import sys, re, os, json, platform, io from IxNetRestApi import IxNetRestApiException class FileMgmt(object): def __init__(self, ixnObj=None): """ Description Initialize default attributes. Parameter ixnObj: (Object): The parent object. """ self.ixnObj = ixnObj def setMainObject(self, mainObject): """ Description For Robot support only. Setting the parent object. Parameter mainObject: (Object): The parent object. """ self.ixnObj = mainObject def loadConfigFile(self, configFile, localFile=True): """ Description Load a saved config file. Parameters configFile: (str): The full path including the saved config filename. If the config file is in a Windows filesystem, the format is c:\\path\\bgp.ixncfg If you are executing the script from Linux and the config file is in local Linux filesystem, the format is /path/bgp.ixncfg and localFile=True. localFile: (bool): For Windows API server and Connection Mgr running on a Windows server only. Set to False if the config file is in the Windows API server filesystem. """ if localFile == False: # The config file is located in Windows fileName = configFile.split('\\')[-1] copyFileUrl = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/operations/copyfile' destinationPath = '{0}/ixnetwork/files/'.format(self.ixnObj.headlessSessionId) + fileName response =,data={"arg1": configFile, "arg2": destinationPath}) self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, self.ixnObj.httpHeader+'/'+response.json()['url'], silentMode=False, timeout=30) if localFile == True: if os.path.exists(configFile) is False: raise IxNetRestApiException("Config file doesn't exists: %s" % configFile) if self.ixnObj.serverOs == 'linux': octetStreamHeader = {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream', 'x-api-key': self.ixnObj.apiKey} else: octetStreamHeader = {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'} fileName = configFile.split('/')[-1] # Read the config file self.ixnObj.logInfo('\nReading saved config file') with open(configFile, mode='rb') as byteFile: configContents = configContents = io.BytesIO(configContents) # Upload it to the server and give it any name you want for the filename uploadFile = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files?filename='+fileName self.ixnObj.logInfo('\nUploading file to server: %s' % uploadFile) # Note: # There is no status checking for this POST. This command is synchronous. The server won't return until it's done. # The response payload: {'absolute': None, 'files': [{'name': 'bgp_ngpf_8.30.ixncfg', 'length': 177791, 'modifiedUnixTime': 1572009307, # 'createdUnixTime': 1568302806}], 'directories': []} response =, data=configContents, noDataJsonDumps=True, headers=octetStreamHeader, silentMode=False) loadConfigUrl = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/operations/loadconfig' # Set the payload to load the given filename: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/files/ospfNgpf_8.10.ixncfg payload = {'arg1': '{0}/ixnetwork/files/{1}'.format(self.ixnObj.headlessSessionId, fileName)} # Tell the server to load the config file if localFile == True: response =, data=payload) if localFile == False: response =, data=payload) self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, self.ixnObj.httpHeader+response.json()['url'], silentMode=False, timeout=140) def copyFileWindowsToRemoteWindows(self, windowsPathAndFileName, localPath, renameDestinationFile=None, includeTimestamp=False): """ Description Copy files from the IxNetwork API Server c: drive to local Linux filesystem. The filename to be copied will remain the same filename unless you set renameDestinationFile to something you otherwise preferred. You could also include a timestamp for the destination file. Parameters windowsPathAndFileName: (str): The full path and filename to retrieve from Windows API server. localPath: (str): The remote Windows destination path to put the file to. renameDestinationFile: (str): You could rename the destination file. includeTimestamp: (bool): If False, each time you copy the same file will be overwritten. """ import datetime self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileWindowsToRemoteWindows: From: %s to %s\n' % (windowsPathAndFileName, localPath)) windowsPathAndFileName = windowsPathAndFileName.replace('\\', '\\\\') fileName = windowsPathAndFileName.split('\\')[-1] fileName = fileName.replace(' ', '_') # Default location: "C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\Local\\sdmStreamManager\\common" destinationPath = '{0}/ixnetwork/files/'.format(self.ixnObj.headlessSessionId) + fileName currentTimestamp ='%H%M%S') # Step 1 of 2: response ='/operations/copyfile', data={"arg1": windowsPathAndFileName, "arg2": destinationPath}) # curl http://{apiServerIp:port}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/files/AggregateResults.csv -O -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -output /home/hgee/AggregateResults.csv # Step 2 of 2: requestStatus = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files/%s' % (fileName), stream=True, ignoreError=True) if requestStatus.status_code == 200: if renameDestinationFile is not None: fileName = renameDestinationFile contents = if includeTimestamp: tempFileName = fileName.split('.') if len(tempFileName) > 1: extension = fileName.split('.')