# coding=utf-8 ################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Description: # This script intends to demonstrate how to use OVSDB Protocol API# # It will create following : #1. Add topology for ovsdb controller #2. Configure ipv4, ovsdb controller in TCP and cluster data. #3. Add device group for hypervisor and VM. #4. Associate connection between Hypervisor VxLAN and ovsdb controller. #5. Add Replicator as another device group, configure its ip address, BFD # interface. #6. Associate replicator VXLAN and BFD interface to ovsdb controller. #7. Start each device group separately. #8. Wait for some time #9. Check Stats #10. Execute dump db #11. Stop each device group separately. ################################################################################ namespace eval ::py { set ixTclServer set ixTclPort 8345 set ports {{ 8 1} { 7 1}} } puts "Load ixNetwork Tcl API package" package req IxTclNetwork puts "Connect to IxNetwork Tcl server" ixNet connect $::py::ixTclServer -port $::py::ixTclPort -version 8.40\ –setAttribute strict puts "Creating a new config" ixNet exec newConfig ################################################################################ # Connecting to IxTCl server and cretaing new config # ############################################################################### puts "Adding 1 vports" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet commit set vPorts [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] set vportTx [lindex $vPorts 0] puts "Assigning the ports" ::ixTclNet::AssignPorts $py::ports {} $vPorts force puts "Adding topology" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] topology -vports $vportTx ixNet commit set topologies [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] topology] set topo1 [lindex $topologies 0] ################################################################################ # Adding Controller Device Group # ############################################################################### puts "Adding Controller device group" set controller_dg [ixNet add $topo1 deviceGroup] ixNet commit set controller_device_group [ixNet getList $topo1 deviceGroup] set controller_device_group1 [lindex $controller_device_group 0] puts "Configuring the multipliers (number of sessions)" ixNet setAttr $controller_device_group1 -multiplier 1 ixNet setAttr $controller_device_group1 -name "controller" ixNet commit ################################################################################ # Adding Hypervisor Device Group # ############################################################################### puts "Adding Hypervisor device group" set hypervisor_dg [ixNet add $topo1 deviceGroup] ixNet commit set dg_list [ixNet getList $topo1 deviceGroup] set hypervisor_device_group [lindex $dg_list 1] puts "Configuring the multipliers (number of sessions)" ixNet setAttr $hypervisor_device_group -multiplier 1 ixNet setAttr $hypervisor_device_group -name "Hypervisor" ixNet commit ################################################################################ # Adding VM Device Group behinf Hypervisor DG # ############################################################################### set vm_dg [ixNet add $hypervisor_device_group "deviceGroup"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $vm_dg \ -multiplier 1 \ -name VM ixNet commit ################################################################################ # Adding Replicator Device Group # ############################################################################### puts "Adding Replicator device group" set replicator_dg [ixNet add $topo1 deviceGroup] ixNet commit set dg_list [ixNet getList $topo1 deviceGroup] set replicator_device_group [lindex $dg_list 2] puts "Configuring the multipliers (number of sessions)" ixNet setAttr $replicator_device_group -multiplier 5 ixNet setAttr $replicator_device_group -name "Hypervisor" ixNet commit ################################################################################ # Configure Controller and its cluster data # ############################################################################### puts "Configure Controller layer by layer" set ethernet [ixNet add $controller_device_group1 "ethernet"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ethernet \ -name "Ethernet" ixNet commit set ipv4 [ixNet add $ethernet "ipv4"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4 \ -name "IPv4" ixNet commit set gateway_ip [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4 -gatewayIp] set gateway_ip_single_val [ixNet add $gateway_ip "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $gateway_ip_single_val \ -value ixNet commit set ipv4_address [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4 -address] set ipv4_address_val [ixNet add $ipv4_address "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4_address_val \ -value ixNet commit set ovsdb_controller [ixNet add $ipv4 "ovsdbcontroller"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller \ -name "OVSDB\ Controller\ 1" ixNet commit puts "Start configuring cluster data for ovsdb controller" ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller/clusterData \ -bindingsCount 10 ixNet commit puts "Set vlan