# PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER # # This class demonstrates sample IxNetwork REST API usage for # demo and reference purpose only. # It is subject to change for updates without warning. # # REQUIREMENTS # - Python 2.7 (Supports Python 2 and 3) # - Python modules: requests # from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import os, re, sys, requests, json, time, subprocess, traceback, time, datetime, platform class IxNetRestApiException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=None): if platform.python_version().startswith('3'): super().__init__(msg) if platform.python_version().startswith('2'): super(IxNetRestApiException, self). __init__(msg) if Connect.robotStdout is not None: Connect.robotStdout.log_to_console(msg) showErrorMsg = '\nIxNetRestApiException error: {0}\n\n'.format(msg) print(showErrorMsg) if Connect.enableDebugLogFile: with open(Connect.debugLogFile, 'a') as restLogFile: restLogFile.write(showErrorMsg) class Connect: # For IxNetRestApiException debugLogFile = None enableDebugLogFile = False robotStdout = None def __init__(self, apiServerIp=None, serverIpPort=None, serverOs='windows', linuxChassisIp=None, manageSessionMode=False, webQuickTest=False, username=None, password='admin', licenseServerIp=None, licenseMode=None, licenseTier=None, deleteSessionAfterTest=True, verifySslCert=False, includeDebugTraceback=True, sessionId=None, httpsSecured=None, apiKey=None, generateLogFile=True, robotFrameworkStdout=False, linuxApiServerTimeout=120): """ Description Initializing default parameters and making a connection to the API server Notes Starting IxNetwork 8.50, https will be enforced even for Windows connection. If you still want to use http, you need to add -restInsecure to the IxNetwork.exe appliaction under "target". Examples Right click on "IxNetwork API server", select properties and under target ixnetwork.exe -restInsecure -restPort 11009 -restOnAllInterfaces -tclPort 8009 Parameters apiServerIp: (str): The API server IP address. serverIpPort: (str): The API server IP address socket port. serverOs: (str): windows|windowsConnectionMgr|linux linuxChassisIp: (str): Connect to a Linux OS chassis IP address. webQuickTest: (bool): True: Using IxNetwork Web Quick Test. Otherwise, using IxNetwork. includeDebugTraceback: (bool): True: Traceback messsages are included in raised exceptions. False: No traceback. Less verbose for debugging. username: (str): The login username. For Linux API server only. password: (str): The login password. For Linux API server only. licenseServerIp: (str): The license server IP address. licenseMode: (str): subscription | perpetual | mixed licenseTier: (str): tier1 | tier2 | tier3 linuxApiServerTimeout: (int): For Linux API server start operation timeout. Defaults to 120 seconds. deleteSessionAfterTest: (bool): True: Delete the session. False: Don't delete the session. verifySslCert: (str): Optional: Include your SSL certificate for added security. httpsSecured: (bool): This parameter is only used by Connection Mgr when user wants to connect to an existing session. True = IxNetwork ReST API server is using HTTPS. This parameter must also include sessionId and serverIpPort= serverOs: (str): Defaults to windows. windows|windowsConnectionMgr|linux. includeDebugTraceback: (bool): True: Include tracebacks in raised exceptions. sessionId: (str): The session ID on the Linux API server or Windows Connection Mgr to connect to. apiKey: (str): The Linux API server user account API-Key to use for the sessionId connection. generateLogFile: True|False|. If you want to generate a log file, provide the log file name. True = Then the log file default name is ixNetRestApi_debugLog.txt False = Disable generating a log file. = The full path + file name of the log file to create. robotFrameworkStdout: (bool): True = Print to stdout. httpInsecure: (bool): This parameter is only for Windows connections. True: Using http. False: Using https. Starting 8.50: IxNetwork defaults to use https. If you are using versions prior to 8.50, it needs to be a http connection. In this case, set httpInsecure=True. Notes Class attributes self._session: The requests initial Session(). self.serverOs: windows|windowsConnectionMgr|linux self.httpHeader: http://{apiServerIp}:{port} self.sessionId : http://{apiServerIp}:{port}/api/v1/sessions/{id} self.sessionUrl: http://{apiServerIp}:{port}/api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork self.headlessSessionId: /api/v1/sessions/{id} self.apiSessionId: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork self.jsonHeader: The default header: {"content-type": "application/json"} self.apiKey: For Linux API server only. Automatically provided by the server when login successfully authenticated. You could also provide an API-Key to connect to an existing session. Get the API-Key from the Linux API server user account. Examples: Steps to connect to Linux API server steps: 1> POST: https://{apiServerIp}/api/v1/auth/session DATA: {"username": "admin", "password": "admin"} HEADERS: {'content-type': 'application/json'} 2> POST: https://{apiServerIp:{port}/api/v1/sessions DATA: {"applicationType": "ixnrest"} HEADERS: {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': 'd9f4da46f3c142f48dddfa464788hgee'} 3> POST: https://{apiServerIp}:443/api/v1/sessions/4/operations/start DATA: {} HEADERS: {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': 'd9f4da46f3c142f48dddfa464788hgee'} sessionId = https://{apiServerIp}:443/api/v1/sessions/{id} Steps to connect to Linux Web Quick Test: 1> POST: https://{apiServerIp}:443/api/v1/auth/session DATA: {"username": "admin", "password": "admin"} HEADERS: {'content-type': 'application/json'} 2> POST: https://{apiServeIp}:443/api/v1/sessions DATA: {'applicationType': 'ixnetwork'} 3> POST: https://{apiServerIp}:443/api/v1/sessions/2/operations/start DATA: {'applicationType': 'ixnetwork'} sessionId = https://{apiServerIp}/ixnetworkweb/api/v1/sessions/{id} Notes To connect to an existing configuration. Windows: Nothing special to include. The session ID is always "1". Linux API server: Include the api-key and sessionId that you want to connect to. Windows Connection Manager: Include just the sessionId: For example: 8021. """ from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from requests.packages.urllib3.connection import HTTPConnection # Disable SSL warnings requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() # Disable non http connections. from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) self._session = requests.Session() self.serverOs = serverOs ;# windows|windowsConnectionMgr|linux self.jsonHeader = {"content-type": "application/json"} self.username = username self.password = password self.apiKey = apiKey self.verifySslCert = verifySslCert self.linuxApiServerIp = apiServerIp self.manageSessionMode = manageSessionMode self.apiServerPort = serverIpPort self.webQuickTest = webQuickTest self.generateLogFile = generateLogFile self.robotFrameworkStdout = robotFrameworkStdout self.linuxChassisIp = linuxChassisIp self.linuxApiServerTimeout = linuxApiServerTimeout # Make Robot print to stdout if self.robotFrameworkStdout: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import _Misc self.robotStdout = _Misc() Connect.robotStdout = self.robotStdout if generateLogFile: if generateLogFile == True: # Default the log file name self.restLogFile = 'ixNetRestApi_debugLog.txt' Connect.enableDebugLogFile = True Connect.debugLogFile = self.restLogFile if type(generateLogFile) != bool: self.restLogFile = generateLogFile # Instantiate a new log file here. with open(self.restLogFile, 'w') as restLogFile: restLogFile.write('Date: {0}\nTime: {1}\n\n'.format(self.getDate, self.getTime)) if self.serverOs == 'windowsConnectionMgr': if httpsSecured is False or self.apiServerPort is None: raise IxNetRestApiException('If using windowsConnectionMgr, you must state httpsSecured=True|False and a serverIpPort to use.') self.httpScheme = 'http' ;# This will dynamically change to https. # Automatic default to https for linux if self.serverOs == 'linux': self.logInfo('Connecting to API server: linux') self.httpScheme = 'https' if self.apiServerPort is not None: self.apiServerPort = serverIpPort else: self.apiServerPort = 443 # Windows supports only http if self.serverOs == 'windows': self.logInfo('Connecting to API server: windows') if httpsSecured: self.httpScheme = 'https' if self.apiServerPort is None: self.apiServerPort = 11009 else: self.apiServerPort = serverIpPort # windowsConnectionMgr supports only https and allows users to set the SSL port. # This is the only api server that requires user to state httpsSecured=True|False because 8.40 users could be using http. # While 8.50+ users could be using http or https. if self.serverOs == 'windowsConnectionMgr': self.logInfo('Connecting to API server: windowsConnectionMgr') if httpsSecured: # For Windows Connection Mgr only because WCM allows http and https # When creating a new session, there is no way to know by doing a POST for a new session to # understand if it's for http or https. You must enter https for the POST to create a new session. if httpsSecured == True: self.httpScheme = 'https' else: self.httpScheme = 'http' # Make Robot print to stdout #if self.robotFrameworkStdout: # from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import _Misc # self.robotStdout = _Misc() # Connect.robotStdout = self.robotStdout if linuxChassisIp: self.connectToLinuxIxosChassis(self.linuxChassisIp, self.username, self.password) return if serverOs == 'windows': self.createWindowsSession(apiServerIp, self.apiServerPort) if serverOs == 'windowsConnectionMgr': # User connecting to existing sessionId # # Starting 8.50, IxNetwork API server supports https on Windows. # If connecting to an existing session with the api server set to https:: # - Pass in apiServerIp, serverIpPort, httpsSecured and sessionId # - Although the serverIpPort default is 443 for https, this could change in the future. if sessionId: url = '{0}://{1}:{2}/api/v1/sessions/{3}'.format(self.httpScheme, apiServerIp, self.apiServerPort, str(sessionId)) try: response = self._session.request('GET', url, verify=self.verifySslCert, allow_redirects=False) if '3' in str(response.status_code): self.httpScheme = 'https' # Here, needs to set to use https. url = '{0}://{1}:{2}/api/v1/sessions/{3}'.format(self.httpScheme, apiServerIp, self.apiServerPort, str(sessionId)) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as errMsg: errMsg = 'Connecting to existing config failed on a GET: {0}'.format(errMsg) raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) self.logInfo('Connecting to existing session: {}'.format(url)) self.sessionUrl = url + '/ixnetwork' self.sessionId = '{0}://{1}:{2}/api/v1/sessions/{3}'.format(self.httpScheme, apiServerIp, self.apiServerPort, str(sessionId)) self.apiSessionId = '/api/v1/sessions/{0}/ixnetwork'.format(str(sessionId)) self.httpHeader = self.sessionUrl.split('/api')[0] else: # Create a new session self.createWindowsSession(apiServerIp, self.apiServerPort) if serverOs == 'linux': if self.apiServerPort == None: self.apiServerPort = 443 # Connect to no session ID. Connects to a Linux API server to get and delete open sessions. if self.manageSessionMode: if self.apiKey == None: response = self.post('https://{}:{}/api/v1/auth/session'.format(self.linuxApiServerIp, self.apiServerPort), data={"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) self.jsonHeader = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': self.apiKey} self.sessionUrl = 'https://{0}:{1}/ixnetworkweb/api/v1/sessions'.format(self.linuxApiServerIp, self.apiServerPort) return # Connect to an existing session on the Linux API server if sessionId: if self.apiKey == None: url = 'https://{0}:{1}/api/v1/auth/session'.format(self.linuxApiServerIp, self.apiServerPort) response = self.post(url, data={'username': username, 'password': password}, ignoreError=True) if not str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): raise IxNetRestApiException('\nLogin username/password failed\n') self.apiKey = response.json()['apiKey'] self.sessionId = 'https://{0}:{1}/api/v1/sessions/{2}'.format(self.linuxApiServerIp, self.apiServerPort, str(sessionId)) self.sessionUrl = self.sessionId + '/ixnetwork' self.httpHeader = self.sessionUrl.split('/ixnetworkweb')[0] self.jsonHeader = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': self.apiKey} response = self.get('https://{0}:{1}/api/v1/sessions/{2}'.format(self.linuxApiServerIp, self.apiServerPort, str(sessionId))) if self.webQuickTest == False: # self.sessionId = response.json()['links'][0]['href'] # Remove the redirect /ixnetworkweb from the URL. IxNetwork 8.50 will resolve this. self.sessionId = self.sessionId.replace('ixnetworkweb/', '') # self.sessionUrl = self.sessionId + '/ixnetwork' # /api/v1/sessions/4/ixnetwork match = re.match('.*(/api.