# Description # Configure IxNetwork BGP in NGPF. # # This script is the same script from SampleScripts/bgpNgpf.py. # If this Robot script is difficult to understand, you could have a side-by-side look to get a better understanding. # # This script uses object oriented programming techniques. The first thing you see in the *** Test Case *** is # that it will extend the main ${ixnObj} object to all the instantiated classes. # The reason is because all the common functions like GET, POST, PATCH, and many more are located in IxNetRestApi.Connect. *** Settings *** Documentation Configure IxNetwork BGP protocol in NGPF Metadata Script_Author Hubert Gee Metadata Script_Date 3/10/2018 Library BuiltIn Library Collections # Must add the ../../Modules path to PYTHONPATH. Library IxNetRestApi.Connect ${apiServerIp} ${apiServerPort} ${apiServerOs} robotFrameworkStdout=True WITH NAME ixnObj Library IxNetRestApiPortMgmt.PortMgmt WITH NAME portMgmtObj Library IxNetRestApiTraffic.Traffic WITH NAME trafficObj Library IxNetRestApiProtocol.Protocol WITH NAME protocolObj Library IxNetRestApiStatistics.Statistics WITH NAME statisticObj *** Variables *** ${apiServerIp} = ${apiServerPort} = 11009 ${apiServerOs} = windows ${forceTakePortOwnership} = True ${releasePortsWhenDone} = False ${deleteSessionAfterTest} = True ${licenseIsInChassis} = False @{licenseServerIp} = ${licenseModel} = subscription ${licenseTier} = tier3 ${ixChassisIp} = # Creating a list and nested list @{port_1_1} = ${ixChassisIp} 1 1 @{port_2_1} = ${ixChassisIp} 1 2 @{portList} = ${port_1_1} ${port_2_1} @{topology1Port} = ${port_1_1} @{topology2Port} = ${port_2_1} @{trackBy} = flowGroup0 # Create a dictionary &{ethMacAddr1} = start=00:01:01:00:00:01 direction=increment step=00:00:00:00:00:01 &{ethMacAddr2} = start=00:02:01:00:00:01 direction=increment step=00:00:00:00:00:01 &{ipv41} = start= direction=increment step= &{ipv42} = start= direction=increment step= &{ipv4Gateway1} = start= direction=increment step= &{ipv4Gateway2} = start= direction=increment step= &{bgp1DutIp} = start= direction=increment step= &{bgp2DutIp} = start= direction=increment step= &{networkGroup1Address} = start= direction=increment step= &{networkGroup2Address} = start= direction=increment step= &{trafficItem1} = name=Topo1-to-Topo2 trafficType=ipv4 biDirectional=True srcDestMesh=one-to-one ... routeMesh=oneToOne allowSelfDestined=False trackBy=${trackBy} # Sample configElement for continuous traffic #&{configElements} = transmissionType=continuous frameRate=88 frameRateType=percentLineRate frameSize=128 # Sample configElemnt for fixedFrameCount traffic &{configElements} = transmissionType=fixedFrameCount frameCount=50000 frameRate=88 frameRateType=percentLineRate frameSize=128 *** Test Cases *** Configuring BGP in NGPF # Extending the main ${ixnObj} object to all the instantiated classes ${ixnObj} = ixnObj.getSelfObject portMgmtObj.setMainObject ${ixnObj} protocolObj.setMainObject ${ixnObj} trafficObj.setMainObject ${ixnObj} statisticObj.setMainObject ${ixnObj} Log To Console Connecting to chassis ... portMgmtObj.Connect Ix Chassis ${ixChassisIp} # Verify if ports are available. Take over ports if forceTakePortOwnership == True ${result} = portMgmtObj.Are Ports Available portList=${portList} raiseException=${False} Log To Console arePortsAvailable: ${result} Run Keyword If ("${result}"!