# PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER # # This class demonstrates sample IxNetwork REST API usage for # demo and reference purpose only. # It is subject to change for updates without warning. # # Description # A class object for IxNetwork Classic Framework. from IxNetRestApi import IxNetRestApiException import requests, json, os, re, sys, time, datetime, ast class ClassicProtocol(object): def __init__(self, ixnObj=None): """ Parameters ixnObj: : The main connection object. """ self.ixnObj = ixnObj from IxNetRestApiPortMgmt import PortMgmt self.portMgmtObj = PortMgmt(self.ixnObj) from IxNetRestApiStatistics import Statistics self.statObj = Statistics(self.ixnObj) def getPortsByProtocol(self, protocolName): """ Description Based on the specified protocol, return all ports associated with the protocol. Parameters protocolName options: bfd, bgp, cfm, eigrp, elmi, igmp, isis, lacp, ldp, linkOam, lisp, mld, mplsOam, mplsTp, openFlow, ospf, ospfV3, pimsm, ping, rip, ripng, rsvp, static, stp Returns: [chassisIp, cardNumber, portNumber] Example: [['', '1', '1'], ['', '1', '2']] Returns [] if no port is configured with the specified protocolName """ portList = [] response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/vport') # ['http://{apiServerIp:port}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/vport/1'] vportList = ['%s/%s/%s' % (self.ixnObj.sessionUrl, 'vport', str(i["id"])) for i in response.json()] # Go through each port that has the protocol enabled. for vport in vportList: # http://{apiServerIp:port}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/vport/1/protocols/ospf currentProtocol = vport+'/protocols/'+protocolName response = self.ixnObj.get(currentProtocol) if response.json()['enabled'] == True: # response = self.ixnObj.get(vport) assignedTo = response.json()['assignedTo'] currentChassisIp = str(assignedTo.split(':')[0]) currentCardNumber = str(assignedTo.split(':')[1]) currentPortNumber = str(assignedTo.split(':')[2]) currentPort = [currentChassisIp, currentCardNumber, currentPortNumber] portList.append(currentPort) return portList def getProtocolListByPort(self, port): """ Description Get all enabled protocols by the specified port. Parameters port: [chassisIp, cardNumber, portNumber] -> ['', '2', '8'] """ self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ngetProtocolListByPort...') chassis = str(port[0]) card = str(port[1]) port = str(port[2]) specifiedPort = [chassis, card, port] enabledProtocolList = [] response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/vport') vportList = ['%s/%s/%s' % (self.ixnObj.sessionUrl, 'vport', str(i["id"])) for i in response.json()] for vport in vportList: response = self.ixnObj.get(vport, 'assignedTo') # assignedTo = response.json()['assignedTo'] currentChassisIp = str(assignedTo.split(':')[0]) currentCardNumber = str(assignedTo.split(':')[1]) currentPortNumber = str(assignedTo.split(':')[2]) currentPort = [currentChassisIp, currentCardNumber, currentPortNumber] if currentPort != specifiedPort: continue else: response = self.ixnObj.get(vport+'/protocols?links=true') if response.status_code == 200: #print 'json', response.json()['links'] for protocol in response.json()['links']: currentProtocol = protocol['href'] url = self.ixnObj.httpHeader+currentProtocol response = self.ixnObj.get(url) if 'enabled' in response.json() and response.json()['enabled'] == True: # Exclude ARP object if 'arp' not in currentProtocol: enabledProtocolList.append(str(currentProtocol)) return enabledProtocolList def sendArpOnPort(self, portName): """ Description Send Arp request on a specified port Parameters portName: : Name of the port. eg: '1/1/11' Syntax POST: DATA: {"arg1": "/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/vport/1"} Examples sendArpOnPort(portName='1/1/11') """ vport = self.portMgmtObj.getVportObjectByName(portName) if vport == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('PortName {0} not connected to chassis'.format(portName)) url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl + '/vport/operations/sendarp' response = self.ixnObj.post(url, data={'arg1': vport}) self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, url + '/' + response.json()['id']) def getDiscoverdNeighborOnPort(self, portName): """ Description Get Arp discovered neighbor on a specified port Parameters portName: : Name of the port. eg: '1/1/11' Syntax GET: Examples getDiscoverdNeighborOnPort(portName='1/1/11') Return