[-1] fileName = tempFileName[0]+'_' + currentTimestamp + '.' + extension else: fileName = tempFileName[0]+'_' + currentTimestamp localPath = localPath+'/'+fileName else: localPath = localPath+'/'+fileName with open(localPath, 'wb') as downloadedFileContents: downloadedFileContents.write(contents) response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files') self.ixnObj.logInfo('\nA copy of your saved file/report is in:\n\t%s' % (windowsPathAndFileName)) self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileWindowsToLocalLinux: %s' % localPath) else: self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileWindowsToLocalLinux Error: Failed to download file from IxNetwork API Server.') def copyFileWindowsToLocalLinux(self, windowsPathAndFileName, localPath, renameDestinationFile=None, includeTimestamp=False): """ Description Copy files from the IxNetwork API Server c: drive to local Linux filesystem. The filename to be copied will remain the same filename unless you set renameDestinationFile to something you otherwise preferred. You could also include a timestamp for the destination file. Parameters windowsPathAndFileName: (str): The full path and filename to retrieve from Windows client. localPath: (str): The Linux destination path to put the file to. renameDestinationFile: (str): You could rename the destination file. includeTimestamp: (bool): If False, each time you copy the same file will be overwritten. Syntax post: /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/operations/copyfile data: {'arg1': windowsPathAndFileName, 'arg2': '/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/files/'+fileName'} """ import datetime self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileWindowsToLocalLinux: From: %s to %s\n' % (windowsPathAndFileName, localPath)) fileName = windowsPathAndFileName.split('\\')[-1] fileName = fileName.replace(' ', '_') destinationPath = '{0}/ixnetwork/files/'.format(self.ixnObj.headlessSessionId) + fileName currentTimestamp ='%H%M%S') # Step 1 of 2: url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/operations/copyfile' response =, data={"arg1": windowsPathAndFileName, "arg2": destinationPath}) # curl http://{apiServerIp:port}/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/files/AggregateResults.csv -O -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -output /home/hgee/AggregateResults.csv # Step 2 of 2: #requestStatus = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files/%s' % (fileName), stream=True, ignoreError=True) url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files?filename=%s' % (fileName) requestStatus = self.ixnObj.get(url, stream=True, ignoreError=True) if requestStatus.status_code == 200: if renameDestinationFile is not None: fileName = renameDestinationFile contents = if includeTimestamp: tempFileName = fileName.split('.') if len(tempFileName) > 1: extension = fileName.split('.')[-1] fileName = tempFileName[0]+'_' + currentTimestamp + '.' + extension else: fileName = tempFileName[0]+'_' + currentTimestamp localPath = localPath+'/'+fileName else: localPath = localPath+'/'+fileName with open(localPath, 'wb') as downloadedFileContents: downloadedFileContents.write(contents) self.ixnObj.logInfo('\nA copy of your saved file/report is in:\n\t%s' % (windowsPathAndFileName)) self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileWindowsToLocalLinux: %s' % localPath) else: self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileWindowsToLocalLinux Error: Failed to download file from IxNetwork API Server.') def copyFileWindowsToLocalWindows(self, windowsPathAndFileName, localPath, renameDestinationFile=None, includeTimestamp=False): """ Description Copy files from the Windows IxNetwork API Server to a local c: drive destination. The filename to be copied will remain the same filename unless you set renameDestinationFile to something you otherwise preferred. You could include a timestamp for the destination file. Parameters windowsPathAndFileName: (str): The full path and filename to retrieve from Windows client. localPath: (str): The Windows local filesystem. Ex: C:\\Results. renameDestinationFile: (str): You could name the destination file. includeTimestamp: (bool): If False, each time you copy the same file will be overwritten. Example: WindowsPathAndFileName = 'C:\\Users\\hgee\\AppData\\Local\\Ixia\\IxNetwork\\data\\result\\DP.Rfc2544Tput\\9e1a1f04-fca5-42a8-b3f3-74e5d165e68c\\Run0001\\TestReport.pdf' localPath = 'C:\\Results' """ import datetime self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileWindowsToLocalWindows: From: %s to %s\n' % (windowsPathAndFileName, localPath)) self.ixnObj.logInfo('\nYou need to manually remove the saved copy in: %s' % windowsPathAndFileName) fileName = windowsPathAndFileName.split('\\')[-1] if renameDestinationFile: fileName = renameDestinationFile fileName = fileName.replace(' ', '_') if includeTimestamp: currentTimestamp ='%H%M%S') tempFileName = fileName.split('.') if len(tempFileName) > 1: extension = fileName.split('.')