*)', self.sessionId) self.apiSessionId = match.group(1) + '/ixnetwork' # matchHeader = re.match('(https://[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(:[0-9]+)?)', self.sessionId) self.httpHeader = matchHeader.group(1) if self.webQuickTest: self.sessionId = 'https://{0}:{1}/ixnetwork/api/v1/sessions/{2}'.format(self.linuxApiServerIp, self.apiServerPort, str(sessionId)) self.sessionUrl = self.sessionId self.httpHeader = self.sessionUrl.split('/ixnetworkweb')[0] # Create new session: connectToLinuxApiServer API knows whether to create a new session or connect to an existing # session by looking at the self.apiKey. if apiKey == None and sessionId == None: self.connectToLinuxApiServer(self.linuxApiServerIp, self.apiServerPort, username=username, password=password, verifySslCert=verifySslCert, timeout=self.linuxApiServerTimeout) if licenseServerIp or licenseMode or licenseTier: self.configLicenseServerDetails(licenseServerIp, licenseMode, licenseTier) # For Linux API Server and Windoww Connection Mgr only: Delete the session when script is done if deleteSessionAfterTest = True. self.deleteSessionAfterTest = deleteSessionAfterTest match = re.match('http.*(/api.*/sessions/[0-9]+)/ixnetwork', self.sessionUrl) self.headlessSessionId = match.group(1) if includeDebugTraceback == False: sys.tracebacklimit = 0 def get(self, restApi, data={}, stream=False, silentMode=False, ignoreError=False, maxRetries=5): """ Description A HTTP GET function to send REST APIs. Parameters restApi: (str): The REST API URL. data: (dict): The data payload for the URL. silentMode: (bool): To display on stdout: URL, data and header info. ignoreError: (bool): True: Don't raise an exception. False: The response will be returned. maxRetries: : The maximum amount of GET retries before declaring as server connection failure. Syntax /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/operations """ retryInterval = 3 restExecutionFailures = 0 while True: if silentMode is False: self.logInfo('\n\tGET: {0}'.format(restApi)) try: # For binary file if stream: response = self._session.request('GET', restApi, stream=True, headers=self.jsonHeader, allow_redirects=True, verify=self.verifySslCert) if stream == False: response = self._session.request('GET', restApi, headers=self.jsonHeader, allow_redirects=True, verify=self.verifySslCert) if silentMode is False: for redirectStatus in response.history: if '307' in str(response.history): self.logInfo('\t{0}: {1}'.format(redirectStatus, response.url), timestamp=False) self.logInfo('\tSTATUS CODE: {0}'.format(response.status_code), timestamp=False) if not str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): if ignoreError == False: if 'message' in response.json() and response.json()['messsage'] != None: self.logWarning('\n%s' % response.json()['message']) errMsg = 'GET Exception error: {0}'.format(response.text) raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) return response except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, Exception) as errMsg: errMsg = 'GET Exception error {}/{} retries: {}'.format(restExecutionFailures, maxRetries, errMsg) if restExecutionFailures < maxRetries: self.logError(errMsg) restExecutionFailures += 1 time.sleep(retryInterval) continue if restExecutionFailures == maxRetries: raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) def post(self, restApi, data={}, headers=None, silentMode=False, noDataJsonDumps=False, ignoreError=False, maxRetries=5): """ Description A HTTP POST function to create and start operations. Parameters restApi: (str): The REST API URL. data: (dict): The data payload for the URL. headers: (str): The special header to use for the URL. silentMode: (bool): To display on stdout: URL, data and header info. noDataJsonDumps: (bool): True: Use json dumps. False: Accept the data as-is. ignoreError: (bool): True: Don't raise an exception. False: The response will be returned. maxRetries: : The maximum amount of GET retries before declaring as server connection failure. """ if headers != None: originalJsonHeader = self.jsonHeader self.jsonHeader = headers if noDataJsonDumps == True: data = data else: data = json.dumps(data) retryInterval = 3 restExecutionFailures = 0 while True: if silentMode == False: self.logInfo('\n\tPOST: {0}\n\tDATA: {1}'.format(restApi, data)) try: if self.linuxChassisIp and json.loads(data) == {}: # Interacting with LinuxOS chassis doesn't like empty data payload. So excluding it here. response = self._session.request('POST', restApi, headers=self.jsonHeader, allow_redirects=True, verify=self.verifySslCert) else: response = self._session.request('POST', restApi, data=data, headers=self.jsonHeader, allow_redirects=True, verify=self.verifySslCert) # 200 or 201 if silentMode == False: for redirectStatus in response.history: if '307' in str(response.history): self.logInfo('\t{0}: {1}'.format(redirectStatus, response.url), timestamp=False) self.logInfo('\tSTATUS CODE: %s' % response.status_code, timestamp=False) if str(response.status_code).startswith('2') == False: if ignoreError == False: if 'errors' in response.json(): errMsg = 'POST Exception error: {0}\n'.format(response.json()['errors']) raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) raise IxNetRestApiException('POST error: {0}\n'.format(response.text)) # Change it back to the original json header if headers != None: self.jsonHeader = originalJsonHeader return response except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, Exception) as errMsg: errMsg = 'POST Exception error {}/{} retries: {}'.format(restExecutionFailures, maxRetries, errMsg) if restExecutionFailures < maxRetries: self.logError(errMsg) restExecutionFailures += 1 time.sleep(retryInterval) continue if restExecutionFailures == maxRetries: raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) def patch(self, restApi, data={}, silentMode=False, ignoreError=False, maxRetries=5): """ Description A HTTP PATCH function to modify configurations. Parameters restApi: (str): The REST API URL. data: (dict): The data payload for the URL. silentMode: (bool): To display on stdout: URL, data and header info. ignoreError: (bool): True: Don't raise an exception. False: The response will be returned. maxRetries: : The maximum amount of GET retries before declaring as server connection failure. """ retryInterval = 3 restExecutionFailures = 0 while True: if silentMode == False: self.logInfo('\n\tPATCH: {0}\n\tDATA: {1}'.format(restApi, data)) try: response = self._session.request('PATCH', restApi, data=json.dumps(data), headers=self.jsonHeader, allow_redirects=True, verify=self.verifySslCert) if silentMode == False: for redirectStatus in response.history: if '307' in str(response.history): self.logInfo('\t{0}: {1}'.format(redirectStatus, response.url), timestamp=False) self.logInfo('\tSTATUS CODE: %s' % response.status_code, timestamp=False) if ignoreError == False: if not