Discovered mac address """ vport = self.portMgmtObj.getVportObjectByName(portName) if vport == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('PortName {0} not connected to chassis'.format(portName)) url = vport + '/discoveredNeighbor' response = self.ixnObj.get(url) url = self.ixnObj.httpHeader + response.json()[0]['links'][0]['href'] response = self.ixnObj.get(url) self.ixnObj.logInfo('Discovered Neighbor: %s' % response.json()['neighborMac']) return response.json()['neighborMac'] def startStopProtocolOnPort(self, protocol, portName, action='start'): """ Description Start and stop a protocol on a specified port Parameters protocol: : Protocol to start portName: : Name of the port, eg: '1/1/11' action: : start or stop a protocol, default is start Syntax POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/protocols/ DATA: {'args': 'api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/vport/1'} Examples startStopProtocolOnPort(protocol='ospf', portName='1/1/11') startStopProtocolOnPort(protocol='ospf', portName='1/1/11', action='stop') """ vport = self.portMgmtObj.getVportObjectByName(portName) if vport == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('PortName {0} not connected to chassis'.format(portName)) url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl + '/vport/protocols/' + protocol + '/operations/' + action vport = vport + '/protocols/' + protocol response = self.ixnObj.post(url, data={'arg1': vport}) self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, url + '/' + response.json()['id']) def getConfiguredProtocols(self): """ Description Get the list of protocols configured on vports. Return A list or one or more congfigured protocols eg: "['ospf','bgp']" return [] if no protocol is configured """ time.sleep(5) configuredProtocolList = [] protocolList = ['bfd', 'bgp', 'eigrp', 'isis', 'ldp', 'lisp', 'mplsOam', 'mplsTp', 'ospf', 'ospfV3', 'pimsm', 'rip', 'ripng'] response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl + '/vport') if response == False: raise IxNetRestApiException('No ports connected to chassis') vportList = ['%s' % vport['links'][0]['href'] for vport in response.json()] for eachVport in vportList: for eachProtocol in protocolList: node = '/router' if re.search('bgp', eachProtocol, re.I): node = '/neighborRange' protocolResponse = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.httpHeader + eachVport + '/protocols/' + eachProtocol) response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.httpHeader + eachVport + '/protocols/' + eachProtocol + node) if response.json() != []: if response.json()[0]['enabled'] == True and protocolResponse.json()['runningState'] == 'started': configuredProtocolList.append(eachProtocol) configuredProtocolList = list(set(configuredProtocolList)) return configuredProtocolList def enableProtocolOnPort(self, protocol, portName, enable=True): """ Description Enable protocol on a speficied port Parameters protocol: : Protocol to start portName: : Name of the port eg: '1/1/11' enable: enable or disable specified protocol. default is True Syntax PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//router/{id} PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//neighborRange/{id} PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//host/{id} PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//bridge/{id} PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//actor/{id} PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//neighborPair/{id} Examples enableProtocolOnPort(protocol='ospf', portName='1/1/11') enableProtocolOnPort(protocol='ospf', portName='1/1/11', enable=False) """ vport = self.portMgmtObj.getVportObjectByName(portName) if vport == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('PortName {0} not connected to chassis'.format(portName)) RouterInstanceList = self.getRouterInstanceByPortAndProtocol(protocol=protocol, vport=vport) if RouterInstanceList == []: raise IxNetRestApiException('No Router instance exists in protocol {0}'.format(protocol)) for eachRouterInstance in RouterInstanceList: url = self.ixnObj.httpHeader + eachRouterInstance self.ixnObj.patch(url, data={"enabled": enable}) def getProtocolSessionsStats(self, portName, protocol): """ Description Get a protocol session status for a specified protocol on a port Parameters portName: : Name of the Port to get the protocol session stats eg: "1/1/11" protocol: : Name of the protocol. eg: Examples