#/usr/bin/tclsh ################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2021 by Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ #################################################################################### # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Keysight and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Keysight and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Keysight. # # # # Keysight does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND Keysight # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL Keysight BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF Keysight HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Keysight will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Keysight may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Keysight to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # #################################################################################### ##################################################################################### # # # Description: # # This script intends to demonstrate how to use L3vpn Over G-SRv6 underlay using # # TCL APIs. # # # # 1.This topology scenario shows how to configure and run tests on IPv4 Layer 3 # # VPNs over ISIS SRv6 core. As an example IPv4 Layer 3 VPN topology over G-SRv6# # core is configured in b2b ports.Left-hand-side of the topology has ISIS SRv6 # # node. One of them (PE1) is acting as PE node running BGP. On the right-hand # # side of the port is configured with a single G-SRv6 PE node (PE2) and BGP # # policy is configured. Behind both PEs emulated CEs are connected . # # 2. Start all protocols. # # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics. # # 4. Retrieve protocol learned info. # # 5. Start the L2-L3 traffic. # # 6. Retrieve L2-L3 traffic stats. # # 7. Stop L2-L3 traffic. # # 8. Stop all protocols. # ##################################################################################### # Script Starts puts "!!! Test Script Starts !!!" # Edit this variables values to match your setup namespace eval ::ixia { set ixTclServer set ixTclPort 8009 set ports {{ 1 3} { 1 4}} } puts "Load ixNetwork Tcl API package" package req IxTclNetwork puts "Connect to IxNetwork Tcl server" ixNet connect $::ixia::ixTclServer -port $::ixia::ixTclPort -version 8.50\ –setAttribute strict puts "Creating a new config" ixNet exec newConfig ################################################################################ # 1. Protocol configuration section. Configure ISISL3/BGP+ as per the description # give above ################################################################################ set Root [ixNet getRoot] puts "Adding 2 vports" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet commit set vPorts [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] set vportTx [lindex $vPorts 0] set vportRx [lindex $vPorts 1] puts "Assigning the ports" ::ixTclNet::AssignPorts $ixia::ports {} $vPorts force puts "Adding 2 topologies" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] topology -vports $vportTx ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] topology -vports $vportRx ixNet commit set topologies [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] topology] set topo1 [lindex $topologies 0] set topo2 [lindex $topologies 1] puts "Adding 2 device groups" ixNet add $topo1 deviceGroup ixNet add $topo2 deviceGroup ixNet commit set t1devices [ixNet getList $topo1 deviceGroup] set t2devices [ixNet getList $topo2 deviceGroup] set t1dev1 [lindex $t1devices 0] set t2dev1 [lindex $t2devices 0] puts "Configuring the multipliers (number of sessions)" ixNet setAttr $t1dev1 -multiplier 1 ixNet setAttr $t2dev1 -multiplier 1 ixNet commit puts "Adding ethernet/mac endpoints" ixNet add $t1dev1 ethernet ixNet add $t2dev1 ethernet ixNet commit set mac1 [ixNet getList $t1dev1 ethernet] set mac2 [ixNet getList $t2dev1 ethernet] puts "Configuring the mac addresses" ixNet setMultiAttr [ixNet getAttr $mac1 -mac]/counter\ -direction increment \ -start {00:11:01:00:00:01} \ -step {00:00:00:00:00:01} ixNet setMultiAttr [ixNet getAttr $mac2 -mac]/counter\ -direction increment \ -start {00:12:01:00:00:01} \ -step {00:00:00:00:00:01} ixNet commit puts "Add ipv6" ixNet add $mac1 ipv6 ixNet add $mac2 ipv6 ixNet commit set ip1 [ixNet getList $mac1 ipv6] set ip2 [ixNet getList $mac2 ipv6] set mvAdd1 [ixNet getAttr $ip1 -address] set mvAdd2 [ixNet getAttr $ip2 -address] set mvGw1 [ixNet getAttr $ip1 -gatewayIp] set mvGw2 [ixNet getAttr $ip2 -gatewayIp] puts "configuring ipv6 addresses" ixNet setAttr $mvAdd1/singleValue -value "2000:0:0:1:0:0:0:1" ixNet setAttr $mvAdd2/singleValue -value "2000:0:0:1:0:0:0:2" ixNet setAttr $mvGw1/singleValue -value "2000:0:0:1:0:0:0:2" ixNet setAttr $mvGw2/singleValue -value "2000:0:0:1:0:0:0:1" ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $ip1 -prefix]/singleValue -value 64 ixNet setAttr [ixNet getAttr $ip2 -prefix]/singleValue -value 64 ixNet setMultiAttr [ixNet getAttr $ip1 -resolveGateway]/singleValue -value true ixNet setMultiAttr [ixNet getAttr $ip2 -resolveGateway]/singleValue -value true ixNet commit puts "Adding isisL3 over IPv6 stacks" ixNet add $mac1 isisL3 ixNet add $mac2 isisL3 ixNet commit set isisL3_1 [ixNet getList $mac1 isisL3] set isisL3_2 [ixNet getList $mac2 isisL3] puts "Renaming the topologies and the device groups" ixNet setAttr $topo1 -name "Single PE - PE" ixNet setAttr $topo2 -name "IPv4 L3VPN G-SRv6 Topology" ixNet setAttr $t1dev1 -name "PE2" ixNet setAttr $t2dev1 -name "Emulated P Node" ixNet commit #Change the property of ISIS-L3 puts "Change the Property of ISIS-L3" set Network_Type_1 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1 -networkType] ixNet setMultiAttribute $Network_Type_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue_1 [ixNet add $Network_Type_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue_1 -value pointpoint ixNet commit set Network_Type_1 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2 -networkType] ixNet setMultiAttribute $Network_Type_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue_1 [ixNet add $Network_Type_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue_1 -value pointpoint ixNet commit puts "Change the value enableIPv6SID" set enableIPv6SID_1 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1 -enableIPv6SID] ixNet setMultiAttribute $enableIPv6SID_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $enableIPv6SID_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value true ixNet commit set enableIPv6SID_1 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2 -enableIPv6SID] ixNet setMultiAttribute $enableIPv6SID_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $enableIPv6SID_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value true ixNet commit #Change the value of discardLSPs puts "Change the value