str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): if response.json() and 'errors' in response.json(): errMsg = 'PATCH Exception error: {0}\n'.format(response.json()['errors']) raise IxNetRestApiException('PATCH error: {0}\n'.format(errMsg)) return response except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, Exception) as errMsg: errMsg = 'PATCH Exception error {}/{} retries: {}\n'.format(restExecutionFailures, maxRetries, errMsg) if restExecutionFailures < maxRetries: self.logError(errMsg) restExecutionFailures += 1 time.sleep(retryInterval) continue if restExecutionFailures == maxRetries: raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) def options(self, restApi, data={}, silentMode=False, ignoreError=False, maxRetries=5): """ Description A HTTP OPTIONS function to send REST APIs. Parameters restApi: (str): The REST API URL. silentMode: (bool): To display on stdout: URL, data and header info. ignoreError: (bool): True: Don't raise an exception. False: The response will be returned. maxRetries: : The maximum amount of GET retries before declaring as server connection failu """ retryInterval = 3 restExecutionFailures = 0 while True: if silentMode is False: self.logInfo('\n\tOPTIONS: {0}'.format(restApi)) try: # For binary file response = self._session.request('OPTIONS', restApi, headers=self.jsonHeader, allow_redirects=True, verify=self.verifySslCert) if silentMode is False: for redirectStatus in response.history: if '307' in str(response.history): self.logInfo('\t{0}: {1}'.format(redirectStatus, response.url), timestamp=False) self.logInfo('\tSTATUS CODE: {0}'.format(response.status_code), timestamp=False) if not str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): if ignoreError == False: if 'message' in response.json() and response.json()['messsage'] != None: self.logWarning('\n%s' % response.json()['message']) errMsg = 'OPTIONS Exception error: {0}'.format(response.text) raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) return response except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, Exception) as errMsg: errMsg = 'OPTIONS Exception error {}/{} retries: {}'.format(restExecutionFailures, maxRetries, errMsg) if restExecutionFailures < maxRetries: self.logError(errMsg) restExecutionFailures += 1 time.sleep(retryInterval) continue if restExecutionFailures == maxRetries: raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) def delete(self, restApi, data={}, headers=None, maxRetries=5): """ Description A HTTP DELETE function to delete the session. For Linux and Windows Connection Mgr API server only. Paramters restApi: (str): The REST API URL. data: (dict): The data payload for the URL. headers: (str): The headers to use for the URL. maxRetries: : The maximum amount of GET retries before declaring as server connection failure. """ if headers != None: self.jsonHeader = headers retryInterval = 3 restExecutionFailures = 0 while True: self.logInfo('\n\tDELETE: {0}\n\tDATA: {1}'.format(restApi, data)) try: response = self._session.request('DELETE', restApi, data=json.dumps(data), headers=self.jsonHeader, allow_redirects=True, verify=self.verifySslCert) for redirectStatus in response.history: if '307' in str(response.history): self.logInfo('\t{0}: {1}'.format(redirectStatus, response.url), timestamp=False) self.logInfo('\tSTATUS CODE: %s' % response.status_code, timestamp=False) if not str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): self.showErrorMessage() errMsg = 'DELETE Exception error: {0}\n'.format(response.text) self.logError(errMsg) raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) return response except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, Exception) as errMsg: errMsg = 'DELETE Exception error {}/{} retries: {}\n'.format(restExecutionFailures, maxRetries, errMsg) if restExecutionFailures < maxRetries: self.logError(errMsg) restExecutionFailures += 1 time.sleep(retryInterval) continue if restExecutionFailures == maxRetries: raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) def getDate(self): dateAndTime = str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(' ') return dateAndTime[0] def getTime(self): dateAndTime = str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(' ') return dateAndTime[1] def getSelfObject(self): """ Description For Robot Framework support only. Return The instance object. """ return self def createWindowsSession(self, ixNetRestServerIp, ixNetRestServerPort='11009'): """ Description Connect to a Windows IxNetwork API Server. This is for both Windows and Windows server with IxNetwork Connection Manager. This will set up the session URL to use throughout the test. Parameter ixNetRestServerIp: (str): The Windows IxNetwork API Server IP address. ixNetRestServerPort: (str): Default: 11009. Provide a port number to connect to. On a Linux API Server, a socket port is not needed. State "None". """ # Handle __import__(IxNetRestApi) to not error out if ixNetRestServerIp == None: return url = '{0}://{1}:{2}/api/v1/sessions'.format(self.httpScheme, ixNetRestServerIp, ixNetRestServerPort) if self.serverOs == 'windowsConnectionMgr': try: self.logInfo('Please wait while IxNetwork Connection Mgr starts up an IxNetwork session...') self.logInfo('\t{}'.format(url), timestamp=False) response = self._session.request('POST', url, data={}, verify=self.verifySslCert, allow_redirects=True) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as errMsg: errMsg = 'Creating new session failed: {0}'.format(errMsg) raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) sessionIdNumber = response.json()['links'][0]['href'].split('/')[-1] response = self._session.request('GET', url+'/'+str(sessionIdNumber), verify=self.verifySslCert, allow_redirects=False) if str(response.status_code).startswith('3'): # >= 8.50 self.httpScheme = 'https' # self.sessionId = response.headers['location'] match = re.match('https://.*:([0-9]+)/api.