################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # Description: # # This script intends to demonstrate how to use NGPF LAG API. # # Script uses four ports to demonstrate LAG properties # # # # 1. It will create 2 LACP topologies, each having an two port which are # # LAG members. It will then modify the ActorSystemId and ActorKey for # # both the LAG systems # # 2. Start the LACP protocol # # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics and LACP per port statistics # # 4. Disable Synchronization flag on port1 in RED-LAG # # 5. Retrieve protocol statistics and LACP per port statistics # # 6. Re-enable Synchronization flag on port1 in RED-LAG # # 7. Retrieve protocol statistics and LACP per port statistics # # 8. Perform StopPDU on port1 in RED-LAG # # 9. Retrieve LACP global learned info # # 10. Perform StopPDU on port1 in RED-LAG # # 11. Retrieve LACP global learned info # # 12. Stop All protocols # # # # # ################################################################################ import os import sys import time def assignPorts (ixNet, realPort1, realPort2, realPort3, realPort4) : chassis1 = realPort1[0] chassis2 = realPort2[0] card1 = realPort1[1] card2 = realPort2[1] port1 = realPort1[2] port2 = realPort2[2] chassis3 = realPort3[0] chassis4 = realPort4[0] card3 = realPort3[1] card4 = realPort4[1] port3 = realPort3[2] port4 = realPort4[2] root = ixNet.getRoot() vport1 = ixNet.add(root, 'vport') ixNet.commit() vport1 = ixNet.remapIds(vport1)[0] vport2 = ixNet.add(root, 'vport') ixNet.commit() vport2 = ixNet.remapIds(vport2)[0] vport3 = ixNet.add(root, 'vport') ixNet.commit() vport3 = ixNet.remapIds(vport3)[0] vport4 = ixNet.add(root, 'vport') ixNet.commit() vport4 = ixNet.remapIds(vport4)[0] chassisObj1 = ixNet.add(root + '/availableHardware', 'chassis') ixNet.setAttribute(chassisObj1, '-hostname', chassis1) ixNet.commit() chassisObj1 = ixNet.remapIds(chassisObj1)[0] if (chassis1 != chassis2) : chassisObj2 = ixNet.add(root + '/availableHardware', 'chassis') ixNet.setAttribute(chassisObj2, '-hostname', chassis2) ixNet.commit() chassisObj2 = ixNet.remapIds(chassisObj2)[0] chassisObj3 = ixNet.add(root + '/availableHardware', 'chassis') ixNet.setAttribute(chassisObj3, '-hostname', chassis3) ixNet.commit() chassisObj3 = ixNet.remapIds(chassisObj3)[0] chassisObj4 = ixNet.add(root + '/availableHardware', 'chassis') ixNet.setAttribute(chassisObj4, '-hostname', chassis4) ixNet.commit() chassisObj4 = ixNet.remapIds(chassisObj4)[0] else : chassisObj2 = chassisObj1 chassisObj3 = chassisObj1 chassisObj4 = chassisObj1 # end if cardPortRef1 = chassisObj1 + '/card:%s/port:%s' % (card1,port1) ixNet.setMultiAttribute(vport1, '-connectedTo', cardPortRef1, '-rxMode', 'captureAndMeasure', '-name', 'Ethernet - 001') ixNet.commit() cardPortRef2 = chassisObj2 + '/card:%s/port:%s' % (card2,port2) ixNet.setMultiAttribute(vport2, '-connectedTo', cardPortRef2, '-rxMode', 'captureAndMeasure', '-name', 'Ethernet - 002') ixNet.commit() cardPortRef3 = chassisObj3 + '/card:%s/port:%s' % (card3,port3) ixNet.setMultiAttribute(vport3, '-connectedTo', cardPortRef3, '-rxMode', 'captureAndMeasure', '-name', 'Ethernet - 003') ixNet.commit() cardPortRef4 = chassisObj4 + '/card:%s/port:%s' % (card4,port4) ixNet.setMultiAttribute(vport4, '-connectedTo', cardPortRef4, '-rxMode', 'captureAndMeasure', '-name', 'Ethernet - 004') ixNet.commit() # end def assignPorts #proc to generate drill-down global learned info view for LACP def gererateLacpLearnedInfoView ( viewName ): viewCaption = viewName protocol = 'LACP' drillDownType = 'Global Learned Info' root = ixNet.getRoot() statistics = root + '/statistics' statsViewList = ixNet.getList(statistics, 'view') # Add a StatsView view = ixNet.add(statistics, 'view') ixNet.setAttribute(view, '-caption', viewCaption) ixNet.setAttribute(view, '-type', 'layer23NextGenProtocol') ixNet.setAttribute(view, '-visible', 'true') ixNet.commit() view = ixNet.remapIds(view)[0] # Set Filters trackingFilter = ixNet.add(view, 'advancedCVFilters') ixNet.setAttribute(trackingFilter, '-protocol', protocol) ixNet.commit() #ixNet getAttr $trackingFilter -availableGroupingOptions ixNet.setAttribute(trackingFilter, '-grouping', drillDownType) ixNet.commit() layer23NextGenProtocolFilter = view + '/' + 'layer23NextGenProtocolFilter' ixNet.setAttribute(layer23NextGenProtocolFilter, '-advancedCVFilter', trackingFilter) ixNet.commit() # Enable