#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Description # This script assumes that a configuration exists. # # - Connect to an existing configuration # - Set capture port to capture software and hardware # - Set traffic type to continuous mode. # - Start traffic # - Start capture # - Stop capture # - save the capture file on the server # - Copy the .cap file off the API server to local filesystem package req IxTclNetwork # For Linux API server. # These packages comes with IxTclNetwork starting with IxNetwork 8.50 package require http package require json package require tls ::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket # Use some procs from the api.tcl library in the same directory. source api.tcl set osPlatform linux;# windows|linux if {$osPlatform == "windows"} { set apiServerIp } if {$osPlatform == "linux"} { set apiServerIp } set ixNetworkVersion 8.50 #set licenseServerIp ;# This could be on an ixChassisIp or a remote Windows PC. #set licenseMode subscription #set licenseTier tier3 set ixChassisIp set portList [list "$ixChassisIp 1 1" "$ixChassisIp 1 2"] set port1 [list $ixChassisIp 1 1] set port2 [list $ixChassisIp 1 2] set apiKey [ixNet getApiKey $apiServerIp -username admin -password admin] puts "\napiKey: $apiKey" puts "Connecting to Linux API server ..." if {[Connect -osPlatform linux -apiServerIp -port 443 -ixNetworkVersion 8.50 -sessionId 1 -apiKey $apiKey -closeServerOnDisconnect 0] == 1} { exit } set sessions [ixNet getSessionInfo] puts "\nSessionId: $sessions" # Connect to Windows #ixNet connect -port 8009 -version 8.50 -setAttribute strict # For this sample, vport2 is the capturing port set vportList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] set vport2 [lindex $vportList 1] set vportName [ixNet getAttribute $vport2 -name] set trafficItem [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/traffic trafficItem] set configElement [ixNet getList $trafficItem configElement] ixNet setAttribute $vport2 -rxMode captureAndMeasure ixNet setMultiAttribute $vport2/capture -softwareEnabled true -hardwareEnabled true ixNet setAttribute $configElement/transmissionControl -type continuous ixNet commit RegenerateAllTrafficItems StartTraffic StartCapture puts "Letting traffic run for 10 seconds ..." after 10000 StopCapture StopTraffic set serverFileLocation packetCapture ;# For Linux set capturedFile [SaveCaptureFiles $serverFileLocation] # Just get one captured file for this example set capturedFile [lindex $capturedFile 0] puts "\nCaptured file: $capturedFile" # For Windows. Copy the .cap file out of the API server #catch {ixNet exec copyFile [ixNet readFrom "c:\\Results\\Port2_HW.cap" -ixNetRelative] [ixNet writeTo ./port2_cap.cap -overwrite]} errMsg CopyFileFromLinuxApiServer \ -apiServerIp $apiServerIp \ -sessionId 1 \ -apiKey $apiKey \ -pathExtension /captures/packetCapture \ -srcFile port2_HW.cap \ -dstFilePath ./port2_Hw.cap