=0) and ("${forceTakePortOwnership}"=="True") Run Keywords ... Log To Console Taking over ports ... ... portMgmtObj.Release Ports ${portList} ... AND portMgmtObj.Clear Port Ownership ${portList} ... ELSE Fail Ports are still owned Log To Console Creating new blank config ixnObj.New Blank Config Run Keyword If "${licenseIsInChassis}"=="False" Run Keywords ... Log To Console Configuring licenses ... ... portMgmtObj.Release Ports portList=${portList} ... AND ixnObj.Config License Server Details ${licenseServerIp} ${licenseModel} ${licenseTier} Log To Console Assigning ports ... portMgmtObj.assignPorts ${portList} ${topology1Obj} = protocolObj.Create Topology Ngpf portList=${topology1Port} topologyName=Topo1 ${topology2Obj} = protocolObj.Create Topology Ngpf portList=${topology2Port} topologyName=Topo2 ${deviceGroup1Obj} = protocolObj.Create Device Group Ngpf ${topology1Obj} multiplier=1 deviceGroupName=DG1 ${deviceGroup2Obj} = protocolObj.Create Device Group Ngpf ${topology2Obj} multiplier=1 deviceGroupName=DG2 ${ethernet1Obj} = protocolObj.Create Ethernet Ngpf ${deviceGroup1Obj} ethernetName=Eth1 macAddress=${ethMacAddr1} ${ethernet2Obj} = protocolObj.Create Ethernet Ngpf ${deviceGroup2Obj} ethernetName=Eth2 macAddress=${ethMacAddr2} ${ipv41Obj} = protocolObj.Create Ipv4 Ngpf ${ethernet1Obj} ipv4Address=${ipv41} gateway=${ipv4Gateway1} prefix=24 ${ipv42Obj} = protocolObj.Create Ipv4 Ngpf ${ethernet2Obj} ipv4Address=${ipv42} gateway=${ipv4Gateway2} prefix=24 ${bgp1Obj} = protocolObj.Config Bgp ${ipv41Obj} name=BGP_1 holdTimer=90 dutIp=${bgp1DutIp} localAs2Bytes=101 ... type=internal ${bgp2Obj} = protocolObj.Config Bgp ${ipv42Obj} name=BGP_2 holdTimer=90 dutIp=${bgp2DutIp} localAs2Bytes=101 ... type=internal ${networkGroup1Obj} = protocolObj.Config Network Group create=${deviceGroup1Obj} name=NG-1 multipler=100 ... networkAddress=${networkGroup1Address} prefixLength=32 ${networkGroup2Obj} = protocolObj.Config Network Group create=${deviceGroup2Obj} name=NG-2 multipler=100 ... networkAddress=${networkGroup2Address} prefixLength=32 Log To Console Starting all protocols protocolObj.Start All Protocols Log To Console Verifying protocol sessions protocolObj.Verify Protocol Sessions Up @{sourceEndpointObjects} Create List ${topology1Obj} @{destEndpointObjects} Create List ${topology2Obj} &{endpoint1} Create Dictionary name=Flow Group 1 sources=${sourceEndpointObjects} destinations=${destEndpointObjects} @{endpoint1} Create List ${endpoint1} @{configElements} Create List ${configElements} Log To Console Configuring Traffic Item ${trafficItemStatus} = trafficObj.Config Traffic Item mode=create trafficItem=${trafficItem1} endpoints=${endpoint1} ... configElements=${configElements} Log To Console Starting traffic trafficObj.Start Traffic applyTraffic=True regenerateTraffic=True # Get the Traffic Item and ConfigElement objects incase you need to modify something. ${trafficItemObj} = Get From List ${trafficItemStatus} 0 ${configElementObj} = Get From List ${trafficItemStatus} 2 ${configElementObj} = Get From List ${configElementObj} 0 # Check the traffic state before checking stats ${result} = trafficObj.Get Transmission Type ${configElementObj} @{expectedTrafficState} Create List stopped Run Keyword If ('${result}' == "fixedFrameCount") RunKeyword ... trafficObj.Check Traffic State expectedState=${expectedTrafficState} ${stats} = statisticObj.Get Stats viewName=Flow Statistics Log To Console ${stats} #${txFrames} = Get From Dictionary ${stats} 1 #Log To Console txFrames ${txFrames}