[-1] fileName = tempFileName[0]+'_' + currentTimestamp + '.' + extension else: fileName = tempFileName[0]+'_' + currentTimestamp destinationPath = localPath+'\\'+fileName response ='/operations/copyfile', data={"arg1": windowsPathAndFileName, "arg2": destinationPath}) def copyFileLinuxToLocalLinux(self, linuxApiServerPathAndFileName, localPath, renameDestinationFile=None, includeTimestamp=False, linuxApiServerPathExtension=None): """ Description Copy files from Linux API Server to local Linux filesystem. The filename to be copied will remain the same filename unless you set renameDestinationFile to something you otherwise preferred. You could also include a timestamp for the destination file. Parameters linuxApiServerPathAndFileName: (str): The full path and filename to retrieve. linuxApiServerPathExtension: (str): In a situation such as packet capture for Linux API server only, the captured file is saved at 'captures//file. Value example: 'captures/packetCaptureFolder/port2_HW.cap' localPath: (str): The Linux destination path to put the file to. renameDestinationFile: (str): You could rename the destination file. includeTimestamp: (bool): If False, each time you copy the same file will be overwritten. Syntax post: /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/operations/copyfile data: {'arg1': '/root/.local/share/Ixia/sdmStreamManager/common/bgpExportedConfigFile', 'arg2': '/api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/files/'+fileName'} """ import datetime self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileLinuxToLocalLinux: From: %s to %s\n' % (linuxApiServerPathAndFileName, localPath)) fileName = linuxApiServerPathAndFileName.split('/')[-1] fileName = fileName.replace(' ', '_') destinationPath = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl.split(self.ixnObj.httpHeader)[1] destinationPath = destinationPath + '/files/' + fileName currentTimestamp ='%H%M%S') # Step 1 of 3: url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/operations/copyfile' response =, data={"arg1": linuxApiServerPathAndFileName, "arg2": destinationPath}) # Step 2 of 3: if linuxApiServerPathExtension: # Situations like packet capturing puts the captured file in 'captures//' fileName = linuxApiServerPathExtension response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files?filename=%s' % (fileName), stream=True, ignoreError=True) if response.status_code == 200: if renameDestinationFile is not None: fileName = renameDestinationFile if linuxApiServerPathExtension: # This extension means that it has an extended path: captures//fileToGet fileName = linuxApiServerPathExtension.split('/')[-1] contents = if includeTimestamp: if linuxApiServerPathAndFileNameAsIs: fileName = fileName.split('/')[-1] tempFileName = fileName.split('.') if len(tempFileName) > 1: extension = fileName.split('.')[-1] fileName = tempFileName[0]+'_' + currentTimestamp + '.' + extension else: fileName = tempFileName[0]+'_' + currentTimestamp localPath = localPath+'/'+fileName else: localPath = localPath+'/'+fileName # Step 3 of 3: self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileLinuxToLocalLinux: %s' % localPath) with open(localPath, 'wb') as downloadedFileContents: downloadedFileContents.write(contents) self.ixnObj.logInfo('\nA copy of your saved file/report is in:\n\t%s' % (linuxApiServerPathAndFileName)) else: self.ixnObj.logInfo('\ncopyFileLinuxToLocalLinux Error: Failed to download file from Linux API Server.') def convertIxncfgToJson(self, ixncfgFile, destinationPath): """ Description This function takes the input .ixncfg config file to be loaded and then convert it to json format. The filename will be the same as the input .ixncfg filename, but the extension will be .json. The converted .json file will be saved in the path variable destinationPath. Parameters ixncfgFile: (str): The binary IxNetwork .ixncfg file. destinationPath: (str): The destination path to save the .json config file. """ self.loadConfigFile(ixncfgFile) filename = ixncfgFile.split('/')[-1] match = re.match('(.