %s ...' % trackingList ixNet.setAttribute(trafficItemObj + '/tracking', \ '-trackBy', trackingList \ ) ixNet.commit() def CreateEndPointSet(trafficItemObj='', name='Flow_Group', srcEndpoints='', destEndpoints=''): ''' Each endpoint is a highlevelstream in a Traffic Item ''' print '\nCreating Endpoint: %s ...' % name endpointObj = ixNet.add(trafficItemObj, 'endpointSet', \ '-name', name, \ '-sources', srcEndpoints, \ '-destinations', destEndpoints \ ) ixNet.commit() endpointObj = ixNet.remapIds(endpointObj)[0] return endpointObj def ConfigFlowGroup(flowGroupObj='', frameSize='128', frameRate='100'): print '\nConfiguring Flow Group:', flowGroupObj print 'Configuring frame size:', frameSize ixNet.setAttribute(flowGroupObj + '/frameSize', '-fixedSize', frameSize) print 'Configuring line rate: %s%s' % (frameRate, '%') ixNet.setAttribute(flowGroupObj + '/frameRate', '-rate', frameRate) ixNet.commit() def ConfigFlowGroupFrameCount(flowGroupObj, frameCount) : print 'Configuring frame count:', frameCount result = ixNet.setMultiAttribute(flowGroupObj + '/transmissionControl', \ '-frameCount', frameCount, \ '-type', 'fixedFrameCount' \ ) ixNet.commit() def ApplyTraffic(): print('Applying Traffic to hardware ...') stopCounter = 10 for startCounter in range(1,10): applyResult = ixNet.execute('apply', ixNet.getRoot() + 'traffic') print('ApplyTraffic: '), applyResult if applyResult != '::ixNet::OK' and startCounter < stopCounter: print('ApplyTraffic: Attempting to apply traffic: '), startCounter+'/'+stopCounter+' tries' time.sleep(1) continue if applyResult == '::ixNet::OK' and startCounter == stopCounter: print('ApplyTraffic Error: '), applyResult ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() if applyResult == '::ixNet::OK' and startCounter < stopCounter: print('Successfully applied traffic to hardware') break def RegenerateAllTrafficItems(): for trafficItem in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot()+'/traffic', 'trafficItem'): regenerateResult = ixNet.execute('generate', trafficItem) if regenerateResult != '::ixNet::OK': print('RegenerateAllTrafficItem error: '), trafficItem ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() else: print('RegenerateAllTrafficItem: '), trafficItem def SendArp(): for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): for interface in ixNet.getList(vPort, 'interface'): interfaceType = ixNet.getAttribute(interface, '-type') # Don't send arps on Unconnected Routed or GRE interfaces if re.search(r'default', interfaceType): isIntEnabled = ixNet.getAttribute(interface, '-enabled') if re.search(r'true', isIntEnabled, re.I): print('Sent ARP on '), interface ixNet.execute('sendArp', interface) ixNet.execute('sendNs', interface) def VerifyArpDiscoveries(): ''' - First, get a list of all the expected Gateway IP addresses for each vPort. - Get only if the interface is enabled. We don't care about gateways if the interface isn't enabled. - Ignore Routed and GRE and Unconnected interfaces - Then get a list of all the discovered arps. - At the end, compare the two list. Any left overs are unresolved arps. ''' resolvedArp = [] allIpGateways = [] for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): # Refresh the arp table on this vport first ixNet.execute('refreshUnresolvedNeighbors', vPort) currentVportInterfaceList = ixNet.getList(vPort, 'interface') for interface in currentVportInterfaceList: # Ignore the Unconnected Routed and GRE interfaces interfaceType = ixNet.getAttribute(interface, '-type') if re.search(r'default', interfaceType): # Only append the gateway if the interface is enabled. isIntEnabled = ixNet.getAttribute(interface, '-enabled') if re.search(r'true', isIntEnabled, re.I): ipv4Gateway = ixNet.getAttribute(interface+'/ipv4', '-gateway') if re.search(r'null', ipv4Gateway, re.I) is None: if ipv4Gateway not in allIpGateways: allIpGateways.append(ipv4Gateway) ipv6GatewayList = ixNet.getList(interface, 'ipv6') if ipv6GatewayList: for ipv6Gateway in ipv6GatewayList: ipv6 = ixNet.getAttribute(ipv6Gateway, '-gateway') if ipv6 != '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0': if ipv6 not in allIpGateways: allIpGateways.append(ipv6) print('Expected IP addresses to resolve ARPs:') for arp in allIpGateways: print '\t', arp for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): # Get all the discovered ARPs for the current vPort vPortInterfaceList = ixNet.getList(vPort, 'discoveredNeighbor') if vPortInterfaceList: currentPort = ixTopo.getPort[vPort] for vPortInt in vPortInterfaceList: # vPortInt = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/discoveredNeighbor:1 currentVp = vPortInt.split('/') currentVp = currentVp[:2] currentVp = '/'.join(currentVp) discoveredIp = ixNet.getAttribute(vPortInt, '-neighborIp') discoveredMac = ixNet.getAttribute(vPortInt, '-neighborMac') print('Discovered arp on '), currentPort, ': ', discoveredIp, discoveredMac # discoveredMac is not empty or != 00:00:00:00:00:00 if discoveredMac is not '' and discoveredMac is not '00:00:00:00:00:00': # if true, then append resolvedArp if discoveredIp in allIpGateways: resolvedArp.append(discoveredIp) # Now compare the expected list of arps with what is resolved. # Any left overs are unresovled arps. for resolvedGateway in resolvedArp: if resolvedGateway in allIpGateways: ipGatewayIndex = allIpGateways.index(resolvedGateway) allIpGateways.pop(ipGatewayIndex) if allIpGateways: print('Error: Unresloved ARPs:') for unresolvedArp in allIpGateways: print '\t',(unresolvedArp) ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() else: print('All ARPs are resolved') def CheckTrafficState(): currentTrafficState = ixNet.getAttribute(ixNet.getRoot()+'traffic', '-state') if currentTrafficState == '::ixNet::OK': return 'notRunning' elif currentTrafficState == 'stopped': return 'stopped' elif currentTrafficState == 'started': return 'started' elif currentTrafficState == 'locked': return 'locked' elif currentTrafficState == 'unapplied': return 'unapplied' elif currentTrafficState == 'startedWaitingForStreams': return 'startedWaitingForStreams' elif currentTrafficState == 'stoppedWaitingForStats': return 'stoppedWaitingForStats' else: return currentTrafficState def StartTraffic(): traffic = ixNet.getRoot()+'traffic' print('Starting traffic ...') for retry in range(1,10): retry = retry + 1 try: result = ixNet.execute('start', traffic) if result != '::ixNet::OK': print('Failed to start traffic: '), result ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() else: print('Executing startTraffic: '), result break except Exception, e: print('Exception error: Failed to start traffic: '), e print('Retrying '), retry, '/', 10 time.sleep(1) if retry == 10: print('Can\'t start traffic. Exiting.') ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() time.sleep(2) startCounter = 1 stopCounter = 11 #global CheckTrafficState for start in range(startCounter, stopCounter): start = start + 1 trafficState = IxNetLowLevel.CheckTrafficState() if trafficState == 'started': print('Traffic started') break if trafficState == 'stopped': print('Traffic stopped') break if trafficState == 'startedWaitingForStats' or trafficState == 'stoppedWaitingForStats': print('Traffic started. Waiting for stats to complete') break if start < stopCounter: if trafficState != 'started' or trafficState != 'startedWaitingForStats' or \ trafficState != 'stoppedWaitingForStats' or trafficStats != 'stopped': print('StartTraffic: Current state = '), trafficState+'.'+' Waiting', start+'/'+stopCounter time.sleep(1) if start == stopCounter: if trafficState != 'started' or trafficState != 'startedWaitingForStats' or \ trafficState != 'stoppedWaitingForStats' or trafficStats != 'stopped': print('Failed: Traffic failed to start') ixNet.disconnect() sys.exit() def Lsearch(searchList, searchWord): wordExists = 0 for index in range(0, len(searchList)): if re.search(r'%s' % searchWord, searchList[index], re.I): return index if wordExists == 0: # Return 'None' if not found return def GetKeyListDependency(searchPattern, keys): # print 'match:', searchPattern, keys # searchPattern = ('eth2', '2.2', 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF') # keys = ('eth2', '', 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF') #i: 0 ; x: eth2 #i: 1 ; x: * #i: 2 ; x: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF #keys[i]: eth2 #keys[i]: #keys[i]: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF #keys[i]: eth1 #keys[i]: eth2 #keys[i]: #keys[i]: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF # Loop through each keys looking for each pattern. # As soon as it doesn't match, break out. for i, x in enumerate(searchPattern): if x is not '*' and not re.search(x, keys[i]): return False return True def GetKeyList(datas, searchPattern): myList = [] for keys, values in datas.iteritems(): # keys = ('eth1', '', '11:22:33:44:55:66') ; values = machineA if GetKeyListDependency(searchPattern, keys): keyValue = keys, values myList.append(keyValue) return myList def GetStatistics( getStatsBy='trafficItem' ): getStats = {} viewList = ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot()+'/'+'statistics', 'view') statViewSelection = 'Flow Statistics' flowStatsViewIndex = Lsearch(viewList, statViewSelection) if flowStatsViewIndex == None: print('GetStatistics error: Can\'t find \'Flow Statistics\' in viewList') ixNet.disconnect sys.exit() view = viewList[flowStatsViewIndex] ixNet.setAttribute(view, '-enabled', 'true') ixNet.commit() columnList = ixNet.getAttribute(view+'/page', '-columnCaptions') print columnList, '\n' trafficItemIndex = Lsearch(columnList, "Traffic Item") if trafficItemIndex == None: print 'Traffic Item column wasn\'t found' return startTime = 1 stopTime = 30 while startTime < stopTime: totalPages = ixNet.getAttribute(view+'/page', '-totalPages') if re.match(r'null', totalPages, re.I): print 'Getting total pages for' + view + 'is not ready.' + startTime+'/'+stopTime time.sleep(2) else: break totalFlows = 0 for currentPage in range(1, int(totalPages)+1): print('currentPage: '), currentPage ixNet.setAttribute(view + '/page', '-currentPage', currentPage) ixNet.commit() whileLoopStopCounter = 0 while ixNet.getAttribute(view + '/page', '-isReady') != 'true': if whileLoopCounter == 5: print 'ViewStats: Not ready yet. Waiting', whileLoopCounter + '/5 seconds ...' time.sleep(1) whileLoopStopCounter += 1 pageList = ixNet.getAttribute(view + '/page', '-rowValues') totalFlowStatsForCurrentPage = len(pageList) print 'Total Flow Statistics for page %d:' % totalFlowStatsForCurrentPage for pageListIndex in range(0, int(totalFlowStatsForCurrentPage)): totalFlows += 1 rowList = pageList[pageListIndex] for rowIndex in range(0, len(rowList)): cellList = rowList[rowIndex] #print cellList trafficItem = cellList[trafficItemIndex] flowGroupIndex = Lsearch(columnList, 'Flow Group') if flowGroupIndex == None: flowGroup = pageListIndex else: # Parse out 'Flow Group 0008' only flowGroup = cellList[flowGroupIndex].split('-')[-1].strip() rxPortIndex = Lsearch(columnList, 'Rx Port') rxPort = cellList[rxPortIndex] for column, item in zip(columnList, cellList): #print column, item ;# <- Thi is a great way to pring out keyed list counter values if re.match(r'VLAN:VLAN Priority', column, re.I): column = 'Vlan Priority' if re.match(r'VLAN:VLAN-ID', column): column = 'Vlan ID' if getStatsBy == 'trafficItem': if re.match(r'Traffic Item', column) == None: getStats['trafficItem','_'.join(trafficItem.split()),'flow',totalFlows,'_'.join(column.split())] = item getStats['totalFlows'] = totalFlows if getStatsBy == 'port': if re.match(r'Rx Port', column): getStats['rxPort',rxPort,'trafficItem','_'.join(trafficItem.split()),'_'.join(column.split())] = item return getStats def DisconnectIxNet(): print '\nDisconnecting IxNetwork ...' disconnect = ixNet.disconnect() class SetKeys(object): def __init__(self): pass def CreateKeys(self, *args): print args for allKeys, theValue in args: for i in range(0, len(allKeys) - 1, 2): # Join in-between spaces with an underscore setattr(self, '_'.join(allKeys[i].split()), allKeys[i + 1]) if i is (len(allKeys) / 2): #print i, '_'.join(allKeys[-1].split()), theValue setattr(self, '_'.join(allKeys[-1].split()), theValue) #print 'Self: ', self.allKeys[-1] if __name__ == "__main__": ixNet = IxNetwork.IxNet() class IxTopoNamespace: pass ixTopo = IxTopoNamespace() ixTopo.ixNetTclServer = '' ixTopo.ixChassisIp = '' ixTopo.ixNetTclPort = '8009' ixTopo.ixNetVersion = '7.22' ixTopo.cfgFile = 'mySavedConfig.ixncfg' ConnectToIxia(ixNetTclServer=ixTopo.ixNetTclServer, ixNetVersion=ixTopo.ixNetVersion) # ixNet exec saveConfig [ixNet writeTo $ixNetworkCfgFile -overwrite] ixNet.execute('saveConfig', ixNet.writeTo('mySavedConfig.ixncfg', '-overwrite'))