value for cluster data from range 1000-1009" set ovsdb_vlan [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller/clusterData -vlan] set ovsdb_vlan_counter [ixNet add $ovsdb_vlan "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_vlan_counter \ -step 1 \ -start 1000 \ -direction increment ixNet commit puts "Set Physical port name for cluster data to value ens256" set controller_physical_port [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller/clusterData -physicalPortName] set controller_physical_port_single_val [ixNet add $controller_physical_port "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $controller_physical_port_single_val \ -value ens256 ixNet commit puts "Set Physical switch name for cluster data to value br0" set controller_ps_name [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller/clusterData -physicalSwitchName] set controller_ps_name_single_val [ixNet add $controller_ps_name "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $controller_ps_name_single_val \ -value br0 ixNet commit puts "Set vni value for cluster data to 5000-5009" set ovsdb_controller_vni [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller/clusterData -vni] set ovsdb_controller_vni_counter [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_vni "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_vni_counter \ -step 1 \ -start 5000 \ -direction increment ixNet commit puts "Set logical switch name for cluster data to value LS_5000 to LS_5009" set ovsdb_controller_ls_name [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller/clusterData -logicalSwitchName] set ovsdb_controller_ls_string [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_ls_name "string"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_ls_string \ -pattern "LS_\{Inc:5000,1\}" ixNet commit puts "Enabling attach at start and setting its value to True" set attach_at_start [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller/clusterData -attachAtStart] set attach_at_start_val [ixNet add $attach_at_start "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $attach_at_start_val \ -value true ixNet commit puts "Set error log directory name to C:\\temp" set ovsdb_controller_error_log [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -errorLogDirectoryName] set ovsdb_controller_error_log_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_error_log "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_error_log_val \ -value "C:\\temp" ixNet commit puts "Enable clear dump db file" set ovsdb_controller_clear_dump_db_file [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -clearDumpDbFiles] set ovsdb_controller_clear_dump_db_file_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_clear_dump_db_file "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_clear_dump_db_file_val \ -value true ixNet commit puts "Set all OVSDB table names here" set ovsdb_controller_table_name [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -tableNames] set ovsdb_controller_table_name_single_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_table_name "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_table_name_single_val \ -value "all\ global\ manager\ physical_switch\ physical_port\ physical_locator\ physical_locator_set\ tunnel\ logical_switch\ ucast_mac_local\ ucast_mac_remote\ mcast_mac_local\ mcast_mac_remote" ixNet commit puts "Set Dumpo DB directory name to C:\\temp" set ovsdb_controller_dump_db [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -dumpdbDirectoryName] set ovsdb_controller_dump_db_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_dump_db "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_dump_db_val \ -value "C:\\temp" ixNet commit puts "Set file name directory here if connection type is TLS..." set ovsdb_controller_file_cacert [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -fileCaCertificate] set ovsdb_controller_file_cacert_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_file_cacert "string"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_file_cacert_val \ -pattern CA_Certificate.pem ixNet commit set ovsdb_controller_verify_peer [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -verifyPeerCertificate] set ovsdb_controller_verify_peer_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_verify_peer "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_verify_peer_val \ -value false ixNet commit set ovsdb_controller_file_cert [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -fileCertificate] set ovsdb_controller_file_cert_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_file_cert "string"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_file_cert_val \ -pattern Certificate.pem ixNet commit set ovsdb_controller_file_prv_key [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -filePrivKey] set ovsdb_controller_file_prv_key_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_file_prv_key "string"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_file_prv_key_val \ -pattern Private_Key.pem ixNet commit set ovsdb_controller_dir_name [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -directoryName] set ovsdb_controller_dir_name_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_dir_name "string"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_dir_name_val \ -pattern "C:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Ixia\\authfiles" ixNet commit set ovsdb_controller_tcp_port [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -controllerTcpPort] set ovsdb_controller_tcp_port_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_tcp_port "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_tcp_port_val \ -value 6640 ixNet commit puts "Set TCP connection here." set ovsdb_controller_conn_type [ixNet getAttribute $ovsdb_controller -connectionType] set ovsdb_controller_conn_type_val [ixNet add $ovsdb_controller_conn_type "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller_conn_type_val \ -value tcp ixNet commit ################################################################################ # Configure Hypervisor # ############################################################################### puts "Configure Hypervisor layer by layer" set ethernet_hypervisor [ixNet add $hypervisor_device_group "ethernet"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ethernet_hypervisor \ -name "Ethernet\ 2" ixNet commit set ipv4_hypervisor [ixNet add $ethernet_hypervisor "ipv4"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4_hypervisor \ -name "IPv4\ 2" ixNet commit set gateway_ip_hypervisor [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_hypervisor -gatewayIp] set gateway_ip_hypervisor_val [ixNet add $gateway_ip_hypervisor "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $gateway_ip_hypervisor_val \ -value ixNet commit set hypervisor_ipv4_address [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_hypervisor -address] set hypervisor_ipv4_address_val [ixNet add $hypervisor_ipv4_address "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $hypervisor_ipv4_address_val \ -value ixNet commit set hypervisor [ixNet add $ipv4_hypervisor "vxlan"] puts "Connecting link of hypervisor to ovsdb controllert via pseudoConnectedTo " ixNet setMultiAttribute $hypervisor \ -externalLearning true \ -runningMode ovsdbStack \ -ovsdbConnectorMultiplier 10 \ -multiplier 10 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "VXLAN\ 1" ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller \ -pseudoConnectedTo $hypervisor ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller \ -vxlan $hypervisor ixNet setMultiAttribute $hypervisor_device_group/vlan:1 \ -name "VLAN\ 2" puts "Set hypervisor VNI to increment from 5000 to 5009" set hypervisor_vni [ixNet getAttribute $hypervisor -vni] set hypervisor_vni_val [ixNet add $hypervisor_vni "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $hypervisor_vni_val \ -step 1 \ -start 5000 \ -direction increment ixNet commit ################################################################################ # Configure VM # ############################################################################### set ethernet_vm [ixNet add $vm_dg "ethernet"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ethernet_vm \ -name "Ethernet\ 3" ixNet commit set ipv4_vm [ixNet add $ethernet_vm "ipv4"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4_vm \ -name "IPv4\ 3" ixNet commit set gateway_ip_vm [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_vm -gatewayIp] set gateway_ip_val [ixNet add $gateway_ip_vm "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $gateway_ip_val \ -step \ -start \ -direction increment ixNet commit set ipv4_address_vm [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_vm -address] set ipv4_address_val [ixNet add $ipv4_address_vm "counter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4_address_val \ -step \ -start \ -direction increment ixNet commit puts "Connecting link of VM to hypervisor via ConnectedTo " set vm_dg_connector [ixNet add $ethernet_vm "connector"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $vm_dg_connector \ -connectedTo $hypervisor ixNet commit ################################################################################ # Configure Replicator # ############################################################################### set ethernet_replicator [ixNet add $replicator_device_group "ethernet"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ethernet_replicator \ -name "Ethernet\ 4" ixNet commit set ipv4_replicator [ixNet add $ethernet_replicator "ipv4"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4_replicator \ -name "IPv4\ 4" ixNet commit set gateway_ip_replicator [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_replicator -gatewayIp] set gateway_ip_hypervisor_val [ixNet add $gateway_ip_replicator "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $gateway_ip_hypervisor_val \ -value ixNet commit set replicator_ipv4_address [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_replicator -address] set replicator_ipv4_address_val [ixNet add $replicator_ipv4_address "singleValue"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_ipv4_address_val \ -value ixNet commit set replicator_vxlan [ixNet add $ipv4_replicator "vxlan"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_vxlan \ -externalLearning true \ -runningMode ovsdbControllerBfdStack \ -ovsdbConnectorMultiplier 55 \ -multiplier 11 