discardLSPs" set discardLSPs_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1 -discardLSPs] ixNet setMultiAttribute $discardLSPs_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $discardLSPs_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value false ixNet commit set discardLSPs_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1 -discardLSPs] ixNet setMultiAttribute $discardLSPs_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $discardLSPs_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value false ixNet commit #Enable of enableWideMetric puts "Enable the enableWideMetric" set enableWideMetric_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1 -enableWideMetric] ixNet setMultiAttribute $enableWideMetric_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $enableWideMetric_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value true ixNet commit set enableWideMetric_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1 -enableWideMetric] ixNet setMultiAttribute $enableWideMetric_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $enableWideMetric_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value true ixNet commit #Enable Segment Routing puts "Enable Segment routing" ixNet setMultiAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1 \ -enableSR true \ -name "ISIS-L3\ RTR\ 1" ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1 \ -enableSR true \ -name "ISIS-L3\ RTR\ 1" ixNet commit puts "Enabling the ipv6Flag" set ipv6Flag_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1 -ipv6Flag] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6Flag_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $ipv6Flag_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value false ixNet commit set ipv6Flag_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1 -ipv6Flag] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6Flag_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $ipv6Flag_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value false ixNet commit #Enable the ipv4Flag puts "Enabling the ipv4Flag" set ipv4Flag_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1 -ipv4Flag] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4Flag_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $ipv4Flag_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value false ixNet commit set ipv4Flag_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1 -ipv4Flag] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4Flag_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $ipv4Flag_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value false ixNet commit #Enable the ipv6Srh means Enable SR-IPv6 puts "Enabling the ipv6Srh means Enable SR-IPv6" set ipv6Srh_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1 -ipv6Srh] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6Srh_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $ipv6Srh_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value true ixNet commit #Configure locator for isisL3Router in t1dev1 puts "Configure locator for isisL3Router in t1dev1" set locator2 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList -locator] ixNet commit set singleV2 [ixNet add $locator2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV2 \ -value 5000:0:1:1:0:0:0:0 ixNet commit #configure sidCount locator in for isisL3Router in t1dev1 puts "configure sidCount locator in for isisL3Router in t1dev1" ixNet setMultiAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList -sidCount 3 ixNet commit #Configure EndSid Value for isisL3Router in t1dev1 puts "Configure EndSid Value for isisL3Router in t1dev1" set sid2 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -sid] ixNet commit set counter [ixNet add $sid2 "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter \ -step 0:0:0:0:1:0:0:0 \ -start 5000:0:1:1:1:0:0:0 \ -direction increment ixNet commit #Configure C flag in EndSid for isisL3Router in t1dev1 puts "Configure C flag in EndSid for isisL3Router in t1dev1" set cFlag2 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -cFlag] set singleValue [ixNet add $cFlag2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value false ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag2 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 2 \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure endPointFunction in EndSid for isisL3Router in t1dev1 puts "Configure endPointFunction in EndSid for isisL3Router in t1dev1" set endPointFunction2 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -endPointFunction] ixNet commit set singleV22 [ixNet add $endPointFunction2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV22 \ -value 4 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $endPointFunction2/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set overlay22 [ixNet add $endPointFunction2 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay22 \ -count 1 \ -index 2 \ -value 104 ixNet commit #Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv in EndSid for isisL3Router in t1dev1 puts "Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv in EndSid for isisL3Router in t1dev1" set includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv2 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv] ixNet commit set sValue2_1 [ixNet add $includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $sValue2_1 \ -value true ixNet commit set locatorBlockLength2 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -locatorBlockLength] ixNet commit set sValue2_2 [ixNet add $locatorBlockLength2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $sValue2_2 \ -value 48 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorBlockLength2/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set locatorNodeLength2 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -locatorNodeLength] ixNet commit set sValue2_3 [ixNet add $locatorNodeLength2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $sValue2_3 \ -value 16 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorNodeLength2/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set functionLength2 [ixNet getAttribute $t1dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -functionLength] ixNet commit set sValue2_4 [ixNet add $functionLength2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $sValue2_4 \ -value 16 ixNet commit #Configure ADJ SID Count in isisL3_1 puts "Configure ADJ SID Count in isisL3_1" ixNet setMultiAttribute $isisL3_1 \ -adjSidCount 3 ixNet commit #Configure ipv6AdjSid Value in isisL3_1 puts "Configure ipv6AdjSid Value in isisL3_1" set ipv6AdjSid_2 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -ipv6AdjSid] ixNet commit set counter [ixNet add $ipv6AdjSid_2 "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter \ -step 0:0:0:0:1:0:0:0 \ -start 5000:0:1:1:41:0:0:0 \ -direction increment ixNet commit #Configure cFlag for ipv6AdjSid in isisL3_1 puts "Configure cFlag for ipv6AdjSid in isisL3_1" set cFlag2_1 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -cFlag] ixNet commit set singleV3 [ixNet add $cFlag2_1 "singleValue"] ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag2_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 2 \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure endPointFunction for ipv6AdjSid in isisL3_1 puts "Configure endPointFunction for ipv6AdjSid in isisL3_1" set endPointFunction_2 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -endPointFunction] ixNet commit set singleV4_2 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV4_2 \ -value 8 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $endPointFunction_2/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $endPointFunction_2 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 2 \ -value 108 ixNet commit #Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv in isisL3_1 puts "Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv in isisL3_1" set includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv_2 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv] ixNet commit set singlV5 [ixNet add $includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv_2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlV5 \ -value true ixNet commit set locatorBlockLength_2 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -locatorBlockLength] ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorBlockLength_2 \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singlV6 [ixNet add $locatorBlockLength_2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlV6\ -value 48 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorBlockLength_2/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set locatorNodeLength_2 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -locatorNodeLength] ixNet commit set singlV7 [ixNet add $locatorNodeLength_2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlV7 \ -value 16 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorNodeLength_2/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set functionLength_2 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_1/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -functionLength] ixNet commit set singlV8 [ixNet add $functionLength_2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlV8 \ -value 16 ixNet commit set ipv6Srh_1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1 -ipv6Srh] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6Srh_1 -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set single_value_1 [ixNet add $ipv6Srh_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $single_value_1 -value true ixNet commit #Configuring Locator puts "Configuring Locator" set locator1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList -locator] ixNet commit set singleV [ixNet add $locator1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV \ -value 5000:0:2:1:0:0:0:0 ixNet commit #configure sidCount puts "configure sidCount" ixNet setMultiAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList -sidCount 3 ixNet commit #Configure EndSid Value puts "Configure EndSid Value" set sid1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -sid] ixNet commit set counter [ixNet add $sid1 "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter \ -step 0:0:0:0:1:0:0:0 \ -start 5000:0:2:1:1:0:0:0 \ -direction increment ixNet commit #Configure C flag puts "Configure C flag" set cFlag1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -cFlag] set singleValue [ixNet add $cFlag1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value false ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 2 \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure endPointFunction puts "Configure endPointFunction" set endPointFunction1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -endPointFunction] ixNet commit set singleV2 [ixNet add $endPointFunction1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV2 \ -value 4 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $endPointFunction1/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $endPointFunction1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 2 \ -value 104 ixNet commit #Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv puts "Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv" set includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv] ixNet commit set sValue1 [ixNet add $includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $sValue1 \ -value true ixNet commit set locatorBlockLength1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -locatorBlockLength] ixNet commit set sValue2 [ixNet add $locatorBlockLength1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $sValue2 \ -value 48 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorBlockLength1/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set locatorNodeLength1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -locatorNodeLength] ixNet commit set sValue3 [ixNet add $locatorNodeLength1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $sValue3 \ -value 16 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorNodeLength1/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set functionLength1 [ixNet getAttribute $t2dev1/isisL3Router:1/isisSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisSRv6EndSIDList -functionLength] ixNet commit set sValue4 [ixNet add $functionLength1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $sValue4 \ -value 16 ixNet commit #Configure ADJ SID Count puts "Configure ADJ SID Count" ixNet setMultiAttribute $isisL3_2 \ -adjSidCount 3 ixNet commit #Configure ipv6AdjSid Value puts "Configure ipv6AdjSid Value" set ipv6AdjSid [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -ipv6AdjSid] ixNet commit set counter [ixNet add $ipv6AdjSid "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter \ -step 0:0:0:0:1:0:0:0 \ -start 5000:0:2:1:41:0:0:0 \ -direction increment ixNet commit #Configure cFlag for ipv6AdjSid puts "Configure cFlag for ipv6AdjSid" set cFlag2 [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -cFlag] ixNet commit set singleV3 [ixNet add $cFlag2 "singleValue"] ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag2 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 2 \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure endPointFunction for ipv6AdjSid puts "Configure endPointFunction for ipv6AdjSid" set endPointFunction [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -endPointFunction] ixNet commit set singleV4 [ixNet add $endPointFunction "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV4 \ -value 8 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $endPointFunction/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $endPointFunction "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 