################################################################################ # Version 1.0 $Revision: 1 $ # # # # Copyright 1997 2015 by IXIA # # All Rights Reserved. # # # # Revision Log: # # 02/02/2015 Andrei Parvu - created sample # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or errorfree. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NONINFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################# # # # Description: # # The script below represents an end to end workflow for AppLibrary Traffic. # # Steps: # # 1. Chassis connection and TCL server connection # # 2. Scenario configuration at layer 2-3 # # 3. Creation of Applibrary traffic # # 4. Per connection parameters configuration # # 5. Traffic apply and start # # 6. Statistics operations: drill down in a loop # # 7. Test criteria evaluation # # 8. Stop traffic # # # ################################################################################# puts "\n\n\n#######################################" puts "Running AppLibrary Sample Workflow Script" puts "#######################################\n\n\n" #--------------------------------------------------------- # Setting global variables for the sample run #--------------------------------------------------------- set chassisIP {""} ;# chassis IP set applicationVersion 7.40 ;# IxN version set tclPort 8549 ;# the TCL port on which the IxTcl Server is listening set port1 {2 15} ;# where values are: { } set port2 {2 16} ;# where values are: { } set PFCriteria_Higher {"Initiator Tx Rate (Mbps)" 40} ;# statistic from Application Traffic item Statistics view that has to be higher than given value set PFCriteria_Lower {"Flows Failed" 40} ;# statistic from Application Traffic item Statistics view that has to be lower than given value #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connecting to TCL Server, resetting the configuration and loading required packages #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require IxTclNetwork puts "Connecting to TCL Server..." ixNet connect localhost -version $applicationVersion -port $tclPort ixNet exec newConfig after 10000 set root [ixNet getRoot] #------------------------------------ # Adding chassis #------------------------------------ puts "Adding chassis to the configuration" set chassis1 [ixNet add $root/availableHardware chassis] set chassis1ID [ixNet remapIDs $chassis1] ixNet setAttribute $chassis1ID -hostname $chassisIP ixNet commit #------------------------------------ # Adding 2 ports #------------------------------------ puts "Adding offline ports to the configuration" set vport1 [ixNet add $root vport] ixNet commit set vport1ID [ixNet remapIDs $vport1] set vport2 [ixNet add $root vport] ixNet commit set vport2ID [ixNet remapIDs $vport2] ixNet commit #----------------------------------------- # Mapping virtual ports to chassis ports #----------------------------------------- puts "Mapping offline ports to actual ports in chassis\n" ixNet setAttribute $root/vport:1 -connectedTo /availableHardware/chassis:$chassisIP/card:[lindex $port1 0]/port:[lindex $port1 1] ixNet setAttribute $root/vport:2 -connectedTo /availableHardware/chassis:$chassisIP/card:[lindex $port2 0]/port:[lindex $port2 1] ixNet commit #--------------------------------------------------- # Adding 1st topology, Device Group, Ethernet, IPv4 #--------------------------------------------------- puts "Building first topology and building its stack" set addedTopology_1 [ixNet add $root topology] ixNet commit set addedTopology_1ID [ixNet remapIDs $addedTopology_1] set addedDG [ixNet add $addedTopology_1ID deviceGroup] ixNet commit set addedDGID [ixNet remapIDs $addedDG] set addedPort [ixNet add $addedTopology_1ID port] ixNet commit set addedPortID [ixNet remapIDs $addedPort] set addedEthernet [ixNet add $addedDGID ethernet] ixNet commit set addedEthernetID [ixNet remapIDs $addedEthernet] set addedIPv4 [ixNet add $addedEthernetID ipv4] ixNet commit set addedIPv4ID [ixNet remapIDs $addedIPv4] #------------------------------------ # Configure 1st topology #------------------------------------ puts "Addressing the first topology\n" ixNet setAttribute $addedTopology_1ID -vports $root/vport:1 ixNet commit set addressMV [ixNet getA $addedIPv4 -address] ixNet setMultiAttribute $addressMV/counter \ -direction increment \ -start \ -step ixNet commit set prefixMV [ixNet getA $addedIPv4 -prefix] ixNet setMultiAttribute $prefixMV/singleValue -value 16 ixNet commit set gatewayMV [ixNet getA $addedIPv4 -gatewayIp] ixNet setMultiAttribute $gatewayMV/counter \ -direction increment \ -start \ -step ixNet commit #------------------------------------ # Adding 2nd topology, DG, ethernet, IPv4 #------------------------------------ puts "Building second topology and building its stack" set addedTopology_2 [ixNet add $root topology] ixNet commit set addedTopology_2ID [ixNet remapIDs $addedTopology_2] set addedDG [ixNet add $addedTopology_2ID deviceGroup] ixNet commit set addedDGID [ixNet remapIDs $addedDG] set addedPort [ixNet add $addedTopology_2ID port] ixNet commit set addedPortID [ixNet remapIDs $addedPort] set addedEthernet [ixNet add $addedDGID ethernet] ixNet commit set addedEthernetID [ixNet remapIDs $addedEthernet] set addedIPv4 [ixNet add $addedEthernetID ipv4] ixNet commit set addedIPv4ID [ixNet remapIDs $addedIPv4] #------------------------------------ # Configure 2nd topology #------------------------------------ puts "Addressing the second topology\n" ixNet setAttribute $addedTopology_2ID -vports $root/vport:2 ixNet commit set addressMV [ixNet getA $addedIPv4 -address] ixNet setMultiAttribute $addressMV/counter \ -direction increment \ -start \ -step ixNet commit set prefixMV [ixNet getA $addedIPv4 -prefix] ixNet setMultiAttribute $prefixMV/singleValue -value 16 ixNet commit set gatewayMV [ixNet getA $addedIPv4 -gatewayIp] ixNet setMultiAttribute $gatewayMV/counter \ -direction increment \ -start \ -step ixNet commit #------------------------------------------- # Create traffic item and add flows #------------------------------------------- puts "Adding an AppLibrary traffic item and also adding flows" set addedTI [ixNet add $root/traffic trafficItem -trafficType ipv4ApplicationTraffic -trafficItemType applicationLibrary] ixNet commit set addedTIID [ixNet remapIDs $addedTI] set addedProfile [ixNet add $addedTIID appLibProfile] ixNet commit set addedProfileID [ixNet remapIDs $addedProfile] ixNet exec addAppLibraryFlow $addedProfileID {Bandwidth_HTTP Echo_UDP Yahoo_Mail Bandwidth_IMAPv4} ixNet commit ixNet exec removeAppLibraryFlow $addedProfileID Yahoo_Mail ixNet commit #----------------------------------------------------- # Link the traffic item to the new topology set #----------------------------------------------------- puts "Adding endpoints to the AppLibrary Traffic Item" set addedEndpointSet [ixNet add $addedTIID endpointSet] ixNet commit set addedEndpointSetID [ixNet remapIDs $addedEndpointSet] ixNet setMultiAttribute $addedEndpointSetID \ -sources $addedTopology_1ID \ -destinations $addedTopology_2ID ixNet commit #---------------------------------------------------------- # Edit traffic item parameters for the added traffic item #---------------------------------------------------------- puts "\nConfiguring AppLibrary Traffic Item Basic Settings" ixNet setMultiAttribute $addedProfileID \ -objectiveValue 133 \ -objectiveType throughputMbps \ -enablePerIPStats True \ -objectiveDistribution applyFullObjectiveToEachPort ixNet commit #---------------------------------------------------------- # Setting flow percentages #---------------------------------------------------------- puts "Setting AppLibrary flow percentages" ixNet setAttribute $root/traffic/trafficItem:1/appLibProfile:1/appLibFlow:"Bandwidth_HTTP" -percentage 10 ixNet setAttribute $root/traffic/trafficItem:1/appLibProfile:1/appLibFlow:"Echo_UDP" -percentage 80 ixNet setAttribute $root/traffic/trafficItem:1/appLibProfile:1/appLibFlow:"Bandwidth_IMAPv4" -percentage 10 ixNet commit #---------------------------------------------------------- # Configuring connection parameters #---------------------------------------------------------- puts "Configuring connection parameters" ixNet setAttribute $root/traffic/trafficItem:1/appLibProfile:1/appLibFlow:"Bandwidth_HTTP"/connection:1/parameter:"serverPort"/number -value 