Stats Columns to be displayed statsList = ixNet.getList(view, 'statistic') for stat in statsList : ixNet.setAttribute(stat, '-enabled', 'true') ixNet.commit() # Enable Statsview ixNet.setAttribute(view, '-enabled', 'true') ixNet.commit() ################################################################################ # Either feed the ixNetwork library path in the sys.path as below, or put the # IxNetwork.pm file somewhere else where we python can autoload it. # "IxNetwork.pm" is available in \API\Python ################################################################################ ixNetPath = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Ixia\IxNetwork\\API\Python' sys.path.append(ixNetPath) import IxNetwork ################################################################################# # Give chassis/client/ixNetwork server port/ chassis port HW port information # below ################################################################################# ixTclServer = '' ixTclPort = '8987' ports = [('', '1', '1',), ('', '1', '2',), ('', '1', '3',), ('', '1', '4',)] # get IxNet class ixNet = IxNetwork.IxNet() print("Connecting to IxNetwork client") ixNet.connect(ixTclServer, '-port', ixTclPort, '-version', '8.50', '-setAttribute', 'strict') # cleaning up the old configfile, and creating an empty config print("Cleaning up the old config file, and creating an empty config") ixNet.execute('newConfig') # assigning ports assignPorts(ixNet, ports[0], ports[1], ports[2], ports[3]) time.sleep(5) root = ixNet.getRoot() vportTx1 = ixNet.getList(root, 'vport')[0] vportRx1 = ixNet.getList(root, 'vport')[1] vportTx2 = ixNet.getList(root, 'vport')[2] vportRx2 = ixNet.getList(root, 'vport')[3] vportListLAG1 = [vportTx1, vportTx2] vportListLAG2 = [vportRx1, vportRx2] print("Adding 2 LAGS named RED-LAG and BLUE-LAG") ixNet.add(root, 'lag', '-vports', vportListLAG1, '-name', 'RED-LAG') ixNet.commit() ixNet.add(root, 'lag', '-vports', vportListLAG2, '-name', 'BLUE-LAG') ixNet.commit() lags = ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'lag') lag1 = lags[0] lag2 = lags[1] print "Adding LACP over RED-LAG & BLUE-LAG" ixNet.add(lag1, 'protocolStack') ixNet.commit() ixNet.add(lag2, 'protocolStack') ixNet.commit() lag1stack = ixNet.getList(lag1, 'protocolStack')[0] lag2stack = ixNet.getList(lag2, 'protocolStack')[0] ixNet.add(lag1stack, 'ethernet') ixNet.commit() ixNet.add(lag2stack, 'ethernet') ixNet.commit() lag1eth = ixNet.getList(lag1stack, 'ethernet')[0] lag2eth = ixNet.getList(lag2stack, 'ethernet')[0] ixNet.add(lag1eth, 'lagportlacp') ixNet.commit() ixNet.add(lag2eth, 'lagportlacp') ixNet.commit() lag1lacp = ixNet.getList(lag1eth, 'lagportlacp')[0] lag2lacp = ixNet.getList(lag2eth, 'lagportlacp')[0] ################################################################################## # To ADD staticLAG as LAG protocol #Command sets #ixNet.add(lag1eth, 'lagportstaticlag') #ixNet.commit() #ixNet.add(lag2eth, 'lagportstaticlag') #ixNet.commit() #lag1slag = ixNet.getList(lag1eth, 'lagportstaticlag')[0] #lag2slag = ixNet.getList(lag2eth, 'lagportstaticlag')[0] ################################################################################## # configure LACP ActorSystemID and ActorKey to user defined values print("Configure LACP ActorSystemID and ActorKey to user defined values") lag1lacpActKey = ixNet.getAttribute(lag1lacp, '-actorKey') lag2lacpActKey = ixNet.getAttribute(lag2lacp, '-actorKey') lag1lacpSysId = ixNet.getAttribute(lag1lacp, '-actorSystemId') lag2lacpSysId = ixNet.getAttribute(lag2lacp, '-actorSystemId') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(lag1lacpActKey, '-pattern', 'singleValue', '-clearOverlays', 'False') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(lag2lacpActKey, '-pattern', 'singleValue', '-clearOverlays', 'False') ixNet.commit() ixNet.setMultiAttribute(lag1lacpActKey + '/singleValue', '-value', '666') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(lag2lacpActKey + '/singleValue', '-value', '777') ixNet.commit() ixNet.setMultiAttribute(lag1lacpActKey, '-pattern', 'singleValue', '-clearOverlays', 'False') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(lag2lacpSysId, '-pattern', 'singleValue', '-clearOverlays', 'False') ixNet.commit() ixNet.setMultiAttribute(lag1lacpActKey + '/singleValue', '-value', '11666') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(lag2lacpSysId + '/singleValue', '-value', '11777') ixNet.commit() ################################################################################ # Start LAG protocol and wait for 60 seconds # ################################################################################ print("Starting LAG and waiting for 60 seconds for sessions to come up") ixNet.execute('startAllProtocols') time.sleep(60) ################################################################################ # Retrieve protocol statistics and LACP per port statistics # ################################################################################ print ("\nFetching all Protocol Summary Stats\n") viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Protocols Summary"/page' statcap = ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-columnCaptions') for statValList in ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-rowValues') : for statVal in statValList : print("***************************************************") index = 0 for satIndv in statVal : print("%-30s:%s" % (statcap[index], satIndv)) index = index + 1 # end for # end for # end for print("***************************************************") print ("\nFetching all LACP Per Port Stats\n") viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LACP Per Port"/page' statcap = ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-columnCaptions') for statValList in ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-rowValues') : for statVal in statValList : print("***************************************************") index = 0 for satIndv in statVal : print("%-30s:%s" % (statcap[index], satIndv)) index = index + 1 # end for # end for # end for print("***************************************************") time.sleep(5) ################################################################################ # Disable Synchronization flag on port1 in RED-LAG # ################################################################################ print ("\n\nDisable Synchronization flag on port1 in RED-LAG") redLagport1 = ixNet.getList(lag1lacp, 'port')[0] redLagport1SyncFlag = ixNet.getAttribute(redLagport1, '-synchronizationFlag') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(redLagport1SyncFlag, '-pattern', 'singleValue', '-clearOverlays', 'False') ixNet.commit() ixNet.setMultiAttribute(redLagport1SyncFlag + '/singleValue', '-value', 'false') ixNet.commit() globalObj = ixNet.getRoot() + '/globals' topology = globalObj + '/topology' print ("Applying changes on the fly") ixNet.execute('applyOnTheFly', topology) time.sleep(90) ################################################################################ # Retrieve protocol statistics and LACP per port statistics # ################################################################################ print ("\nFetching all Protocol Summary Stats\n") viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Protocols Summary"/page' statcap = ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-columnCaptions') for statValList in ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-rowValues') : for statVal in statValList : print("***************************************************") index = 0 for satIndv in statVal : print("%-30s:%s" % (statcap[index], satIndv)) index = index + 1 # end for # end for # end for print("***************************************************") print ("\nFetching all LACP Per Port Stats\n") viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LACP Per Port"/page' statcap = ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-columnCaptions') for statValList in ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-rowValues') : for statVal in statValList : print("***************************************************") index = 0 for satIndv in statVal : print("%-30s:%s" % (statcap[index], satIndv)) index = index + 1 # end for # end for # end for print("***************************************************") time.sleep(5) ################################################################################ # Re-enable Synchronization flag on port1 in RED-LAG # ################################################################################ print ("\n\n Re-enable Synchronization flag on port1 in RED-LAG") redLagport1 = ixNet.getList(lag1lacp, 'port')[0] redLagport1SyncFlag = ixNet.getAttribute(redLagport1, '-synchronizationFlag') ixNet.setMultiAttribute(redLagport1SyncFlag + '/singleValue', '-value', 