2 \ -value 108 ixNet commit #Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv puts "Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv" set includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv] ixNet commit set singleV5 [ixNet add $includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV5 \ -value true ixNet commit set locatorBlockLength [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -locatorBlockLength] ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorBlockLength \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleV6 [ixNet add $locatorBlockLength "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV6\ -value 48 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorBlockLength/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set locatorNodeLength [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -locatorNodeLength] ixNet commit set singleV7 [ixNet add $locatorNodeLength "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV7 \ -value 16 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorNodeLength/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set functionLength [ixNet getAttribute $isisL3_2/isisSRv6AdjSIDList -functionLength] ixNet commit set singleV8 [ixNet add $functionLength "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleV8 \ -value 16 ixNet commit #Create Network Group At Single PE - PE puts "Create Network Group At Single PE - PE" set ipv6Loopback2 [ixNet add $t1dev1 "ipv6Loopback"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6Loopback2 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "IPv6\ Loopback\ 2" ixNet commit set address2 [ixNet getAttribute $ipv6Loopback2 -address] ixNet setMultiAttribute $address2 \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue2 [ixNet add $address2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue2 \ -value 1000:0:0:2:0:0:0:1 ixNet commit set prefix2 [ixNet getAttribute $ipv6Loopback2 -prefix] ixNet commit set singleValue [ixNet add $prefix2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value 128 ixNet commit set bgpIpv6Peer2 [ixNet add $ipv6Loopback2 "bgpIpv6Peer"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer2 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "BGP+\ Peer\ 2" ixNet commit set dutIp2 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer2 -dutIp] ixNet setMultiAttribute $dutIp2 \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue [ixNet add $dutIp2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value 1001:0:0:1:0:0:0:4 ixNet commit set bgpV6Vrf2 [ixNet add $bgpIpv6Peer2 "bgpV6Vrf"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpV6Vrf2 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "BGP+\ VRF\ 2" ixNet commit set networkGroup [ixNet add $t1dev1 "networkGroup"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $networkGroup \ -name "CE2" ixNet commit set ipv4PrefixPools [ixNet add $networkGroup "ipv4PrefixPools"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4PrefixPools \ -addrStepSupported true \ -name "Basic\ IPv4\ Addresses\ 1" ixNet commit set networkAddress [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4PrefixPools -networkAddress] ixNet setMultiAttribute $networkAddress \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set counter [ixNet add $networkAddress "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter \ -step \ -start \ -direction increment ixNet commit #Create Network Group At PEER2 Side puts "Create Network Group At PEER2 Side" set networkGroup_P2 [ixNet add $t2dev1 "networkGroup"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $networkGroup_P2 \ -name "Simulated\ P\ and PE \ Nodes" ixNet commit set networkGroup_P2 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $networkGroup_P2] 0] set Network_Topology [ixNet add $networkGroup_P2 "networkTopology"] ixNet commit set netTopologyRing [ixNet add $Network_Topology "netTopologyRing"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $netTopologyRing \ -nodes 10 ixNet commit set deviceGroup_P2 [ixNet add $networkGroup_P2 "deviceGroup"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $deviceGroup_P2 \ -multiplier 1 \ -name "PE1\ BGP" ixNet commit set ipv6Loopback_P2 [ixNet add $deviceGroup_P2 "ipv6Loopback"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6Loopback_P2 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "IPv6\ Loopback\ 1" ixNet commit set address [ixNet getAttribute $ipv6Loopback_P2 -address] ixNet setMultiAttribute $address \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue2 [ixNet add $address "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue2 \ -value 1001:0:0:1:0:0:0:4 ixNet commit set bgpIpv6Peer1 [ixNet add $ipv6Loopback_P2 "bgpIpv6Peer"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "BGP+\ Peer\ 1" ixNet commit set dutIp1 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1 -dutIp] ixNet setMultiAttribute $dutIp2 \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue [ixNet add $dutIp1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value 1000:0:0:2:0:0:0:1 ixNet commit set bgpV6Vrf2 [ixNet add $bgpIpv6Peer1 "bgpV6Vrf"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpV6Vrf2 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "BGP+\ VRF\ 1" ixNet commit set networkGroup1 [ixNet add $deviceGroup_P2 "networkGroup"] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $networkGroup1 \ -name "CE1" ixNet commit set ipv4PrefixPools1 [ixNet add $networkGroup1 "ipv4PrefixPools"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4PrefixPools1 \ -addrStepSupported true \ -name "CE1" ixNet commit set networkAddress [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4PrefixPools1 -networkAddress] ixNet setMultiAttribute $networkAddress \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set counter [ixNet add $networkAddress "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter \ -step \ -start \ -direction increment ixNet commit #Enable the field of "Enable SR-IPv6" puts "Enable the field of Enable SR-IPv6" set ipv6Srh [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1 -ipv6Srh] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6Srh -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue [ixNet add $ipv6Srh "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue -value true ixNet commit #Configure Node prefix sRv6NodePrefix puts "Configure Node prefix sRv6NodePrefix" set sRv6NodePrefix1 [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1 -sRv6NodePrefix] set counter_2 [ixNet add $sRv6NodePrefix1 "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter_2 \ -step 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 \ -start 1001:0:0:1:0:0:0:1 \ -direction increment ixNet commit #Configure SID Count in isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList for Simulated PE Nodes puts "Configure SID Count in isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList for Simulated PE Nodes" ixNet setMultiAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList -sidCount 3 ixNet commit #Configure C flag for isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList puts "Configure C flag for isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList" set cFlag_1 [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList -cFlag] ixNet commit set singleValue [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value false ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 2 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 5 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 8 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 11 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 14 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 17 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 20 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 23 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 26 \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $cFlag_1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 2 \ -index 29 \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure endPointFunction for isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList puts "Configure endPointFunction for isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList" set endPointFunction_pseudo [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList -endPointFunction] ixNet commit set singleValue_2 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue_2 \ -value end_psp_usp ixNet commit set ov1 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov1 \ -count 1 \ -index 2 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov2 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov2 \ -count 1 \ -index 5 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov3 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov3 \ -count 1 \ -index 8 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov4 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov4 \ -count 1 \ -index 11 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov5 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov5 \ -count 1 \ -index 14 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov6 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov6 \ -count 1 \ -index 17 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov7 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov7 \ -count 1 \ -index 20 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov8 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov8 \ -count 1 \ -index 23 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov9 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov9 \ -count 1 \ -index 26 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit set ov10 [ixNet add $endPointFunction_pseudo "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ov10 \ -count 1 \ -index 29 \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit #Configure sid values for isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList puts "Configure sid values for isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList" set sid_values [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList -sid] ixNet commit set counter11 [ixNet add $sid_values "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter11 \ -step 0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0 \ -start 5001:0:0:1:1:0:0:0 \ -direction increment ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sid_values/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $sid_values/nest:2 \ -enabled true \ -step 0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 2 \ -value 5001:0:0:1:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 3 \ -value 5001:0:0:1:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 4 \ -value 5001:0:0:2:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 5 \ -value 5001:0:0:2:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 6 \ -value 5001:0:0:2:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 7 \ -value 5001:0:0:3:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 8 \ -value 5001:0:0:3:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 9 \ -value 5001:0:0:3:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 10 \ -value 5001:0:0:4:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 11 \ -value 5001:0:0:4:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 12 \ -value 5001:0:0:4:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 13 \ -value 5001:0:0:5:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 14 \ -value 5001:0:0:5:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 15 \ -value 5001:0:0:5:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 16 \ -value 5001:0:0:6:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 17 \ -value 5001:0:0:6:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 18 \ -value 5001:0:0:6:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 19 \ -value 5001:0:0:7:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 20 \ -value 5001:0:0:7:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 21 \ -value 5001:0:0:7:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 22 \ -value 5001:0:0:8:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 23 \ -value 5001:0:0:8:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 24 \ -value 5001:0:0:8:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 25 \ -value 5001:0:0:9:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 26 \ -value 5001:0:0:9:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 27 \ -value 5001:0:0:9:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 28 \ -value 5001:0:0:a:1:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 29 \ -value 5001:0:0:a:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $sid_values "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 30 \ -value 5001:0:0:a:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit #Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv for isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList puts "Configure includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv for isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList" set includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv_pseudo [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList -includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv] ixNet commit set singleValue_3 [ixNet add $includeSRv6SIDStructureSubSubTlv_pseudo "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue_3 \ -value true ixNet commit set locatorBlockLength_pseudo [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList -locatorBlockLength] set singleValu1 [ixNet add $locatorBlockLength_pseudo "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValu1 \ -value 48 