#!/usr/bin/tclsh ################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # Description: # # This script intends to demonstrate how to use NGPF BGP EVPN-VPWS API. # # About Topology: # # It will create 2 BGP EVPN-VPWS topologies, each having LDP configured # # in connected Device Group .BGP EVPN-VPWS configured in chained device # # group along with Mac pools connected behind the chained Device Group. # # Script Flow: # # Step 1. Configuration of protocols. # # # # Configuration flow of the script is as follow: # # i. Adding of Ethernet and IP within both topologies, # # ii. Ading and configuration of OSPF and LDP router over IP # # iii. Adding of Route Range behind DG of each topology # # iv. Configuring loopback address as Router ID # # v. Adding of chain DG for both topologies, act as PE router # # vi. Adding of BGP over loopback address within chained DG in both # # topologies # # vii. Adding of EVPN-VPWS EVI over BGP within both topologies # # viii. Adding of MAC cloud behind each EVPN-VPWS EVI # # ix. Configuring VPWS Service Id and service Id along with label # # value and No. of MAC pools # # # # 2. Start all protocol. # # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics. # # 4. Retrieve protocol learned info. # # 5. Configure L2-L3 traffic. # # 6. Start the L2-L3 traffic. # # 7. Retrieve L2-L3 traffic stats. # # 8. Stop L2-L3 traffic. # # 9. Stopallprotocols. # ################################################################################ # Script Starts puts "!!! Test Script Starts !!!" # Edit this variables values to match your setup namespace eval ::ixia { set ixTclServer set ixTclPort 8999 set ports {{ 7 11} { 7 12}} } puts "Load ixNetwork Tcl API package" package req IxTclNetwork puts "Connect to IxNetwork Tcl server" ixNet connect $::ixia::ixTclServer -port $::ixia::ixTclPort -version 8.30\ setAttribute strict puts "Creating a new config" ixNet exec newConfig ################################################################################ # 1. Protocol configuration section. Configure LDP as per the description # give above ################################################################################ puts "Adding 2 vports" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet commit set vPorts [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] set vportTx [lindex $vPorts 0] set vportRx [lindex $vPorts 1] puts "Assigning the ports" ::ixTclNet::AssignPorts $ixia::ports {} $vPorts force after 10000 puts "Adding 2 topologies" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] topology -vports $vportTx ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] topology -vports $vportRx ixNet commit set topologies [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] topology] set topo1 [lindex $topologies 0] set topo2 [lindex $topologies 1] puts "Adding 2 device groups" ixNet add $topo1 deviceGroup ixNet add $topo2 deviceGroup ixNet commit set t1devices [ixNet getList $topo1 deviceGroup] set t2devices [ixNet getList $topo2 deviceGroup] set t1dev1 [lindex $t1devices 0] set t2dev1 [lindex $t2devices 0] puts "Configuring the multipliers (number of sessions)" ixNet setAttr $t1dev1 -multiplier 1 ixNet setAttr $t2dev1 -multiplier 1 ixNet commit puts "Adding ethernet/mac endpoints" ixNet add $t1dev1 ethernet ixNet add $t2dev1 ethernet ixNet commit set mac1 [ixNet getList $t1dev1 ethernet] set mac2 [ixNet getList $t2dev1 ethernet] puts "Configuring the mac addresses" ixNet setMultiAttr [ixNet getAttr $mac1 -mac]/counter\ -direction increment \ -start {22:03:73:C7:6C:B1} \ -step {00:00:00:00:00:01} ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $mac2 -mac]/singleValue\ -value {26:03:73:C7:6C:01} ixNet commit # puts "ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/topology/deviceGroup/ethernet" # puts "[ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/topology/deviceGroup/ethernet]" puts "Add ipv4" ixNet add $mac1 ipv4 ixNet add $mac2 ipv4 ixNet commit set ip1 [ixNet getList $mac1 ipv4] set ip2 [ixNet getList $mac2 ipv4] set mvAdd1 [ixNet getAttr $ip1 -address] set mvAdd2 [ixNet getAttr $ip2 -address] set mvGw1 [ixNet getAttr $ip1 -gatewayIp] set mvGw2 [ixNet getAttr $ip2 -gatewayIp] puts "configuring ipv4 addresses" ixNet setAttr $mvAdd1/singleValue -value "" ixNet setAttr $mvAdd2/singleValue -value "" ixNet setAttr $mvGw1/singleValue -value "" ixNet setAttr $mvGw2/singleValue -value "" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $ip1 -prefix]/singleValue -value 24 ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $ip2 -prefix]/singleValue -value 24 ixNet setMultiAttr [ixNet getAttr $ip1 -resolveGateway]/singleValue -value true ixNet setMultiAttr [ixNet getAttr $ip2 -resolveGateway]/singleValue -value true ixNet commit # puts "ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/topology/deviceGroup/ethernet/ipv4" # puts "[ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/topology/deviceGroup/ethernet/ipv4]" puts "Adding LDP over IP4 stacks" ixNet add $ip1 ldpBasicRouter ixNet add $ip2 ldpBasicRouter ixNet commit set ldp1 [ixNet getList $ip1 ldpBasicRouter] set ldp2 [ixNet getList $ip2 ldpBasicRouter] puts "Renaming the topologies and the device groups" ixNet setAttr $topo1 -name "EVPN-VPWS Topology 1" ixNet setAttr $topo2 -name "EVPN-VPWS Topology 2" ixNet setAttr $t1dev1 -name "LDP Router1" ixNet setAttr $t2dev1 -name "LDP Router2" ixNet commit # puts "ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/topology/deviceGroup/ethernet/ipv4/ldp" # puts "[ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/topology/deviceGroup/ethernet/ipv4/ldp]" puts "Adding NetworkGroup behind ldp DG" ixNet exec createDefaultStack $t1devices ipv4PrefixPools ixNet exec createDefaultStack $t2devices ipv4PrefixPools set networkGroup1 [lindex [ixNet getList $t1devices networkGroup] 0] set networkGroup2 [lindex [ixNet getList $t2devices networkGroup] 0] ixNet setAttr $networkGroup1 -name "LDP_1_Network_Group" ixNet setAttr $networkGroup2 -name "LDP_2_Network_Group" ixNet setAttr $networkGroup1 -multiplier "1" ixNet setAttr $networkGroup2 -multiplier "1" set LdpPrefixPool1 [ixNet getList $networkGroup1 ipv4PrefixPools] set LdpPrefixPool2 [ixNet getList $networkGroup2 ipv4PrefixPools] puts "Configuring LDP prefixes" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $LdpPrefixPool1 -networkAddress]/singleValue -value ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $LdpPrefixPool2 -networkAddress]/singleValue -value ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $LdpPrefixPool1 -prefixLength]/singleValue -value 32 ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $LdpPrefixPool2 -prefixLength]/singleValue -value 32 ixNet commit # Add chained DG along with ipv4 loopback behind Ipv4 prefix puts "Adding ipv4 loopback1 in Topology 1" set chainedDg1 [ixNet add $networkGroup1 deviceGroup] ixNet setMultiAttribute $chainedDg1\ -multiplier 1\ -name {Device Group 3} ixNet commit set chainedDg1 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $chainedDg1] 0] set loopback1 [ixNet add $chainedDg1 "ipv4Loopback"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $loopback1\ -stackedLayers [list]\ -name {IPv4 Loopback 1} ixNet commit set connector1 [ixNet add $loopback1 "connector"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $connector1\ -connectedTo $networkGroup1/ipv4PrefixPools:1 ixNet commit set connector1 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $connector1] 0] set addressSet1 [ixNet getAttribute $loopback1 -address] ixNet setMultiAttribute $addressSet1\ -clearOverlays false\ -pattern counter ixNet commit set addressSet1 [ixNet add $addressSet1 "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $addressSet1\ -step\ -start\ -direction increment ixNet commit set addressSet1 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $addressSet1] 0] puts "Adding ipv4 loopback2 in Topology 2" set chainedDg2 [ixNet add $networkGroup2 deviceGroup] ixNet setMultiAttribute $chainedDg2\ -multiplier 1\ -name {Device Group 4} ixNet commit set chainedDg2 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $chainedDg2] 0] set loopback2 [ixNet add $chainedDg2 "ipv4Loopback"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $loopback2\ -stackedLayers [list]\ -name {IPv4 Loopback 2} ixNet commit set connector2 [ixNet add $loopback2 "connector"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $connector2\ -connectedTo $networkGroup2/ipv4PrefixPools:1 ixNet commit set connector1 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $connector2] 