getProtocolSessionsStats(portName='1/1/11', protocol='ospf') Return Protocol stats in dictionary format eg: {'ospf': {'Configured': 2, 'Up': 1}} """ protocolStats = {} vport = self.portMgmtObj.getVportObjectByName(portName) if vport == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('PortName {0} not connected to chassis'.format(portName)) node = '/router' if re.search('bgp', protocol, re.I): node = '/neighborRange' protocolResponse = self.ixnObj.get(vport + '/protocols/' + protocol) response = self.ixnObj.get(vport + '/protocols/' + protocol + node) if response.json() != []: if response.json()[0]['enabled'] == True and protocolResponse.json()['runningState'] == 'started': if re.search('ospf', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'OSPF Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('ospfV3', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'OSPFv3 Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('bgp', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'BGP Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('isis', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'ISIS Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('ripng', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'RIPng Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('bfd', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'BFD Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('rip', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'RIP Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('ldp', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'LDP Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('mplsoam', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'MPLSOAM Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('pim', protocol, re.I): protocolViewName = 'PIMSM Aggregated Statistics' else: raise IxNetRestApiException('No viewName defined') else: raise IxNetRestApiException('No {0} protocol running or enabled on port {1}'.format(protocol, portName)) else: raise IxNetRestApiException('No {0} protocol configured on port {1}'.format(protocol, portName)) stats = self.statObj.getStats(viewName=protocolViewName, displayStats=False) #totalPorts = len(stats.keys()); # Length stats.keys() represents total ports. self.ixnObj.logInfo('ProtocolViewName: {0}'.format(protocolViewName)) for session in stats.keys(): if re.search('OSPF', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Full Nbrs.']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Sess. Configured']) elif re.search('BGP', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Sess. Up']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Sess. Configured']) elif re.search('ISIS', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['L2 Sess. Up']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['L2 Sess. Configured']) elif re.search('RIPng', protocolViewName, re.I) or re.search('BFD', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Routers Running']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Routers Configured']) elif re.search('RIP', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Request Packet Tx']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Routers Configured']) elif re.search('LACP', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['LAG Member Ports UP']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Total LAG Member Ports']) elif re.search('LDP', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Targeted Sess. Up']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Targeted Sess. Configured']) elif re.search('MPLS', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['BFD Up-Sessions']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['BFD Session Count']) elif re.search('PIM', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Rtrs. Running']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Rtrs. Configured']) # totalSessionsNotStarted = int(stats[session]['Sessions Not Started']) else: raise IxNetRestApiException('No protocol viewName found') if stats[session]['Port Name'] == portName: self.ixnObj.logInfo('\n\tPortName: {0}\n\t TotalSessionsUp: {1}\n\t TotalSessionsConfigured: {2}'.format( stats[session]['Port Name'], sessionsUp, totalSessions), timestamp=False) protocolStats[protocol] = {'Configured': totalSessions, 'Up': sessionsUp} return protocolStats def enableRouteRangeOnProtocol(self, portName, protocol, routeRange, enable=True): """ Description Enable a route range for a protocol on a