'true') ixNet.commit() globalObj = ixNet.getRoot() + '/globals' topology = globalObj + '/topology' print ("Applying changes on the fly") ixNet.execute('applyOnTheFly', topology) time.sleep(90) ################################################################################ # Retrieve protocol statistics # ################################################################################ print ("\nFetching all Protocol Summary Stats\n") viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Protocols Summary"/page' statcap = ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-columnCaptions') for statValList in ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-rowValues') : for statVal in statValList : print("***************************************************") index = 0 for satIndv in statVal : print("%-30s:%s" % (statcap[index], satIndv)) index = index + 1 # end for # end for # end for print("***************************************************") print ("\nFetching all LACP Per Port Stats\n") viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LACP Per Port"/page' statcap = ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-columnCaptions') for statValList in ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-rowValues') : for statVal in statValList : print("***************************************************") index = 0 for satIndv in statVal : print("%-30s:%s" % (statcap[index], satIndv)) index = index + 1 # end for # end for # end for print("***************************************************") time.sleep(5) ################################################################################ # Perform LACPDU stop on RED-LAG-LACP # ################################################################################ print ("\n\nPerform LACPDU stop on RED-LAG-LACP ") ixNet.execute('lacpStopPDU', lag1lacp) time.sleep(90) ################################################################################ # Retrieve LACP global Learned Info # ################################################################################ print ("\n\n Retrieve LACP global Learned Info") viewName = 'LACP-global-learned-Info-TCLview' gererateLacpLearnedInfoView(viewName) viewPageName = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LACP-global-learned-Info-TCLview"' viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LACP-global-learned-Info-TCLview"/page' ixNet.execute('refresh', viewPageName) time.sleep(10) statcap = ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-columnCaptions') for statValList in ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-rowValues') : for statVal in statValList : print("***************************************************") index = 0 for satIndv in statVal : print("%-30s:%s" % (statcap[index], satIndv)) index = index + 1 # end for # end for # end for print("***************************************************") time.sleep(5) ################################################################################ # Perform LACPDU start on RED-LAG # ################################################################################ print ("\n\nPerform LACPDU start on RED-LAG ") ixNet.execute('lacpStartPDU', lag1lacp) time.sleep(90) ################################################################################ # Retrieve LACP global Learned Info # ################################################################################ print ("\n\n Retrieve LACP global Learned Info") viewPageName = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LACP-global-learned-Info-TCLview"' viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LACP-global-learned-Info-TCLview"/page' ixNet.execute('refresh', viewPageName) time.sleep(10) statcap = ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-columnCaptions') for statValList in ixNet.getAttribute(viewPage, '-rowValues') : for statVal in statValList : print("***************************************************") index = 0 for satIndv in statVal : print("%-30s:%s" % (statcap[index], satIndv)) index = index + 1 # end for # end for # end for print("***************************************************") time.sleep(5) ################################################################################ # Stop all protocols # ################################################################################ print ('Stopping protocols') ixNet.execute('stopAllProtocols') print ('!!! Test Script Ends !!!')