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "VXLAN\ 2" ixNet commit set replicator_vxlan_vni [ixNet getAttribute $replicator_vxlan -vni] ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_vxlan_vni \ -clearOverlays false ixNet commit puts "Set hypervisor VNI to increment from 0 to 5009" set replicator_vxlan_vni_custom [ixNet add $replicator_vxlan_vni "custom"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_vxlan_vni_custom \ -step 0 \ -start 0 ixNet commit set replicator_vxlan_vni_incr [ixNet add $replicator_vxlan_vni_custom "increment"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_vxlan_vni_incr \ -count 2 \ -value 5000 ixNet commit set replicator_vxlan_vni_val [ixNet add $replicator_vxlan_vni_custom "increment"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_vxlan_vni_val \ -count 9 \ -value 1 ixNet commit puts "Set connector from controller to replicator" ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller \ -pseudoConnectedToVxlanReplicator $replicator_vxlan ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller \ -vxlanReplicator $replicator_vxlan ixNet commit set replicator_bfd [ixNet add $replicator_vxlan "bfdv4Interface"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_bfd \ -noOfSessions 1 \ -stackedLayers [list ] \ -name "BFDv4\ IF\ 1" ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_bfd/bfdv4Session \ -name "BFDv4\ Session\ 1" ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $ovsdb_controller \ -pseudoConnectedToBfd $replicator_bfd ixNet setMultiAttribute $replicator_device_group/vlan:1 \ -name "VLAN\ 4" ixNet commit puts "Setting BFD interface parameters here" set bfd_active_multiVal [ixNet getAttribute $replicator_bfd -active] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bfd_active_multiVal -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set bfd_active_value [ixNet add $bfd_active_multiVal alternate] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bfd_active_value -value true ixNet commit puts "Enabling one BFD Session" set bfd_session [ixNet getAttribute $replicator_bfd/bfdv4Session -active] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bfd_session -clearOverlay false ixNet commit set bfd_Session_value [ixNet add $bfd_session alternate] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bfd_Session_value -value true ixNet commit puts "Seeting BFD discriminator value to 1" set bfd_discriminator [ixNet getAttribute $replicator_bfd/bfdv4Session -myDiscriminator] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bfd_discriminator -clearOverlays false ixNet commit set bfd_discriminator_value [ixNet add $bfd_discriminator singleValue] ixNet setMultiAttribute $bfd_discriminator_value -value 1 ixNet commit ################################################################################ # Starting Protocols DG one by one as start all is not supported # ############################################################################### puts "Starting Replicator DG" ixNet exec start $replicator_device_group after 10000 puts "Starting VM DG" ixNet exec start $vm_dg after 10000 puts "Starting Controller DG" ixNet exec start $controller_device_group1 after 30000 ################################################################################ # Check Stats # ############################################################################### puts "Verifying all the stats\n" set viewPage {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Protocols Summary"/page} set statcap [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCaptions] foreach statValList [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { foreach statVal $statValList { puts "***************************************************" set index 0 foreach satIndv $statVal { puts [format "%*s:%*s" -30 [lindex $statcap $index]\ -10 $satIndv] incr index } } } puts "***************************************************" puts "Verifying OVSDB Controller per port stats\n" set viewPage {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"OVSDB Controller Per Port"/page} set statcap [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCaptions] foreach statValList [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { foreach statVal $statValList { puts "***************************************************" set index 0 foreach satIndv $statVal { puts [format "%*s:%*s" -30 [lindex $statcap $index]\ -10 $satIndv] incr index } } } puts "***************************************************" ################################################################################ # Execute dump db # ############################################################################### ixNet exec dumpDB $ovsdb_controller 1 ################################################################################ # Stopping Protocols DG one by one as start all is not supported # ############################################################################### puts "Stopping Replicator DG" ixNet exec stop $replicator_device_group after 10000 puts "Stopping Hypervisor DG" ixNet exec stop $hypervisor_device_group after 10000 puts "Stopping Controller DG" ixNet exec stop $controller_device_group1 after 10000 puts "************TEST CASE ENDS HERE*********************"