speficied port Parameters portName: : Name of the port eg: "1/1/11" protocol: : protocol to enable route range. eg: routeRange: : route range address enable: : enable or disable route range, default is True (enable) Syntax PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//router/{id}/routeRange/{id} PATCH: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//neighborRange/{id}/routeRange/{id} Examples: enableRouteRangeOnProtocol(protName='1/1/11', protocol='ospf', routeRange='') enableRouteRangeOnProtocol(protName='1/1/11', protocol='ospfv3', routeRange='10::1', enable=True) """ vport = self.portMgmtObj.getVportObjectByName(portName) if vport == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('PortName {0} not connected to chassis'.format(portName)) RouterInstanceList = self.getRouterInstanceByPortAndProtocol(protocol=protocol, vport=vport) if RouterInstanceList == []: raise IxNetRestApiException('No Router instance exists in protocol {0}'.format(protocol)) args = 'firstRoute' if protocol == 'ospf': args = 'networkNumber' if protocol == 'bgp': args = 'networkAddress' for eachRouterInstance in RouterInstanceList: url = self.ixnObj.httpHeader + eachRouterInstance + '/routeRange' response = self.ixnObj.get(url) RouteRangeInstanceList = ["%s" % (str(i["links"][0]["href"])) for i in response.json()] self.ixnObj.logInfo('Route Range list %s' % RouteRangeInstanceList) for eachRouteRange in RouteRangeInstanceList: url = self.ixnObj.httpHeader + eachRouteRange response = self.ixnObj.get(url) RouteRangeNetwork = response.json()[args] if RouteRangeNetwork == routeRange: self.ixnObj.patch(url, data={"enabled": enable}) return raise IxNetRestApiException( 'Route range: {0} does not exist in protocol: {1} port: {2}'.format(routeRange, protocol, portName)) def removeRouteRangeOnProtocol(self, portName, protocol, routeRange): """ Description Remove a route range for a protocol on a speficied port Parameters portName: : Name of the port eg: "1/1/11" protocol: : protocol to remove route range. eg: routeRange: : route range address Syntax DELETE: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//router/{id}/routeRange/{id} DELETE: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//neighborRange/{id}/routeRange/{id} Examples: removeRouteRangeOnProtocol(protName='1/1/11', protocol='ospf', routeRange='') removeRouteRangeOnProtocol(protName='1/1/11', protocol='ospfv3', routeRange='10::1') """ vport = self.portMgmtObj.getVportObjectByName(portName) if vport == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('PortName {0} not connected to chassis'.format(portName)) RouterInstanceList = self.getRouterInstanceByPortAndProtocol(protocol=protocol, vport=vport) if RouterInstanceList == []: raise IxNetRestApiException('No Router instance exists in protocol {0}'.format(protocol)) self.ixnObj.logInfo('Router list %s' % RouterInstanceList) args = 'firstRoute' if protocol == 'ospf': args = 'networkNumber' if protocol == 'bgp': args = 'networkAddress' for eachRouterInstance in RouterInstanceList: url = self.ixnObj.httpHeader + eachRouterInstance + '/routeRange' response = self.ixnObj.get(url) RouteRangeInstanceList = ["%s" % (str(i["links"][0]["href"])) for i in response.json()] self.ixnObj.logInfo('Route Range list %s' % RouteRangeInstanceList) for eachRouteRange in RouteRangeInstanceList: url = self.ixnObj.httpHeader + eachRouteRange response = self.ixnObj.get(url) RouteRangeNetwork = response.json()[args] if RouteRangeNetwork == routeRange: self.ixnObj.delete(url) return raise IxNetRestApiException( 'Route range: {0} does not exist in protocol: {1} port: {2}'.format(routeRange, protocol, portName)) def createRouteRangeOnProtocol(self, portName, protocol, routeRange): """ Description Create a route range for a protocol on a speficied port Parameters portName: : Name of the port eg: "1/1/11" protocol: : protocol to create route range. eg: routeRange: : route range to configure address eg: {'enabled': 'True', 'mask': 24, 'numberOfRoutes': 5, 'networkNumber': '', 'metric': 10, 'origin': 'externalType1'} {'enabled': 'True', 'maskWidth': 64, 'numberOfRoute': 10, 'firstRoute': '7::1', 'metric': 10, 'nextHop': '7::2'} Syntax POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols/ospf/router/{id}/routeRange/{id} DATA: {'enabled': 'True', 'mask': 24, 'numberOfRoutes': 5, 'networkNumber': '', 'metric': 10, 'origin': 'externalType1'} POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols/ospfV3/router/{id}/routeRange/{id} DATA: {'enabled': 'True', 'mask': 64, 'numberOfRoutes': 5, 'firstRoute': '7::1', 'metric': 10, 'type': 'anotherArea', 'addressFamily': 'unicast'} POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols/eigrp/router/{id}/routeRange/{id} DATA: {'enabled': 'True', 'mask': 24, 'numberOfRoutes': 10, 'firstRoute': '', 'metric': 10, 'nextHop': ''} POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols/rip/router/{id}/routeRange/{id} DATA: {'enabled': 'True', 'maskWidth': 24, 'noOfRoutes': 10, 'firstRoute': '', 'metric': 10, 'nextHop': ''} POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols/ripng/router/{id}/routeRange/{id} DATA: {'enabled': 'True', 'maskWidth': 64, 'numberOfRoute': 10, 'firstRoute': '7::1', 'metric': 10, 'nextHop': '7::2'} POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols/bgp/neighborRange/{id}/routeRange/{id} DATA: {'enabled': 'True', 'fromPrefix': 24, 'thruPrefix': 24, 'numRoutes': 10, 'networkAddress': ''} POST: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols/bgp/neighborRange/{id}/routeRange/{id} DATA: {'enabled': 'True', 'fromPrefix': 64, 'thruPrefix': 64, 'numRoutes': 10, 'networkAddress': '7::1'} Examples createRouteRangeOnProtocol(portName='1/1/11', protocol='ospf', routeRange={'enabled': 'True', 'mask': 24, 'numberOfRoutes': 5, 'networkNumber': '', 'metric': 10, 'origin': 'externalType1'} createRouteRangeOnProtocol(portName='1/1/11', protocol='ospf', routeRange={'networkNumber': ''} """ vport = self.portMgmtObj.getVportObjectByName(portName) if vport == None: raise IxNetRestApiException('PortName {0} not connected to chassis'.format(portName)) RouterInstanceList = self.getRouterInstanceByPortAndProtocol(protocol=protocol, vport=vport) if RouterInstanceList == []: raise IxNetRestApiException('No Router instance exists in protocol {0}'.format(protocol)) self.ixnObj.logInfo('Router list %s' % RouterInstanceList) #routeRange = ast.literal_eval(routeRange) for eachRouterInstance in RouterInstanceList: url = self.ixnObj.httpHeader + eachRouterInstance + '/routeRange' self.ixnObj.post(url, data=routeRange) def getRouterInstanceByPortAndProtocol(self, protocol, vport): """ Description Get router instance for the specified protocol on a speficied vport Parameters protocol: : protocol to get a router instance vport: : vport instance eg: "/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/vport/1" Syntax GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//router GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//neighborRange GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//host GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//bridge GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//actor GET: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/vport/{id}/protocols//neighborPair Examples getRouterInstanceByPortAndProtocol(protocol='ospf', vport='/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/vport/1') Return RouterInstanceList Returns [] if no router instance exists """ if protocol == 'bgp': nextNode = '/neighborRange' elif protocol == 'igmp' or protocol == 'mld': nextNode = '/host' elif protocol == 'stp': nextNode = '/bridge' elif protocol == 'rsvp': nextNode = '/neighborPair' elif protocol == 'lacp': nextNode = '/link' else: nextNode = '/router' url = vport+'/protocols/'+protocol+nextNode response = self.ixnObj.get(url) RouterInstanceList = ["%s" % (str(i["links"][0]["href"])) for i in response.json()] self.ixnObj.logInfo('Router Instance list %s' % RouterInstanceList) return RouterInstanceList def verifyProtocolSessionsUp(self, protocolViewName='BGP Peer Per Port', timeout=60): """ Description Verify the specified protocol sessions are UP or not. Parameters protocolViewName: : The protocol view name. Get this name from API browser or in IxNetwork GUI statistic tabs. timeout: : Duration to wait for the protocol sessions to up. Default = 60 seconds. protocolViewName options: 'BFD Aggregated Statistics' 'BGP Aggregated Statistics' 'ISIS Aggregated Statistics' 'OSPF Aggregated Statistics' 'RIPng Aggregated Statistics' 'RIP Aggregated Statistics' 'LDP Aggregated Statistics' 'PIMSM Aggregated Statistics' 'MPLSOAM Aggregated Statistics' Examples verifyProtocolSessionsUp(protcolViewName='ospf Aggregated Statistics') verifyProtocolSessionsUp(protcolViewName='ospf Aggregated Statistics',timeout=90) """ totalSessionsDetectedUp = 0 totalSessionsDetectedDown = 0 totalPortsUpFlag = 0 self.ixnObj.logInfo('Protocol view name %s' % protocolViewName) time.sleep(10) for counter in range(1, timeout + 1): stats = self.statObj.getStats(viewName=protocolViewName, displayStats=False) totalPorts = len(stats.keys()) # Length stats.keys() represents total ports. self.ixnObj.logInfo('ProtocolName: {0}'.format(protocolViewName)) for session in stats.keys(): if re.search('OSPF', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Full Nbrs.']