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorBlockLength_pseudo/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorBlockLength_pseudo/nest:2 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set locatorNodeLength_pseudo [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList -locatorNodeLength] ixNet commit set singleValu2 [ixNet add $locatorNodeLength_pseudo "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValu2 \ -value 16 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorNodeLength_pseudo/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $locatorNodeLength_pseudo/nest:2 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit set functionLength_pseudo [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/isisPseudoSRv6LocatorEntryList/isisPseudoSRv6EndSIDList -functionLength] ixNet commit set singleValu4 [ixNet add $functionLength_pseudo "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValu4 \ -value 16 ixNet commit #Enable enableIPv6SID in isisL3PseudoInterface puts "Enable enableIPv6SID in isisL3PseudoInterface" set enableIPv6SID1 [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simInterface:1/isisL3PseudoInterface:1 -enableIPv6SID] set singleValue [ixNet add $enableIPv6SID1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue -value true ixNet commit #Change the Network Address of ISIS Simulated IPv6 Node Routers of Simulated Bridge puts "Change the Network Address of ISIS Simulated IPv6 Node Routers of Simulated Bridge" set networkAddress [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/IPv6PseudoNodeRoutes:1 -networkAddress] ixNet setMultiAttribute $networkAddress -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue [ixNet add $networkAddress "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue -value 2222::1 ixNet commit set singleValue [lindex [ixNet remapIds $singleValue] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $networkAddress/nest:1 -enabled false \ -step :: ixNet setMultiAttribute $networkAddress/nest:2 \ -enabled false \ -step :: ixNet commit set active [ixNet getAttribute $Network_Topology/simRouter:1/isisL3PseudoRouter:1/IPv6PseudoNodeRoutes:1 -active] ixNet setMultiAttribute $active -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set singleValue [ixNet add $active "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue -value false ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $active "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 5 \ -indexStep 0 \ -valueStep true \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [lindex [ixNet remapIds $overlay] 0] set overlay_1 [ixNet add $active "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay_1 \ -count 1 \ -index 9 \ -indexStep 0 \ -valueStep true \ -value true ixNet commit #Enable enSRv6DataPlane puts "Enable enSRv6DataPlane" ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1 -enSRv6DataPlane true ixNet commit #Enable numberSRTEPolicies for bgpIpv6Peer1 puts "Enable numberSRTEPolicies for bgpIpv6Peer1" ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1 -numberSRTEPolicies 1 ixNet commit #Configure policyType for bgpIpv6Peer1 puts "Configure policyType for bgpIpv6Peer1" set policyType [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6 -policyType] set singleValue [ixNet add $policyType "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue -value ipv6 ixNet commit #Configure endPointV6 for bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6 puts "Configure endPointV6 for bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6" set endPointV6 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6 -endPointV6] set singleValue [ixNet add $endPointV6 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue -value 1000:0:0:2:0:0:0:1 ixNet commit #Configure numberOfSegmentsV6 puts "Configure numberOfSegmentsV6" ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentListV6 \ -numberOfSegmentsV6 5 ixNet commit #Configure colorValue for bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6 puts "Configure colorValue for bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6" set policyColor1 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6 -policyColor] set singleVal4 [ixNet add $policyColor1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleVal4 -value 200 ixNet commit #Configure SegmentType puts "Configure SegmentType" set segmentType [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 -segmentType] set singleValue [ixNet add $segmentType "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value typeb ixNet commit #Configure ipv6SID for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 puts "Configure ipv6SID for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6" set ipv6SID1 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 -ipv6SID] set counter [ixNet add $ipv6SID1 "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $counter \ -step 0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0 \ -start 5001:0:0:5:1:0:0:0 \ -direction increment ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6SID1/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6SID1/nest:2 \ -enabled false \ -step 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6SID1/nest:3 \ -enabled false \ -step 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $ipv6SID1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 2 \ -value 5001:0:0:6:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $ipv6SID1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 3 \ -value 5001:0:0:7:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $ipv6SID1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 4 \ -value 5001:0:0:8:2:0:0:0 ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $ipv6SID1 "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 5 \ -value 5001:0:0:a:3:0:0:0 ixNet commit #Configure End-pointpoint puts "Configure End-pointpoint" set endPointBehaviour11 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 -endPointBehaviour] set singleValue [ixNet add $endPointBehaviour11 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value end_psp_usp_coc ixNet commit #Configure lbLength for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 puts "Configure lbLength for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6" set lbLength_policy [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 -lbLength] set singleValue [ixNet add $lbLength_policy "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value 48 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $lbLength_policy/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $lbLength_policy/nest:2 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $lbLength_policy/nest:3 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit #Configure lnLength for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 puts "Configure lnLength for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6" set