0] set addressSet2 [ixNet getAttribute $loopback2 -address] ixNet setMultiAttribute $addressSet2\ -clearOverlays false\ -pattern counter ixNet commit set addressSet2 [ixNet add $addressSet2 "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $addressSet2\ -step\ -start\ -direction increment ixNet commit set addressSet2 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $addressSet2] 0] # Adding BGP over loopback IPv4 in chained DG puts "Adding BGP over IPv4 loopback interfaces" ixNet add $loopback1 bgpIpv4Peer ixNet add $loopback2 bgpIpv4Peer ixNet commit set bgp1 [ixNet getList $loopback1 bgpIpv4Peer] set bgp2 [ixNet getList $loopback2 bgpIpv4Peer] puts "Setting IPs in BGP DUT IP tab" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $bgp1 -dutIp]/singleValue -value "" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $bgp2 -dutIp]/singleValue -value "" ixNet commit puts "Enabling EVPN Learned Information for BGP Router" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $bgp1 -filterEvpn]/singleValue -value true ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $bgp2 -filterEvpn]/singleValue -value true ixNet commit # Adding EVPN-VPWS EVI over BGP in chained DG puts "Adding EVPN-VPWS EVI over BGP in both ports" ixNet add $bgp1 bgpIPv4EvpnVpws ixNet add $bgp2 bgpIPv4EvpnVpws ixNet commit set EvpnVpws1 [ixNet getList $bgp1 bgpIPv4EvpnVpws] set EvpnVpws2 [ixNet getList $bgp2 bgpIPv4EvpnVpws] set broadcastDomain1 [ixNet getList $EvpnVpws1 broadcastDomainV4] set broadcastDomain2 [ixNet getList $EvpnVpws2 broadcastDomainV4] # Adding MAC Pools behind EVPN-VPWS EVI puts "Adding Mac Pools behind EVPN-VPWS in topology 1" ixNet exec createDefaultStack $chainedDg1 macPools puts "Adding Mac Pools behind EVPN-VPWS in topology 2" ixNet exec createDefaultStack $chainedDg2 macPools # VPWS Service Instance Configuration puts "Changing default values of Ethernet Tag Id" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $broadcastDomain1 -ethernetTagId]/singleValue -value "1000" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $broadcastDomain2 -ethernetTagId]/singleValue -value "2000" ixNet commit puts "Changing default values of Remote Service Id" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $broadcastDomain1 -remoteServiceId]/singleValue -value "2000" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $broadcastDomain2 -remoteServiceId]/singleValue -value "1000" ixNet commit puts "Changing default values of AD Route Label" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $broadcastDomain1 -adRouteLabel]/singleValue -value "5016" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $broadcastDomain2 -adRouteLabel]/singleValue -value "7016" ixNet commit puts "Changing default values of No. of MAC Pools" ixNet setAttr $broadcastDomain1 -noOfMacPools "2" ixNet setAttr $broadcastDomain2 -noOfMacPools "2" ixNet commit # Adding MAC pool behind chained DG set networkGroup3 [lindex [ixNet getList $chainedDg1 networkGroup] 0] set networkGroup4 [lindex [ixNet getList $chainedDg2 networkGroup] 0] puts "Changing name of MAC Pools" ixNet setAttr $networkGroup3 -name "MAC_Pool-1" ixNet setAttr $networkGroup4 -name "MAC_Pool-2" puts "Changing default values of multiplier. of MAC Pools" ixNet setAttr $networkGroup3 -multiplier "2" ixNet setAttr $networkGroup4 -multiplier "2" ixNet commit puts "Changing default values of MAC Addresses in MAC Pools" set macPool1 [ixNet getList $networkGroup3 macPools] set macPool2 [ixNet getList $networkGroup4 macPools] ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $macPool1 -mac]/singleValue -value "C0:11:01:00:00:05" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $macPool2 -mac]/singleValue -value "C0:12:01:00:00:05" ixNet commit ################################################################################ # 2. Start protocols and wait for 60 seconds ################################################################################ puts "Wait for 5 seconds before starting protocol" after 5000 puts "Starting protocols and waiting for 60 seconds for protocols to come up" ixNet exec startAllProtocols after 60000 ################################################################################ # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics. ################################################################################ puts "Fetching all Protocol Summary Stats\n" set viewPage {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Protocols Summary"/page} set statcap [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCaptions] foreach statValList [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { foreach statVal $statValList { puts "***************************************************" set index 0 foreach satIndv $statVal { puts [format "%*s:%*s" -30 [lindex $statcap $index]\ -10 $satIndv] incr index } } } puts "***************************************************" ############################################################################### # 4. Retrieve protocol learned info ############################################################################### puts "Fetching EVPN Learned Info" ixNet exec getEVPNLearnedInfo $bgp1 after 5000 set learnedInfoList [ixNet getList $bgp1 learnedInfo] set linfoList [ixNet getList $learnedInfoList table] set table [lindex $linfoList 3] puts "EVPN learned info" puts "***************************************************" set type [ixNet getAttr $table -type] puts "$type Routes:" puts "***************************************************" set column [ixNet getAttr $table -columns] puts "$column" set values [ixNet getAttr $table -values] puts "$values\n" puts "***************************************************" ################################################################################ # 5. Configure L2-L3 traffic ################################################################################ puts "Congfiguring L2-L3 Traffic Item" set trafficItem1 [ixNet add [ixNet getRoot]/traffic "trafficItem"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $trafficItem1\ -name {Traffic Item 1} \ -roundRobinPacketOrdering false \ -trafficType ethernetVlan ixNet commit set trafficItem1 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $trafficItem1] 0] set endpointSet1 [ixNet add $trafficItem1 "endpointSet"] set source [list $networkGroup3/macPools:1] set destination [list $networkGroup4/macPools:1] ixNet setMultiAttribute $endpointSet1\ -name "EndpointSet-1"\ -multicastDestinations [list]\ -scalableSources [list]\ -multicastReceivers [list]\ -scalableDestinations [list]\ -ngpfFilters [list]\ -trafficGroups [list]\ -sources $source\ -destinations $destination ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $trafficItem1/tracking\ -trackBy [list mplsFlowDescriptor0 trackingenabled0]\ -fieldWidth thirtyTwoBits\ -protocolOffset Root.0\ -values [list] ixNet commit ############################################################################### # 6. Apply and start L2/L3 traffic ############################################################################### puts "applying L2/L3 traffic" ixNet exec apply [ixNet getRoot]/traffic after 5000 puts "starting L2/L3 traffic" ixNet exec start [ixNet getRoot]/traffic ############################################################################### # 7. Retrieve L2/L3 traffic item statistics ############################################################################### puts "Verifying all the L2-L3 traffic stats\n" set viewPage {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Flow Statistics"/page} set statcap [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCaptions] foreach statValList [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { foreach statVal $statValList { puts "***************************************************" set index 0 foreach satIndv $statVal { puts [format "%*s:%*s" -34 [lindex $statcap $index]\ -10 $satIndv] incr index } } } puts "***************************************************" ################################################################################ # 8. Stop L2/L3 traffic ################################################################################# puts "Stopping L2/L3 traffic" ixNet exec stop [ixNet getRoot]/traffic after 5000 ################################################################################ # 9. Stop all protocols ################################################################################ ixNet exec stopAllProtocols puts "!!! Test Script Ends !!!"