*).ixncfg', filename) if match: filename = jsonFilename = destinationPath+'/'+filename+'.json' self.exportJsonConfigFile(jsonFilename) def importJsonConfigObj(self, dataObj, option='modify', silentMode=False, timeout=90): """ Description For newConfig: This is equivalent to loading a saved .ixncfg file. To use this API, your script should have read a JSON config into an object variable. Then pass in the json object to the data parameter. For modify: Import the modified JSON data object to make a configuration modification on the API server. Supports one xpath at a time. Example: {"xpath": "/traffic/trafficItem[1]", "enabled": True, "name": "Topo-BGP"} Parameters data: (json object): The JSON config object. option: (str): newConfig|modify silentMode: (bool): If True, don't display REST API command on stdout. timeout: (int): The timeout value to declare as failed. Note arg2 value must be a string of JSON data: '{"xpath": "/traffic/trafficItem[1]", "enabled": false}' """ if option is 'modify': arg3 = False if option is 'newConfig': arg3 = True dataReformatted = {"arg1": "{0}/ixnetwork/resourceManager".format(self.ixnObj.headlessSessionId), "arg2": json.dumps(dataObj), "arg3": arg3} url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/resourceManager/operations/importconfig' response =, data=dataReformatted, silentMode=silentMode) response = self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id'], silentMode=False, timeout=timeout) if response.json()['result'] != []: if option == 'modify': errorFlag = 0 for errorMsg in response.json()['result']: self.ixnObj.logError('JSON Import: %s' % errorMsg, timestamp=False) errorFlag = 1 if errorFlag: raise IxNetRestApiException('\nimportJsonConfigObj Error') else: self.ixnObj.logInfo('importJsonConfigObj: No error in JSON import') def importJsonConfigFile(self, jsonFileName, option='modify'): """ Description To import a JSON config file to IxNetwork. You could state it to import as a modified config or creating a new config. The benefit of importing an actual JSON config file is so you could manually use IxNetwork Resource Manager to edit any part of the JSON config and add to the current configuration Parameters jsonFileName: (json object): The JSON config file. Could include absolute path also. option: (str): newConfig|modify """ if option is 'modify': arg3 = False if option is 'newConfig': arg3 = True fileName = jsonFileName.split('/')[-1] uploadFile = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files?filename='+fileName if self.ixnObj.serverOs == 'linux': headers = {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream', 'x-api-key': self.ixnObj.apiKey} else: headers = {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'} # 1> Upload the config file to the server and give it any name you want for the filename self.ixnObj.logInfo('Uploading file to server: %s' % uploadFile) with open(jsonFileName, mode='rb') as file: configContents = configContents = io.BytesIO(configContents) response =, data=configContents, noDataJsonDumps=True, headers=headers, silentMode=False) # 2> Tell IxNetwork to import the JSON config file data = {"arg1": "{0}/ixnetwork/resourceManager".format(self.ixnObj.headlessSessionId), "arg2": "{0}/ixnetwork/files/{1}".format(self.ixnObj.headlessSessionId, fileName), "arg3": arg3} url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/resourceManager/operations/importconfigfile' response =, data=data) self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id'], silentMode=False, timeout=300) def exportJsonConfigFile(self, jsonFileName, xpathList=None): """ Description Export the current configuration to a JSON format config file and copy it to local filesystem. Parameters jsonFileName: (str): The JSON config file name to create. Could include absolute path also. xpathList: To get entire configuration = ['/descendant-or-self::*'] To get code fragments such as /vport = ['/vport/descendant-or-self::*'] Requirements self.ixnObj.waitForComplete() self.copyFileLinuxToLocalLinux() self.copyFileWindowsToLocalLinux() self.jsonReadConfig() self.jsonWriteToFile() Syntax POST /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/resourceManager/operations/exportconfigfile DATA = {'arg1': '/api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/resourceManager', 'arg2': ['/descendant-or-self::*'], 'arg3': True, 'arg4': 'json', 'arg5': '/api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork/files/'+fileName } Example restObj.exportJsonConfigFile(jsonFileName='/path/exportedJsonConfig.json') """ if xpathList == None: xpathList = ['/descendant-or-self::*'] jsonFileNameTemp = jsonFileName.split('/') if jsonFileNameTemp[0] == '': jsonFileNameTemp.pop(0) if len(jsonFileNameTemp) > 1: destinationPath = '/' destinationPath = destinationPath + '/'.join(jsonFileNameTemp[:-1]) else: destinationPath = os.getcwd() self.ixnObj.logInfo('Storing the exported file to: %s' % destinationPath) fileName = jsonFileNameTemp[-1] # sessionId example: /api/v1/sessions/{id}/ixnetwork sessionId = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl.split(self.ixnObj.httpHeader)[1] data = {'arg1': sessionId+"/resourceManager", 'arg2': xpathList, 'arg3': True, 'arg4': 'json', 'arg5': sessionId+'/files/'+fileName } url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/resourceManager/operations/exportconfigfile' response =, data=data) self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id'], silentMode=False) response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files') absolutePath = response.json()['absolute'] if self.ixnObj.serverOs in ['windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr']: absolutePath = absolutePath.replace('\\', '\\\\') absolutePath = absolutePath + '\\\\'+fileName if self.ixnObj.serverOs == 'linux': absolutePath = absolutePath+'/'+fileName if self.ixnObj.serverOs in ['windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr']: self.copyFileWindowsToLocalLinux(windowsPathAndFileName=absolutePath, localPath=destinationPath, renameDestinationFile=None, includeTimestamp=False) if self.ixnObj.serverOs == 'linux': self.copyFileLinuxToLocalLinux(linuxApiServerPathAndFileName=absolutePath, localPath=destinationPath, renameDestinationFile=None, includeTimestamp=False) # Indent the serialized json config file jsonObj = self.jsonReadConfig(jsonFileName) self.jsonWriteToFile(jsonObj, jsonFileName) def exportJsonConfigToDict(self, xpathList=None): """ Description Export the current configuration to a JSON config format and convert to a Python Dict. Parameter xpathList: To get entire configuration = ['/descendant-or-self::*'] To get code fragments such as /vport = ['/vport/descendant-or-self::*'] Return JSON config in a dictionary format. """ if xpathList == None: xpathList = ['/descendant-or-self::*'] data = {'arg1': self.ixnObj.apiSessionId+"/resourceManager", 'arg2': xpathList, 'arg3': True, 'arg4': 'json' } url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/resourceManager/operations/exportconfig' response =, data=data) response = self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id'], silentMode=False) return json.loads(response.json()['result']) def getJsonConfigPortList(self, jsonData): """ Description Read an exported json data and create a list of all the vports from the json configuration. Parameter jsonData: (json object): The json data after calling: jsonData = jsonReadConfig(jsonConfigFile) """ portList = [] for vport in jsonData['vport']: # /availableHardware/chassis[@alias = '']/card[1]/port[2]" connectedTo = vport['connectedTo'] match = re.match("/availableHardware/.*'([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)']/card\[([0-9]+)]/port\[([0-9]+)", connectedTo) portList.append([,,]) return portList def jsonReadConfig(self, jsonFile): """ Description Read the input json file. Parameter jsonFile: (json object): The json file to read. """ if os.path.isfile(jsonFile) == False: raise IxNetRestApiException("JSON param file doesn't exists: %s" % jsonFile) with open(jsonFile.strip()) as inFile: jsonData = json.load(inFile) return jsonData def jsonWriteToFile(self, dataObj, jsonFile, sortKeys=False): """ Description Write data to a json file. Parameters dataObj: (json object): The json object containing the data. jsonFile (str): The the destination json file to write the json data. sortKeys: (bool): To sort the json object keys. """ self.ixnObj.logInfo('jsonWriteToFile ...') with open(jsonFile, 'w') as outFile: json.dump(dataObj, outFile, sort_keys=sortKeys, indent=4) def jsonPrettyprint(self,data, sortKeys=False, **kwargs): """ Description Display the JSON data in human readable format with indentations. """ self.ixnObj.logInfo('\nimportJsonConfigObj pretty print:', timestamp=False) self.ixnObj.logInfo('\n\n{0}'.format(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=sortKeys)), timestamp=False) def collectDiagnostics(self, diagZipFilename='', localPath=None): """ Description Collect diagnostics for debugging. Parameter diagZipFileName: : The diagnostic filename to name with .zip extension. localPath: : The local destination where you want to put the collected diag file. """ if localPath is None: localPath = '.' url = self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/operations/collectlogs' data = {'arg1': self.ixnObj.headlessSessionId+'/'+diagZipFilename} response =, data=data) self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, url+'/'+response.json()['id'], silentMode=False, timeout=900) response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.sessionUrl+'/files') absolutePath = response.json()['absolute'] if self.ixnObj.serverOs in ['windows', 'windowsConnectionMgr']: absolutePath = absolutePath.replace('/', '\\') self.copyFileWindowsToLocalLinux(windowsPathAndFileName=absolutePath+'\\'+diagZipFilename, localPath=localPath) if self.ixnObj.serverOs == 'linux': self.copyFileLinuxToLocalLinux(linuxApiServerPathAndFileName=absolutePath+'/'+diagZipFilename, localPath=localPath)