8080 ixNet setAttribute $root/traffic/trafficItem:1/appLibProfile:1/appLibFlow:"Echo_UDP"/connection:1/parameter:"enableTOS"/bool -value True ixNet setAttribute $root/traffic/trafficItem:1/appLibProfile:1/appLibFlow:"Echo_UDP"/connection:1/parameter:"tosValue"/hex -value 0x1 ixNet commit #---------------------------------------------------------- # Starting up protocols #---------------------------------------------------------- puts "\nStarting all protocols and waiting for all ranges to be up" ixNet exec startAllProtocols after 5000 puts "Protocols started" #---------------------------------------------------------- # Apply and start traffic #---------------------------------------------------------- puts "\nApplying and starting AppLibrary Traffic" ixNet exec applyApplicationTraffic $root/traffic after 15000 ixNet exec startApplicationTraffic $root/traffic after 2000 puts "AppLibrary traffic started" #---------------------------------------------------------- # Clearing Statistics for AppLibrary Traffic #---------------------------------------------------------- puts "\nWaiting 10 seconds before clearing AppLibrary statistics ..." after 10000 ixNet exec clearAppLibraryStats puts "Statistics have been cleared" #---------------------------------------------------------- # Drilling down per IP #---------------------------------------------------------- after 10000 puts "Drilling down to reveal per IP address flow activity" set viewsList [ixNet getL $root/statistics view] set target [lindex $viewsList [lsearch [ixNet getL $root/statistics view] {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Application Traffic Item Statistics"}]] puts "Configuring drill down per IP addresses" ixNet setA $target/drillDown -targetRowIndex 0 ixNet commit ixNet setA $target/drillDown -targetDrillDownOption "Application Traffic:Per IPs" ixNet commit ixNet setA $target/drillDown -targetRow "Traffic Item=Traffic Item" ixNet commit puts "Launching the drill down per IP addresses view\n" ixNet exec doDrillDown $target/drillDown after 3000 puts "Refreshing statistics five times in a row" set viewsList [ixNet getL $root/statistics view] set target [lindex $viewsList [lsearch [ixNet getL $root/statistics view] {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Application Traffic Drill Down"}]] for {set i 0} {$i<5} {incr i} { ixNet exec refresh $target after 5000 puts "Statistics refreshed..." } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Pass Fail Evaluation #---------------------------------------------------------- # selecting the "Application Traffic Item Statistics view from all the views" set viewsList [ixNet getL [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set targetView [lindex $viewsList [lsearch [ixNet getL [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Application Traffic Item Statistics"}]] # selecting the columns based on the configured criteria set targetColumnForHigh [lsearch [ixNet getA $targetView/page -columnCaptions] [lindex $PFCriteria_Higher 0]] set targetColumnForLow [lsearch [ixNet getA $targetView/page -columnCaptions] [lindex $PFCriteria_Lower 0]] # measuring the selected statistic set measuredHigher [lindex [lindex [lindex [ixNet getA $targetView/page -rowValues] 0] 0] $targetColumnForHigh] set measuredLower [lindex [lindex [lindex [ixNet getA $targetView/page -rowValues] 0] 0] $targetColumnForLow] # comparing with pass fail condition - second item in the PFCriteria list if {$measuredHigher > [lindex $PFCriteria_Higher 1] && $measuredLower < [lindex $PFCriteria_Lower 1]} { set testResult "Test run is PASSED" } else { set testResult "Test run is FAILED: pass fail conditions - $PFCriteria_Higher and $PFCriteria_Lower - configured in the start of the script are not met" } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Stop traffic #---------------------------------------------------------- after 20000 puts "Stopping AppLibrary traffic" ixNet exec stopApplicationTraffic $root/traffic #---------------------------------------------------------- # Test END #---------------------------------------------------------- puts "##################" puts $testResult puts "##################"