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Sess. Configured']) elif re.search('BGP', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Sess. Up']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Sess. Configured']) elif re.search('ISIS', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['L2 Sess. Up']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['L2 Sess. Configured']) elif re.search('RIPng', protocolViewName, re.I) or re.search('BFD', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Routers Running']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Routers Configured']) elif re.search('RIP', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Request Packet Tx']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Routers Configured']) elif re.search('LACP', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['LAG Member Ports UP']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Total LAG Member Ports']) elif re.search('LDP', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Targeted Sess. Up']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Targeted Sess. Configured']) elif re.search('MPLS', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['BFD Up-Sessions']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['BFD Session Count']) elif re.search('PIM', protocolViewName, re.I): sessionsUp = int(stats[session]['Rtrs. Running']) totalSessions = int(stats[session]['Rtrs. Configured']) # totalSessionsNotStarted = int(stats[session]['Sessions Not Started']) totalExpectedSessionsUp = totalSessions if totalExpectedSessionsUp != 0: self.ixnObj.logInfo( '\n\tPortName: {0}\n\t TotalSessionsUp: {1}\n\t ExpectedTotalSessionsup: {2}'.format( stats[session]['Port Name'], sessionsUp, totalExpectedSessionsUp), timestamp=False) if counter < timeout and sessionsUp != totalExpectedSessionsUp: self.ixnObj.logInfo('\t Protocol Session is still down', timestamp=False) if counter < timeout and sessionsUp == totalExpectedSessionsUp: totalPortsUpFlag += 1 if totalPortsUpFlag == totalPorts: self.ixnObj.logInfo('All protocol sessions are up!') return if counter == timeout and sessionsUp != totalExpectedSessionsUp: raise IxNetRestApiException('Protocol Sessions failed to come up') self.ixnObj.logInfo('\n\tWait {0}/{1} seconds\n'.format(counter, timeout), timestamp=False) time.sleep(1) def verifyAllConfiguredProtocolSessions(self, duration): """ Description verify all configured protocol sessions are UP or not Parameters duration: : duration to wait for the protocol sessions to UP Examples verifyAllConfiguredProtocolSessions(duration=120) verifyAllConfiguredProtocolSessions(120) """ response = self.getConfiguredProtocols() if response == []: raise IxNetRestApiException('No protocols Running or Configured or Enabled') for eachProtocol in response: if re.search('ospf', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'OSPF Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('ospfV3', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'OSPFv3 Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('bgp', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'BGP Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('isis', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'ISIS Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('ripng', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'RIPng Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('bfd', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'BFD Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('rip', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'RIP Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('ldp', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'LDP Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('mplsoam', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'MPLSOAM Aggregated Statistics' elif re.search('pim', eachProtocol,re.I): viewName = 'PIMSM Aggregated Statistics' else: raise IxNetRestApiException('No viewName defined') self.verifyProtocolSessionsUp(protocolViewName=viewName, timeout=duration)