################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications, enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the user's requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST BUSINESS, LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g., any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script, any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ #**************************************************************** namespace eval ::py { set ixTclServer set ixTclPort 8027 set ports {{ 9 1} { 9 2}} } ************************************************************ package req IxTclNetwork set config_file "config.IPv4_IPv6.ixncfg" set PASSED 0 set FAILED 1 set SKIPPED 99 ixNet setSessionParameter setAttribute strict proc waitForTrafficState {state {timeout 90}} { set traffic [ixNet getRoot]/traffic set count 0 # all this if == started code is a half baked solution to prevent invalid behaviours when the traffic is # ment to stop by itself after few packets and the started state will never be noticed. if {$state == "started"} { set tiList [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] foreach trItem $tiList { set confElList [ixNet getList $trItem configElement] foreach confEl $confElList { set trType [ixNet getAttr $confEl/transmissionControl -type] switch $trType { "continuous" { } "auto" { } default { puts "$trType traffic type detected waiting a predefined 90 sec for traffic to start" after 90000 return 0 } } } } } } proc printTrafficWarningsAndErrors {{tiList "Unused for now"}} { set traffic [ixNet getRoot]/traffic set it 0 foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] { if {[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -errors] != ""} { puts "$trafficItem > ERR > [ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -errors]" incr it } if {[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -warnings] != ""} { puts "$trafficItem > WARN > [ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -warnings]" incr it } } if {$it == 0} {puts "Traffic had no errors nor warnings."} return 0 } proc generateApplyTraffic {} { puts "using the procedure from 5.40TrafficCommonUtils.tcl" set flag 1 set traffic [ixNet getRoot]/traffic # Generating Traffic puts "Generating the traffic..." foreach TI traffic { if {[::ixNet exec generate $TI] ne "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "Not able to generate the traffic.." printTrafficWarningsAndErrors return $flag } } ixNet setAttribute ::ixNet::OBJ-//traffic -refreshLearnedInfoBeforeApply false ixNet commit # Apply Traffic puts "Applying the traffic ...." if {[::ixNet exec apply $traffic] ne "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "Not able to apply the traffic.." printTrafficWarningsAndErrors return $flag } waitForTrafficState stopped puts "Traffic applied successfully ..." printTrafficWarningsAndErrors set flag 0 return $flag } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connecting to client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ixNet connect $::py::ixTclServer -port $::py::ixTclPort -version 7.20 puts "connectToClient Successful" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Cleaning up all the existing configurations from client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- puts "Performing Client cleanup" if {[catch {ixNet exec newConfig} err] != 0} { error "Clean-up Failed: $err" } after 2000 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load the ixncfg config file #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- puts "\t- Loading ixncfg file ..." if {[ixNet exec loadConfig [ixNet readFrom $config_file ]] != "::ixNet::OK"} { error "Loading IxNetwork config file FAILED " } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove the last used chassis in the config #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set chassis_list [ixNet getL [ixNet getRoot]/availableHardware chassis] if {[llength $chassis_list] != 0} { puts "Removing the chassis from the config" foreach chassis $chassis_list { ixNet remove $chassis } if {[catch {ixNet commit} err] != 0} { error "Commit Failed: $err" } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the virtual port list and real port list #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Assign real ports to virtual ports puts "Getting virtual ports ...." set vPorts [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] set vPort1 [lindex $vPorts 0] set vPort2 [lindex $vPorts 1] puts "Assign virtual ports to real ports" set status [::ixTclNet::AssignPorts $::py::ports {} $vPorts force] puts "Assigned: $status" # Check if port assign was ok puts "Checking if Ports were assigned correctly" foreach port $vPorts { set vport_state [ixNet getAttribute $port -isAvailable] if {$vport_state != "true"} { if {[::ixNet exec connectPort $port] != "::ixNet::OK"} { error "Unable to connect $port" } } } puts "Ports assigned." # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Starting protocols and wait for protocols to be started # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- puts "Starting protocols" catch {ixNet exec startAllProtocols} result1 if {$result1 != "::ixNet::OK"} { error "FAILED : Starting Protocol" } after 60000 # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Marking the fields for on the fly change # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set TI [ixNet getL [ixNet getRoot]/traffic trafficItem] set Traffic [ixNet getL / traffic] set i 