lnLength_policy [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 -lnLength] set singleValue [ixNet add $lnLength_policy "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value 16 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $lnLength_policy/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $lnLength_policy/nest:2 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $lnLength_policy/nest:3 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit #Configure funLength for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 puts "Configure funLength for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6" set funLength_policy [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 -funLength] set singleValue [ixNet add $funLength_policy "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value 16 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $funLength_policy/nest:1 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $funLength_policy/nest:2 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $funLength_policy/nest:3 \ -enabled false \ -step 1 ixNet commit #configure bFlag for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 puts "configure bFlag for bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6" set bFlag_policy [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1/bgpSRTEPoliciesListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesTunnelEncapsulationListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentListV6/bgpSRTEPoliciesSegmentsCollectionV6 -bFlag] set singleValue [ixNet add $bFlag_policy "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value true ixNet commit set overlay [ixNet add $bFlag_policy "overlay"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $overlay \ -count 1 \ -index 1 \ -value false ixNet commit #Configure capabilities in BGP puts "Configure capabilities in BGP" set capabilitySRTEPoliciesV6_1 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1 -capabilitySRTEPoliciesV6] set singleValue [ixNet add $capabilitySRTEPoliciesV6_1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value true ixNet commit set capabilitySRTEPoliciesV6_2 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer2 -capabilitySRTEPoliciesV6] set singleValue [ixNet add $capabilitySRTEPoliciesV6_2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure Learned Routes Filter in bgpIpv6Peer1 puts "Configure Learned Routes Filter in bgpIpv6Peer1" set filterIpV4MplsVpn1 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1 -filterIpV4MplsVpn] set singleValue [ixNet add $filterIpV4MplsVpn1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value true ixNet commit set filterIpV6MplsVpn1 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer1 -filterIpV6MplsVpn] set singleValue [ixNet add $filterIpV6MplsVpn1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure Learned Routes Filter in bgpIpv6Peer2 puts "Configure Learned Routes Filter in bgpIpv6Peer2" set filterIpV4MplsVpn2 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer2 -filterIpV4MplsVpn] set singleValue [ixNet add $filterIpV4MplsVpn2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value true ixNet commit set filterIpV6MplsVpn2 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpIpv6Peer2 -filterIpV6MplsVpn] set singleValue [ixNet add $filterIpV6MplsVpn2 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singleValue \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure enableSrv6Sid for bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty in CE1 puts "Configure enableSrv6Sid for bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty in CE1" set bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty1 [ixNet add $ipv4PrefixPools1 "bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty1 \ -name "BGP+\ L3\ VPN\ Route\ Range\ 2" ixNet commit set enableSrv6Sid_prefixpool [ixNet getAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty1 -enableSrv6Sid] set singlVal1 [ixNet add $enableSrv6Sid_prefixpool "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlVal1 \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure srv6SidLoc for bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty IN CE1 puts "Configure srv6SidLoc for bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty IN CE1" set srv6SidLoc_prefixpool [ixNet getAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty1 -srv6SidLoc] set singlVal2 [ixNet add $srv6SidLoc_prefixpool "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlVal2 \ -value 5001:0:0:4:45:0:0:0 ixNet commit #Enable enableExtendedCommunity on CE2 puts "Enable enableExtendedCommunity on CE2" set bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty [ixNet add $ipv4PrefixPools "bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty \ -name "BGP+\ L3\ VPN\ Route\ Range\ 1" ixNet commit set enableExtendedCommunity [ixNet getAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty -enableExtendedCommunity] set singlVal3 [ixNet add $enableExtendedCommunity "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlVal3 \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure enableSrv6Sid for bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty in CE2 puts "Configure enableSrv6Sid for bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty in CE2" ixNet setMultiAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty \ -name "BGP+\ L3\ VPN\ Route\ Range\ 1" ixNet commit set enableSrv6Sid_prefixpool [ixNet getAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty -enableSrv6Sid] set singlVal1 [ixNet add $enableSrv6Sid_prefixpool "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlVal1 \ -value true ixNet commit #Configure srv6SidLoc for bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty IN CE2 puts "Configure srv6SidLoc for bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty IN CE2" set srv6SidLoc_prefixpool1 [ixNet getAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty -srv6SidLoc] set singlVal2 [ixNet add $srv6SidLoc_prefixpool1 "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlVal2 \ -value 5001:0:1:1:45:0:0:0 ixNet commit #Configure bgpExtendedCommunitiesList in bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty for CE2 puts "Configure bgpExtendedCommunitiesList in bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty for CE2" set type_bgpExtendedCommunitiesList [ixNet getAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty/bgpExtendedCommunitiesList:1 -type] set singlVal4 [ixNet add $type_bgpExtendedCommunitiesList "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlVal4 \ -value opaque ixNet commit set subType_bgpExtendedCommunitiesList [ixNet getAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty/bgpExtendedCommunitiesList:1 -subType] set singlVal5 [ixNet add $subType_bgpExtendedCommunitiesList "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlVal5 \ -value color ixNet commit set colorValue_bgpExtendedCommunitiesList [ixNet getAttribute $bgpV6L3VpnRouteProperty/bgpExtendedCommunitiesList:1 -colorValue] set singlVal6 [ixNet add $colorValue_bgpExtendedCommunitiesList "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $singlVal6 \ -value 200 ixNet commit ################################################################################ # 2. Start ISISl3/BGP+ protocol and wait for 60 seconds ################################################################################ puts "Starting protocols and waiting for 60 seconds for protocols to come up" ixNet exec startAllProtocols after 60000 ################################################################################ # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics. ################################################################################ puts "Fetching all Protocol Summary Stats\n" set viewPage {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Protocols Summary"/page} set statcap [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCaptions] foreach statValList [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { foreach statVal $statValList { puts "***************************************************" set index 0 foreach satIndv $statVal { puts [format "%*s:%*s" -30 [lindex $statcap $index]\ -10 $satIndv] incr index } } } puts "***************************************************" ################################################################################ # 4. Configure L2-L3 traffic ################################################################################ puts "Congfiguring L2-L3 Traffic Item" set statistic_1 [ixNet add $Root/globals/testInspector "statistic"] ixNet commit set statistic_1 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $statistic_1] 0] set statistic_2 [ixNet add $Root/globals/testInspector "statistic"] ixNet commit set statistic_2 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $statistic_2] 0] set statistic_3 [ixNet add $Root/globals/testInspector "statistic"] ixNet commit set statistic_3 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $statistic_3] 0] set statistic_4 [ixNet add $Root/globals/testInspector "statistic"] ixNet commit set statistic_4 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $statistic_4] 0] set statistic_5 [ixNet add $Root/globals/testInspector "statistic"] ixNet commit set statistic_5 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $statistic_5] 0] set statistic_6 [ixNet add $Root/globals/testInspector "statistic"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $statistic_6 \ -value 1 ixNet commit set statistic_6 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $statistic_6] 0] set statistic_7 [ixNet add $Root/globals/testInspector "statistic"] ixNet commit set statistic_7 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $statistic_7] 0] set statistic_8 [ixNet add $Root/globals/testInspector "statistic"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $statistic_8 \ -value 3 ixNet commit set statistic_8 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $statistic_8] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $Root/globals/interfaces \ -arpOnLinkup true \ -nsOnLinkup true \ -sendSingleArpPerGateway true \ -sendSingleNsPerGateway true ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $Root/traffic \ -cycleTimeUnitForScheduledStart milliseconds \ -refreshLearnedInfoBeforeApply true \ -detectMisdirectedOnAllPorts false \ -useRfc5952 true \ -cycleOffsetForScheduledStart 0 \ -cycleOffsetUnitForScheduledStart nanoseconds \ -enableEgressOnlyTracking false \ -cycleTimeForScheduledStart 1 \ -enableLagFlowBalancing true \ -peakLoadingReplicationCount 1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $Root/traffic/statistics/misdirectedPerFlow \ -enabled false ixNet setMultiAttribute $Root/traffic/statistics/multipleJoinLeaveLatency \ -enabled false ixNet setMultiAttribute $Root/traffic/statistics/oneTimeJoinLeaveLatency \ -enabled false ixNet commit set trafficItem [ixNet add $Root/traffic "trafficItem"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $trafficItem \ -name CE1-CE2 \ -multicastForwardingMode replication \ -useControlPlaneRate true \ -useControlPlaneFrameSize true \ -roundRobinPacketOrdering false \ -numVlansForMulticastReplication 1 \ -trafficType ipv4 ixNet commit set trafficItem [lindex [ixNet remapIds $trafficItem] 0] set endpointSet [ixNet add $trafficItem "endpointSet"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $endpointSet \ -multicastDestinations [list ] \ -destinations [list $topo1] \ -scalableSources [list ] \ -multicastReceivers [list ] \ -scalableDestinations [list ] \ -ngpfFilters [list ] \ -trafficGroups [list ] \ -sources [list $deviceGroup_P2] \ -name EndpointSet-1 ixNet commit set endpointSet [lindex [ixNet remapIds $endpointSet] 0] set egressTracking [ixNet add $trafficItem "egressTracking"] ixNet commit set egressTracking [lindex [ixNet remapIds $egressTracking] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $trafficItem/tracking \ -trackBy [list ipv4SourceIp0 trackingenabled0] \ -values [list ] \ -fieldWidth thirtyTwoBits \ -protocolOffset Root.0 ixNet setMultiAttribute $trafficItem/tracking/latencyBin \ -binLimits [list 1 1.42 2 2.82 4 5.66 8 2147483647] ixNet commit ############################################################################### # 5. Apply and start L2/L3 traffic ############################################################################### puts "applying L2/L3 traffic" ixNet exec apply [ixNet getRoot]/traffic after 60000 ############################################################################### # 6. Retrieve L2/L3 traffic item statistics ############################################################################### puts "Verifying all the L2-L3 traffic stats\n" set viewPage {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Flow Statistics"/page} set statcap [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCaptions] foreach statValList [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { foreach statVal $statValList { puts "***************************************************" set index 0 foreach satIndv $statVal { puts [format "%*s:%*s" -30 [lindex $statcap $index]\ -10 $satIndv] incr index } } } puts "***************************************************" ################################################################################ # 7. Stop L2/L3 traffic ################################################################################# puts "Stopping L2/L3 traffic" ixNet exec stop [ixNet getRoot]/traffic after 5000 ################################################################################ # 8. Stop all protocols ################################################################################ ixNet exec stopAllProtocols puts "!!! Test Script Ends !!!"