*', self.sessionId) ixNetRestServerPort = match.group(1) else: # < 8.50 self.sessionId = url + '/'+str(sessionIdNumber) self.sessionUrl = '{httpScheme}://{apiServer}:{port}/api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork'.format( httpScheme=self.httpScheme, apiServer=ixNetRestServerIp, port=ixNetRestServerPort, id=sessionIdNumber) counterStop = 10 for counter in range(1, counterStop+1): response = self.get(self.sessionId) if type(response.json()) == list: currentState = response.json()[0]['state'] else: currentState = response.json()['state'] self.logInfo('\n\tNew Windows session current state: {0}'.format(currentState), timestamp=False) if currentState != 'ACTIVE' and counter < counterStop: self.logInfo('\tWaiting {0}/{1} seconds'.format(counter, counterStop), timestamp=False) time.sleep(1) if currentState != 'ACTIVE' and counter == counterStop: raise IxNetRestApiException('New Windows session state failed to become ACTVIE state') if currentState == 'ACTIVE' and counter < counterStop: break # Version < 8.50 requires more waiting time. And we cannot verify the version number at this point. time.sleep(25) if self.serverOs == 'windows': # windows sessionId is always 1 because it only supports one session. self.sessionUrl = url + '/1/ixnetwork' try: self.logInfo('\nVerifying API server connection: {}'.format(self.sessionUrl)) response = self._session.request('GET', self.sessionUrl, allow_redirects=False, verify=self.verifySslCert) if '307' in str(response.status_code) and response.headers['location'].startswith('https'): # Overwrite the sessionUrl with the redirected https URL self.sessionUrl = response.headers['location'] except requests.exceptions.RequestException as errMsg: errMsg = 'Connection failed: {0}'.format(errMsg) raise IxNetRestApiException(errMsg) # self.sessionId = self.sessionUrl.split('/ixnetwork')[0] # self.httpHeader = self.sessionUrl.split('/api')[0] # /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork self.apiSessionId = '/api/v1/sessions/{0}/ixnetwork'.format(str(self.sessionId)) self.get(self.sessionUrl) def deleteSession(self): """ Description Delete the instance session ID. For Linux and Windows Connection Manager only. """ if self.deleteSessionAfterTest: self.delete(self.sessionId) def logInfo(self, msg, end='\n', timestamp=True): """ Description An internal function to print info to stdout Parameters msg: (str): The message to print. """ currentTime = self.getTime() if timestamp: msg = '\n' + currentTime + ': ' + msg else: # No timestamp and no newline are mainly for verifying states and status msg = msg print('{0}'.format(msg), end=end) if self.generateLogFile: with open(self.restLogFile, 'a') as restLogFile: restLogFile.write(msg+end) if self.robotFrameworkStdout: self.robotStdout.log_to_console(msg) def logWarning(self, msg, end='\n', timestamp=True): """ Description An internal function to print warnings to stdout. Parameter msg: (str): The message to print. """ currentTime = self.getTime() if timestamp: msg = '\n{0}: Warning: {1}'.format(currentTime, msg) else: # No timestamp and no newline are mainly for verifying states and status msg = msg print('{0}'.format(msg), end=end) if self.generateLogFile: with open(self.restLogFile, 'a') as restLogFile: restLogFile.write('Warning: '+msg+end) if self.robotFrameworkStdout: self.robotStdout.log_to_console(msg) def logError(self, msg, end='\n', timestamp=True): """ Description An internal function to print error to stdout. Parameter msg: (str): The message to print. """ currentTime = self.getTime() if timestamp: msg = '\n{0}: Error: {1}'.format(currentTime, msg) else: # No timestamp and no newline are mainly for verifying states and status msg = '\nError: {0}'.format(msg) print('{0}'.format(msg), end=end) if self.generateLogFile: with open(self.restLogFile, 'a') as restLogFile: restLogFile.write('Error: '+msg+end) if self.robotFrameworkStdout: self.robotStdout.log_to_console(msg) def getIxNetworkVersion(self): """ Description Get the IxNetwork version. Syntax GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/globals """ response = self.get(self.sessionUrl+'/globals', silentMode=True) return response.json()['buildNumber'] def getAllSessionId(self): """ Show all opened session IDs. Return A list of opened session IDs. {4: {'startedOn': '2018-10-06 12:09:18.333-07:00', 'state': 'Active', 'subState': 'Ready', 'userName': 'admin'}, 5: {'startedOn': '2018-10-06 18:49:05.691-07:00', 'state': 'Active', 'subState': 'Ready', 'userName': 'admin'} } """ response = self.get(self.httpHeader+'/api/v1/sessions', silentMode=True) sessionId = {} for eachSessionId in response.json(): sessionId.update({eachSessionId['id']: {'userName': eachSessionId['userName'], 'createdOn': eachSessionId['createdOn'].replace('T', ' '), 'state': eachSessionId['state'], 'subState': eachSessionId['subState'] } }) print('\nSessionId: {}'.format(eachSessionId['id'])) print(' UserName: {}'.format(eachSessionId['userName'])) print(' StartedOn: {}'.format(eachSessionId['createdOn'].replace('T', ' '))) print(' State: {}'.format(eachSessionId['state'])) print(' SubState: {}'.format(eachSessionId['subState'])) print() return sessionId def showErrorMessage(self, silentMode=False): """ Description Show all the error messages from IxNetwork. Parameter silentMode: (bool): True: Don't print the REST API on stdout. Syntax GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/globals/appErrors/error """ errorList = [] response = self.get(self.sessionUrl+'/globals/appErrors/error', silentMode=silentMode) print() for errorId in response.json(): if errorId['errorLevel'] == 'kError': print('CurrentErrorMessage: {0}'.format(errorId['name'])) print('\tDescription: {0}'.format(errorId['lastModified'])) errorList.append(errorId['name']) print() return errorList def waitForComplete(self, response='', url='', silentMode=False, ignoreException=False, httpAction='get', timeout=90): """ Description Wait for an operation progress to complete. Parameters response: (json response/dict): The POST action response. Generally, after an /operations action. Such as /operations/startallprotocols, /operations/assignports. silentMode: (bool): If True, display info messages on stdout. ignoreException: (bool): ignoreException is for assignPorts. Don't want to exit test. Verify port connectionStatus for: License Failed and Version Mismatch to report problem immediately. httpAction: (get|post): Defaults to GET. For chassisMgmt, it uses POST. timeout: (int): The time allowed to wait for success completion in seconds. """ if silentMode == False: self.logInfo('\nwaitForComplete:', timestamp=False) self.logInfo("\tState:{} Progress:{}".format(response.json()["state"], response.json()['progress']), timestamp=False) if response.json() == []: raise IxNetRestApiException('waitForComplete: response is empty.') if response.json() == '' or response.json()['progress'] == 100: return response if 'errors' in response.json(): raise IxNetRestApiException(response.json()["errors"][0]) if response.json()['state'] in ["ERROR", "EXCEPTION"]: raise IxNetRestApiException('WaitForComplete: STATE=%s: %s' % (response.json()['state'], response.text)) for counter in range(1,timeout+1): if httpAction == 'get': response = self.get(url, silentMode=True) if httpAction == 'post': response = self.post(url, silentMode=True) state = response.json()["state"] progress = response.json()["progress"] if silentMode == False: if progress != 100: self.logInfo("\tState:{} Progress:{}: Wait {}/{} seconds".format(state, progress, counter, timeout), timestamp=False) if progress == 100: self.logInfo("\tState:{} Progress:{}".format(state, progress), timestamp=False) if counter < timeout and progress != 100: time.sleep(1) continue if counter < timeout and state in ["ERROR", "EXCEPTION"]: # ignoreException is for assignPorts. Don't want to exit test. # Verify port connectionStatus for: License Failed and Version Mismatch to report problem immediately. if ignoreException: return response raise IxNetRestApiException(response.text) if counter < timeout and progress == 100: return response if counter == timeout and progress != 100: if ignoreException: return response raise IxNetRestApiException('waitForComplete failed: %s' % response.json()) def waitForComplete_backup(self, response='', url='', silentMode=False, ignoreException=False, httpAction='get', timeout=90): """ Description Wait for an operation progress to complete. Parameters response: (json response/dict): The POST action response. Generally, after an /operations action. Such as /operations/startallprotocols, /operations/assignports. silentMode: (bool): If True, display info messages on stdout. ignoreException: (bool): ignoreException is for assignPorts. Don't want to exit test. Verify port connectionStatus for: License Failed and Version Mismatch to report problem immediately. httpAction: (get|post): Defaults to GET. For chassisMgmt, it uses POST. timeout: (int): The time allowed to wait for success completion in seconds. """ if silentMode == False: self.logInfo('\nwaitForComplete:', timestamp=False) self.logInfo("\tState: %s " % response.json()["state"], timestamp=False) if response.json() == []: raise IxNetRestApiException('waitForComplete: response is empty.') if response.json() == '' or response.json()['state'] == 'SUCCESS': return response if 'errors' in response.json(): raise IxNetRestApiException(response.json()["errors"][0]) if response.json()['state'] in ["ERROR", "EXCEPTION"]: raise IxNetRestApiException('WaitForComplete: STATE=%s: %s' % (response.json()['state'], response.text)) for counter in range(1,timeout+1): if httpAction == 'get': response = self.get(url, silentMode=True) if httpAction == 'post': response = self.post(url, silentMode=True) state = response.json()["state"] if silentMode == False: if state != 'SUCCESS': self.logInfo("\tState: {0}: Wait {1}/{2} seconds".format(state, counter, timeout), timestamp=False) if state == 'SUCCESS': self.logInfo("\tState: {0}".format(state), timestamp=False) if counter < timeout and state in ["IN_PROGRESS", "down"]: time.sleep(1) continue if counter < timeout and state in ["ERROR", "EXCEPTION"]: # ignoreException is for assignPorts. Don't want to exit test. # Verify port connectionStatus for: License Failed and Version Mismatch to report problem immediately. if ignoreException: return response raise IxNetRestApiException(response.text) if counter < timeout and state == 'SUCCESS': return response if counter == timeout and state != 'SUCCESS': if ignoreException: return response raise IxNetRestApiException('waitForComplete failed: %s' % response.json()) def connectToLinuxIxosChassis(self, chassisIp, username, password): url = 'https://{0}/platform/api/v1/auth/session'.format(chassisIp) response = self.post(url, data={'username': username, 'password': password}) self.apiKey = response.json()['apiKey'] self.jsonHeader = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': self.apiKey} # userAccountUrl: https://{ip}/platform/api/v1/auth/users/{id} self.userSessionId = response.json()['userAccountUrl'] self.ixosHeader = 'https://{0}/chassis/api/v2/ixos'.format(chassisIp) self.chassisPlatformHeader = 'https://{0}/platform/api/v2'.format(chassisIp) self.diagnosticsHeader = 'https://{0}/chassis/api/v1/diagnostics'.format(chassisIp) self.authenticationHeader = 'https://{0}/chassis/api/v1/auth'.format(chassisIp) self.sessionUrl = self.ixosHeader def connectToLinuxApiServer(self, linuxServerIp, linuxServerIpPort, username='admin', password='admin', verifySslCert=False, timeout=120): """ Description Connect to a Linux API server. Parameters linuxServerIp: (str): The Linux API server IP address. username: (str): Login username. Default = admin. password: (str): Login password. Default = admin. verifySslCert: (str): Default: None. The SSL Certificate for secure access verification. timeout: (int): Default:120. The timeout to wait for the Linux API server to start up. Problem: In case the linux api server is installed in a chassis and the DNS is misconfigured, it takes longer to start up. Syntax POST: /api/v1/auth/session """ self.verifySslCert = verifySslCert if self.apiKey is None: # 1: Connect to the Linux API server url = 'https://{0}:{1}/api/v1/auth/session'.format(linuxServerIp, linuxServerIpPort) self.logInfo('connectToLinuxApiServer: %s' % url) response = self.post(url, data={'username': username, 'password': password}, ignoreError=True) if not str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): raise IxNetRestApiException('\nLogin username/password failed\n') self.apiKey = response.json()['apiKey'] url = 'https://{0}:{1}/api/v1/sessions'.format(linuxServerIp, linuxServerIpPort) if self.webQuickTest == False: data = {'applicationType': 'ixnrest'} if self.webQuickTest == True: data = {'applicationType': 'ixnetwork'} self.jsonHeader = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': self.apiKey} self.logInfo('linuxServerCreateSession') response = self.post(url, data=data, headers=self.jsonHeader) self.sessionIdNumber = response.json()['id'] response = self.get(url+'/'+str(self.sessionIdNumber)) # self.sessionId = response.json()['links'][0]['href'] # Remove the redirect /ixnetworkweb from the URL. IxNetwork 8.50 will resolve this. self.sessionId = self.sessionId.replace('ixnetworkweb/', '') # matchHeader = re.match('(https://[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(:[0-9]+)?)', self.sessionId) self.httpHeader = matchHeader.group(1) if ':' not in self.httpHeader: self.httpHeader + '/' + linuxServerIpPort self.sessionUrl = self.sessionId+'/ixnetwork' # /api/v1/sessions/4/ixnetwork match = re.match('.*(/api.