1 foreach IndTI $TI { set TIname [ixNet getA $IndTI -name] set stream [ixNet getL $IndTI highLevelStream] foreach Indstream $stream { set streamname [ixNet getA $Indstream -name] set stck [ixNet getL $Indstream stack] foreach Indstck $stck { set stackname [ixNet getA $Indstck -displayName] if {$stackname == "Ethernet II"} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set DstMAC [lindex $fld 0] ixNet setA $DstMAC -onTheFlyMask ffffffffffff } if {[string match *IPv4* $stackname] == 1} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set Identification [lindex $fld 18] set DstIP [lindex $fld 27] ixNet setA $Identification -onTheFlyMask ffff ixNet setA $DstIP -onTheFlyMask 100000000 } if {[string match *IPv6* $stackname] == 1} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set HopLimit [lindex $fld 5] set DstIP6 [lindex $fld 7] ixNet setA $HopLimit -onTheFlyMask ff ixNet setA $DstIP6 -onTheFlyMask ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff } puts "\n" } } } ixNet commit ixNet exec applyOnTheFlyTrafficChanges $Traffic # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Generate and Apply traffic # # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set root [ixNet getRoot] set traffic $root/traffic if {[generateApplyTraffic]} { error "Failed to Generate and Apply traffic" } after 30000 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start traffic #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- puts "Starting Traffic ..." set startTraffic [catch {::ixNet exec startStatelessTraffic $traffic} errMsg] if {$startTraffic} { catch returned 1 if error in starting traffic. error "$errMsg" return $flag } puts "Traffic started successfully !!!" set count 0 puts "Waiting for traffic to start (Checking Traffic State) ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $traffic -state] != "started" } { puts "isStarted --> [ixNet getAttr $traffic -state]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { error "Waited for 1 min, Traffic still not started.. " } } puts "Traffic started successfully ...(in $count sec)" after 15000 ################################################################################# # Changing Header Fields On The Fly # ################################################################################# set TI [ixNet getL [ixNet getRoot]/traffic trafficItem] set Traffic [ixNet getL / traffic] set i 1 foreach IndTI $TI { set TIname [ixNet getA $IndTI -name] set stream [ixNet getL $IndTI highLevelStream] foreach Indstream $stream { set streamname [ixNet getA $Indstream -name] set stck [ixNet getL $Indstream stack] foreach Indstck $stck { set stackname [ixNet getA $Indstck -displayName] if {$stackname == "Ethernet II"} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set DstMAC [lindex $fld 0] ixNet setA $DstMAC -valueList [list 10:00:$i:00:00:01 10:00:[expr $i+1]:00:00:01] } if {[string match *IPv4* $stackname] == 1} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set Identification [lindex $fld 18] set DstIP [lindex $fld 27] ixNet setA $Identification -singleValue 120 ixNet setA $DstIP -valueList [list 30.0.$i.1 30.0.[expr $i+1].1] } if {[string match *IPv6* $stackname] == 1} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set HopLimit [lindex $fld 5] set DstIP6 [lindex $fld 7] ixNet setA $HopLimit -singleValue 120 ixNet setA $DstIP6 -valueList [list 9000:0:$i:0:0:0:0:1 9000:0:[expr $i+1]:0:0:0:0:1] } puts "\n" } } } ixNet commit ixNet exec applyOnTheFlyTrafficChanges $Traffic ################################################################################# # Verification of changed fields on the fly # ################################################################################# set TI [ixNet getL [ixNet getRoot]/traffic trafficItem] set Traffic [ixNet getL / traffic] set i 1 foreach IndTI $TI { set TIname [ixNet getA $IndTI -name] set stream [ixNet getL $IndTI highLevelStream] foreach Indstream $stream { set streamname [ixNet getA $Indstream -name] set stck [ixNet getL $Indstream stack] foreach Indstck $stck { set stackname [ixNet getA $Indstck -displayName] if {$stackname == "Ethernet II"} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set DstMAC [lindex $fld 0] set Destination [ixNet exec getLearntInfo $DstMAC] puts "Destination address after OTF changes are ... $Destination" } if {[string match *IPv4* $stackname] == 1} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set Identification [lindex $fld 18] set DstIP [lindex $fld 27] set Ident [ixNet getA $Identification -fieldValue] set DestinationIP [ixNet exec getLearntInfo $DstIP] puts "Identification value after OTF is ... $Ident" puts "Destination IP's after OTF changes are ... $DestinationIP" } if {[string match *IPv6* $stackname] == 1} { set fld [ixNet getL $Indstck field] set HopLimit [lindex $fld 5] set DstIP6 [lindex $fld 7] set hoplimit [ixNet getA $HopLimit -fieldValue] set DestinationIP6 [ixNet exec getLearntInfo $DstIP6] puts "Hoplimit after OTF change is ... $hoplimit" puts "Destination IP after OTF changes are ... $DestinationIP6" } puts "\n" } } } ######################## ####### TEST BODY END ######################## puts "Cleaning up the client: " puts " 2. Stopping protocols" catch {ixNet exec stopAllProtocols} result2 if {$result2 != "::ixNet::OK"} { error "FAILED : Stopping Protocol" } after 5000 puts " 3. Performing New Config" if {[catch {ixNet exec newConfig} err] != 0} { error "Clean-up Failed: $err" } after 2000 puts "DONE" return $PASSED