################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # Description: # # The script creates one Custom TLV and adds it and another predefined TLV # # to the configuration. # # Start/Stop protocols. # # Module: # # The sample was tested on an FlexAP10G16S module. # ################################################################################ set ports {{ 11 3} { 11 4}} package req IxTclNetwork puts "Connecting to Ixnetwork..." ixNet connect ixro-smqa-r-22 -port 8009 -version 7.40 puts "Cleaning up IxNetwork..." ixNet execute newConfig # all objects are under root set root [ixNet getRoot] puts "Adding 2 vports" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet commit set vPorts [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] set vport1 [lindex $vPorts 0] set vport2 [lindex $vPorts 1] puts "Assigning the ports" ::ixTclNet::AssignPorts $ports {} $vPorts force # Rebooting the ports foreach vp $vPorts {lappend jobs [ixNet -async exec resetPortCpuAndFactoryDefault $vp]} foreach j $jobs {ixNet isSuccess $j} after 5000 ixNet execute clearStats puts "# ######################## Add DHCP DGs ####################################### #" puts "Adding 2 topologies" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] topology -vports $vport1 ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] topology -vports $vport2 ixNet commit set topologies [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] topology] set topo1 [lindex $topologies 0] set topo2 [lindex $topologies 1] puts "Adding 2 device groups, one for the client, multiplier is set to 15 and one for the server, multiplier is set to 1" ixNet add $topo1 deviceGroup -multiplier 1 ixNet add $topo2 deviceGroup -multiplier 15 ixNet commit set t1dev1 [ixNet getList $topo1 deviceGroup] set t2dev1 [ixNet getList $topo2 deviceGroup] # naming the topologies and the device groups ixNet setAttr $topo1 -name "DHCP Topology-1" ixNet setAttr $topo2 -name "DHCP Topology-2" ixNet setAttr $t1dev1 -name "Server" ixNet setAttr $t2dev1 -name "Client" ixNet commit puts "Adding ethernet/mac endpoints" ixNet add $t1dev1 ethernet ixNet add $t2dev1 ethernet ixNet commit set mac1 [ixNet getList $t1dev1 ethernet] set mac2 [ixNet getList $t2dev1 ethernet] puts "Adding DHCPv4 Server " puts "First we need to add IP layer because DHCP server is stacked on it" ixNet add $mac1 ipv4 ixNet commit set dhcpv4S [ixNet add [ixNet getList $mac1 ipv4] dhcpv4server] puts "Disable the Resolve gateway checkbox for DHCPv4 Server" set ip [ixNet getList $mac1 ipv4] ixNet setA [ixNet getA $ip -resolveGateway]/singleValue -value false ixNet commit puts "Setting Start Pool Address for DHCPv4 Servers" ixNet setA [ixNet getA $dhcpv4S/dhcp4ServerSessions -ipAddress]/counter -start ixNet commit puts "Setting DHCPv4 Server Pool Count to 15" ixNet setA [ixNet getA $dhcpv4S/dhcp4ServerSessions -poolSize]/singleValue -value 15 ixNet commit puts "Adding DHCPv4 Client" ixNet add $mac2 dhcpv4client ixNet commit set dhcpServer [ixNet remapIds $dhcpv4S] set dhcpClient [ixNet getL $mac2 dhcpv4client] puts "# ######################## End Add DHCP DGs ################################## #" # ###################### Create a Custom TLV ################################ # # ###################### Create a Custom TLV ################################ # puts "# ###################### Create a Custom TLV ################################ #" puts "Get global templates" set global_config [lindex [ixNet getList $root globals] 0] set global_top [lindex [ixNet getList $global_config topology] 0] set global_dhcp [lindex [ixNet getList $global_top dhcpv4client] 0] set global_tlv_editor [lindex [ixNet getList $global_dhcp tlvEditor] 0] set global_default_template [lindex [ixNet getList [lindex [ixNet getList $global_tlv_editor defaults] 0] template] 0] puts "Create a custom TLV" puts "Add a new template" set new_template [ixNet add $global_tlv_editor template] ixNet commit puts "Change the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_template -name "Test Template" ixNet commit puts "Add a new TLV" set new_tlv [ixNet add $new_template tlv] ixNet commit puts "Change the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_tlv -name "Test TLV" ixNet commit puts "Modify Length" set new_tlv_length [lindex [ixNet getList $new_tlv length] 0] puts "Modify Length Attributes" puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_tlv_length -name "Length" ixNet commit puts "Change the Value for Length" set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $new_tlv_length -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 2 ixNet commit puts "Modify type" set new_tlv_type [ lindex [ixNet getList $new_tlv type] 0] puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_tlv_type -name Type ixNet commit set new_object [ixNet add $new_tlv_type object] ixNet commit set new_field [ixNet add $new_object field] ixNet commit puts "Modify Field Attributes" puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_field -name Code ixNet commit puts "Change the Code for Type" set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $new_field -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 150 ixNet commit puts "Modify value" set new_value [lindex [ixNet getList $new_tlv value] 0] puts "Edit Value Atributes" puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_value -name value ixNet commit puts "Add a container with two fields" set new_object [ixNet add $new_value object] set new_container [ixNet add $new_object container] set new_object_1 [ixNet add $new_container object] set new_object_2 [ixNet add $new_container object] set new_field_1 [ixNet add $new_object_1 field] set new_field_2 [ixNet add $new_object_2 field] ixNet commit puts "Modify Field Attributes" puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_field_1 -name "Field_1" ixNet commit puts "Change the Value for Field_1" set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $new_field_1 -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 4 ixNet commit puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_field_1 -name "Field_2" ixNet commit puts "Change the Value for Field_2" set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $new_field_2 -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 5 ixNet commit puts "Add a subTlv with two fields" set new_object [ixNet add $new_value object] set new_subtlv [ixNet add $new_object subTlv] ixNet commit puts "Modify Length" set new_tlv_length [lindex [ixNet getList $new_subtlv length] 0] puts "Modify Length Attributes" puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_tlv_length -name "Length" ixNet commit puts "Change the Value for Length" set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $new_tlv_length -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 2 ixNet commit puts "Modify type" set new_tlv_type [lindex [ixNet getList $new_subtlv type] 0] puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_tlv_type -name "Type" ixNet commit set new_object [ixNet add $new_tlv_type object] ixNet commit set new_field [ixNet add $new_object field] ixNet commit puts "Modify Field Attributes" puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_field -name "Code" ixNet commit puts "Change the Code for Type" set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $new_field -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 1 ixNet commit puts "Adding the two fields" set new_value [lindex [ixNet getList $new_subtlv value] 0] set new_object_1 [ixNet add $new_value object] set new_object_2 [ixNet add $new_value object] set new_field_1 [ixNet add $new_object_1 field] set new_field_2 [ixNet add $new_object_2 field] ixNet commit puts "Modify Field Attributes" puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_field_1 -name "Field_1" ixNet commit puts "Change the Value for Field_1" set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $new_field_1 -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 4 ixNet commit puts "Set the name" ixNet setAttribute $new_field_2 -name "Field_2" ixNet commit puts "Change the Value for Field_2" set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $new_field_2 -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 5 ixNet commit puts "# ###################### End Create a Custom TLV ################################ #" # ###################### Add TLVs to DCPv4 Client ############################## # # ###################### Add TLVs to DCPv4 Client ############################## # puts "# ###################### Add TLVs to DCPv4 Client ############################## #" set dhcpv4_tlvProfile [lindex [ixNet getList $dhcpClient tlvProfile] 0] puts "Getting default TLV" set dhcp_default_tlv [lindex [ixNet getList $dhcpv4_tlvProfile defaultTlv] 0] puts "Adding TLVs to the DHCP client" set prototype_custom_tlv_1_name "Test TLV" set prototype_predefined_tlv_1_name "\[12\] Host Name" set global_predefined_tlv_1 [ixNet getFilteredList $global_default_template tlv -name $prototype_predefined_tlv_1_name] set global_predefined_custom_tlv_1 [ixNet getFilteredList $new_template tlv -name $prototype_custom_tlv_1_name] set predefined_tlv_1 [ixNet -strip execute copyTlv $dhcpv4_tlvProfile $global_predefined_tlv_1] ixNet commit set custom_tlv_1 [ixNet -strip execute copyTlv $dhcpv4_tlvProfile $global_predefined_custom_tlv_1] ixNet commit #ixNet help $predefined_tlv_1 set messages [ixNet getAttribute $predefined_tlv_1 -availableIncludeInMessages] set discover [lindex $messages 0] set request [lindex $messages 1] set decline [lindex $messages 2] set release [lindex $messages 3] puts "# ###################### Configure TLV values ############################## #" puts "Configure TLV values" puts "Change the Value for TLV 18" set predefined_tlv_1_value [lindex [ixNet getList $predefined_tlv_1 value] 0] set predefined_tlv_1_value_object [lindex [ixNet getList $predefined_tlv_1_value object] 0] set predefined_tlv_1_value_object_field [lindex [ixNet getList $predefined_tlv_1_value_object field] 0] set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $predefined_tlv_1_value_object_field -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value "Custom_Value" ixNet commit puts "Enable SubTlv 1 for the Default TLV, Option 55" set default_tlv_1_value [lindex [ixNet getList $dhcp_default_tlv value] 0] set default_tlv_1_value_object [lindex [ixNet getList $predefined_tlv_1_value object] 0] set default_tlv_1_value_object_field [lindex [ixNet getList $predefined_tlv_1_value_object field] 0] ixNet setAttribute $default_tlv_1_value_object_field -isEnabled true ixNet commit puts "Change the Value for one of the fields in the sub Tlv of the custom created TLV" set custom_tlv_1_value [lindex [ixNet getList $custom_tlv_1 value] 0] set custom_tlv_1_value_object_1 [lindex [ixNet getList $custom_tlv_1_value object] 1] set custom_tlv_1_value_object_1_subTlv [lindex [ixNet getList $custom_tlv_1_value_object_1 subTlv] 0] set subTlv_value [lindex [ixNet getList $custom_tlv_1_value_object_1_subTlv value] 0] set subTlv_value_object_1 [lindex [ixNet getList $subTlv_value object] 0] set custom_tlv_1_value_object_1_field [lindex [ixNet getList $subTlv_value_object_1 field] 0] set value_mv [ixNet getAttribute $custom_tlv_1_value_object_1_field -value] ixNet setAttribute $value_mv -pattern singleValue ixNet commit set value_mv_singleValue [lindex [ixNet getList $value_mv singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $value_mv_singleValue -value 20 ixNet commit puts "Set Include in Messages" ixNet setAttribute $predefined_tlv_1 -includeInMessages [list $discover $request $release] ixNet setAttribute $dhcp_default_tlv -includeInMessages [list $discover $request $decline] ixNet setAttribute $custom_tlv_1 -includeInMessages [list $request $release] ixNet commit puts "# ################################### Dynamics ############################### #" #starting topologies puts "Starting DHCP Servers" ixNet exec start $dhcpServer puts "Wait 5 sec" after 5000 puts "Starting DHCP Clients" ixNet exec start $dhcpClient puts "Wait 2 minutes" after 120000 puts "Printing learned info for DHCPv4 Client" foreach add [ixNet getA $dhcpClient -discoveredAddresses] { puts $add } puts "Stopping the clients" ixNet exec stop $t2dev1 after 5000 puts "Stopping the servers" ixNet exec stop $t1dev1 after 10000 puts "Unassigning ports..." ixTclNet::UnassignPorts puts "Done... Ports are unassigned..." puts "" puts "Cleaning up IxNetwork..." ixNet exec newConfig ixNet disconnect puts "Done... IxNetwork session is closed..." puts "" puts "!!! TEST DONE !!!"