*)', self.sessionId) self.apiSessionId = match.group(1) + '/ixnetwork' # 3: Start the new session response = self.post(self.sessionId+'/operations/start') if self.linuxServerWaitForSuccess(response.json()['url'], timeout=timeout) == 1: raise IxNetRestApiException if self.webQuickTest == True: self.sessionId = 'https://{0}/ixnetworkweb/api/v1/sessions/{1}'.format(linuxServerIp, self.sessionIdNumber) self.sessionUrl = 'https://{0}/ixnetworkweb/api/v1/sessions/{1}/ixnetwork'.format(linuxServerIp, self.sessionIdNumber) self.httpHeader = self.sessionUrl.split('/api')[0] # If an API-Key is provided, then verify the session ID connection. if self.apiKey: self.get(self.sessionId) def linuxServerGetGlobalLicense(self, linuxServerIp): """ Description Get the global license server details from the Linux API server. Paramters linuxServerIp: (str): The IP address of the Linux API server. Syntax GET: /api/v1/sessions/9999/ixnetworkglobals/license """ staticUrl = 'https://{linuxServerIp}/api/v1/sessions/9999/ixnetworkglobals/license'.format(linuxServerIp=linuxServerIp) self.logInfo('linuxServerGetGlobalLicense: %s ' % linuxServerIp) response = self.get(staticUrl, silentMode=False) licenseServerIp = response.json()['servers'][0] licenseServerMode = response.json()['mode'] licenseServerTier = response.json()['tier'] self.logInfo('linuxServerGetGlobalLicenses:') self.logInfo('\t%s' % licenseServerIp) self.logInfo('\t%s' % licenseServerMode) self.logInfo('\t%s' % licenseServerTier) return licenseServerIp,licenseServerMode,licenseServerTier def configLicenseServerDetails(self, licenseServer=None, licenseMode=None, licenseTier=None): """ Description Configure license server details: license server IP, license mode and license tier. Parameters licenseServer: (str): License server IP address(s) in a list. licenseMode: (str): subscription | perpetual | mixed licenseTier: (str): tier1 | tier2 | tier3 ... Syntax PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/globals/licensing """ # Each new session requires configuring the new session's license details. data = {} if licenseServer: data.update({'licensingServers': licenseServer}) if licenseMode: data.update({'mode': licenseMode}) if licenseTier: data.update({'tier': licenseTier}) response = self.patch(self.sessionUrl+'/globals/licensing', data=data) self.showLicenseDetails() def showLicenseDetails(self): """ Description Display the new session's license details. Syntax GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/globals/licensing """ response = self.get(self.sessionUrl+'/globals/licensing') self.logInfo('\nVerifying sessionId license server: %s' % self.sessionUrl, timestamp=False) self.logInfo('\t%s' % response.json()['licensingServers'], timestamp=False) self.logInfo('\t%s'% response.json()['mode'], timestamp=False) self.logInfo('\t%s' % response.json()['tier'], timestamp=False) def getAllOpenSessionIds(self): """ Description Get a list of open session IDs and some session metas. Syntax GETE: /api/v1/sessions Return A dict """ response = self.get(self.sessionUrl) sessionIdDict = {} for session in response.json(): href = session['links'][0]['href'] id = session['id'] username = session['userName'] state = session['state'] createOn = session['createdOn'] sessionIdDict[id] = {'id': id, 'sessionIdUrl': href, 'username': username, 'state': state, 'createdOn': createOn} return sessionIdDict def linuxServerStopAndDeleteSession(self): """ Description Wrapper to stop and delete the session ID on the Linux API server. Requirements linuxServerStopOperations() linuxServerDeleteSession() Syntax GET = /api/v1/sessions/{id} """ if self.serverOs == 'linux' and self.deleteSessionAfterTest==True: self.linuxServerStopOperations() self.linuxServerDeleteSession() def linuxServerStopOperations(self, sessionId=None): """ Description Stop the session ID on the Linux API server. Parameter sessionId: (str): The session ID to stop. Requirement self.linuxServerWaitForSuccess() Syntax POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/operations/stop """ if sessionId != None: sessionId = sessionId else: sessionId = self.sessionId response = self.post(sessionId+'/operations/stop') if self.linuxServerWaitForSuccess(response.json()['url'], timeout=90) == 1: raise IxNetRestApiException def linuxServerDeleteSession(self, sessionId=None): """ Description Delete the session ID on the Linux API server. Paramter sessionId: (str): The session ID to delete on the Linux API server. Syntax DELETE: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/operations/stop """ if sessionId != None: sessionId = sessionId else: sessionId = self.sessionId response = self.delete(sessionId) def linuxServerWaitForSuccess(self, url, timeout=120): """ Description Wait for a success completion on the Linux API server. Paramters url: (str): The URL's ID of the operation to verify. timeout: (int): The timeout value. """ data = {'applicationType': 'ixnrest'} jsonHeader = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': self.apiKey} self.logInfo('linuxServerWaitForSuccess') for counter in range(1,timeout+1): response = self.get(url, data=data, silentMode=True) currentStatus = response.json()['message'] self.logInfo('\tCurrentStatus: {0}: {1}/{2} seconds'.format(currentStatus, counter, timeout), timestamp=False) if counter < timeout+1 and currentStatus != 'Operation successfully completed': time.sleep(1) if counter == timeout+1 and currentStatus != 'Operation successfully completed': return 1 if counter < timeout+1 and currentStatus == 'Operation successfully completed': return 0 def newBlankConfig(self): """ Description Start a new blank configuration. Requirement self.waitForComplete() Syntax: /api/v1/sessions/{1}/ixnetwork/operations/newconfig """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/newconfig' response = self.post(url) url = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/newconfig/'+response.json()['id'] self.waitForComplete(response, url) def refreshHardware(self, chassisObj): """ Description Refresh the chassis Parameter chassisObj: (str):The chassis object. Ex: /api/v1/sessions/{1}/ixnetwork/availableHardware/chassis/1 Requirement self.waitForComplete() Syntax /api/v1/sessions/{1}/ixnetwork/availableHardware/chassis/operations/refreshinfo """ response = self.post(self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/chassis/operations/refreshinfo', data={'arg1': [chassisObj]}) self.waitForComplete(response, self.sessionUrl+'/availableHardware/chassis/operations/refreshinfo') def query(self, data, silentMode=False): """ Description Query for objects using filters. Paramater silentMode: (bool): True: Don't display any output on stdout. Notes Assuming this is a BGP configuration, which has two Topologies. Below demonstrates how to query the BGP host object by drilling down the Topology by its name and the specific the BGP attributes to modify at the BGPIpv4Peer node: flap, downtimeInSec, uptimeInSec. The from '/' is the entry point to the API tree. Notice all the node. This represents the API tree from the / entry point and starting at Topology level to the BGP host level. Notes Use the API Browser tool on the IxNetwork GUI to view the API tree. data: {'from': '/', 'nodes': [{'node': 'topology', 'properties': ['name'], 'where': [{'property': 'name', 'regex': 'Topo1'}]}, {'node': 'deviceGroup', 'properties': [], 'where': []}, {'node': 'ethernet', 'properties': [], 'where': []}, {'node': 'ipv4', 'properties': [], 'where': []}, {'node': 'bgpIpv4Peer', 'properties': ['flap', 'downtimeInSec', 'uptimeInSec'], 'where': []}] } Requirements self.waitForComplete() Examples response = restObj.query(data=queryData) bgpHostAttributes = response.json()['result'][0]['topology'][0]['deviceGroup'][0]['ethernet'][0]['ipv4'][0]['bgpIpv4Peer'][0] # GET THE BGP ATTRIBUTES TO MODIFY bgpHostFlapMultivalue = bgpHostAttributes['flap'] bgpHostFlapUpTimeMultivalue = bgpHostAttributes['uptimeInSec'] bgpHostFlapDownTimeMultivalue = bgpHostAttributes['downtimeInSec'] restObj.configMultivalue(bgpHostFlapMultivalue, multivalueType='valueList', data={'values': ['true', 'true']}) restObj.configMultivalue(bgpHostFlapUpTimeMultivalue, multivalueType='singleValue', data={'value': '60'}) restObj.configMultivalue(bgpHostFlapDownTimeMultivalue, multivalueType='singleValue', data={'value': '30'}) """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/query' reformattedData = {'selects': [data]} response = self.post(url, data=reformattedData, silentMode=silentMode) self.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id'], silentMode=silentMode) return response def select(self, data): """ Description Using the Select operation to query for objects using filters. """ url = self.sessionUrl+'/operations/select' response = self.post(url, data=data) self.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id']) return response def configMultivalue(self, multivalueUrl, multivalueType, data): """ Description Configure multivalues. Parameters multivalueUrl: (str): The multivalue: /api/v1/sessions/{1}/ixnetwork/multivalue/1 multivalueType: (str): counter|singleValue|valueList data: (dict): singleValue: data={'value': ''}) valueList: data needs to be in a [list]: data={'values': [list]} counter: data={'start': value, 'direction': increment|decrement, 'step': value} """ if multivalueType == 'counter': # Examples: macAddress = {'start': '00:01:01:00:00:01', 'direction': 'increment', 'step': '00:00:00:00:00:01'} # data=macAddress) self.patch(self.httpHeader+multivalueUrl+'/counter', data=data) if multivalueType == 'singleValue': # data={'value': value} self.patch(self.httpHeader+multivalueUrl+'/singleValue', data=data) if multivalueType == 'valueList': # data={'values': ['item1', 'item2']} self.patch(self.httpHeader+multivalueUrl+'/valueList', data=data) def getMultivalueValues(self, multivalueObj, silentMode=False): """ Description Get the multivalue values. Parameters multivalueObj: (str): The multivalue object: /api/v1/sessions/{1}/ixnetwork/multivalue/208 silentMode: (bool): True=Display the GET and status code. False=Don't display. Requirements self.waitForComplete() """ response = self.get(self.httpHeader+multivalueObj+'?includes=count', silentMode=silentMode) count = response.json()['count'] if silentMode == False: self.logInfo('getMultivalueValues: {0} Count={1}'.format(multivalueObj, count)) data = {'arg1': multivalueObj, 'arg2': 0, 'arg3': count } response = self.post(self.sessionUrl+'/multivalue/operations/getValues', data=data, silentMode=silentMode) self.waitForComplete(response, self.sessionUrl+'/operations/multivalue/getValues'+response.json()['id']) return response.json()['result'] def getObjAttributeValue(self, obj, attribute): """ Description Based on the object handle, get any property attribute and return the value. Parameter obj: : An object handle: For example: If you want the ethernet MTU, then pass in the ethernet object handle: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/topology/{id}/deviceGroup/{id}/ethernet/{id} and set attribute='mtu' Note: Where to get the object's attribute names: - Use the API browser and go to your object. - All the attributes are listed on the right pane. """ response = self.get(self.httpHeader + obj) # value: Could be /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/multivalue/{id} or the actual value value = response.json()[attribute] if type(value) == str and 'multivalue' in value: multivalueObj = value value = self.getMultivalueValues(multivalueObj) return value else: return value def stdoutRedirect(self): """ Description For Robot Framework. Robot captures the stdout. This stdoutRedirect will redirect the output back to stdout so you could see the test progress and to troubleshoot. """ for attr in ('stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr'): setattr(sys, attr, getattr(sys, '__%s__' %attr)) @staticmethod def prettyprintAllOperations(sessionUrl): """ Description A staticmethod to rendering a nice output of an operations options and descriptions. Parameter sessionUrl: (str): http://{apiServerIp}:{port}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork Syntax: /api/v1/sessions/{1}/ixnetwork/operations """ response = self._session.request('GET', sessionUrl+'/operations') for item in response.json(): if 'operation' in item.keys(): print('\n', item['operation']) print('\t%s' % item['description']) if 'args' in item.keys(): for nestedKey,nestedValue in item['args'][0].items(): print('\t\t%s: %s' % (nestedKey, nestedValue)) @staticmethod def printDict(obj, nested_level=0, output=sys.stdout): """ Description Print each dict key with indentions for human readability. """ spacing = ' ' spacing2 = ' ' if type(obj) == dict: print( '%s' % ((nested_level) * spacing), file=output) for k, v in obj.items(): if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): print('%s%s:' % ( (nested_level+1) * spacing, k), file=output, end='') IxNetRestMain.printDict(v, nested_level+1, output) else: print('%s%s: %s' % ( (nested_level + 1) * spacing, k, v), file=output) print('%s' % (nested_level * spacing), file=output) elif type(obj) == list: print('%s[' % ((nested_level) * spacing), file=output) for v in obj: if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): IxNetRestMain.printDict(v, nested_level + 1, file=output) else: print('%s%s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, v), file=output) print('%s]' % ((nested_level) * spacing), output) else: print('%s%s' % ((nested_level * spacing2), obj), file=output) def placeholder(): pass