Author: Hubert Gee Updated: 10/6/2018 Description ----------- A command line interface in a Python shell that allows you to configure or modify IxNetwork traffic item configurations, start and verify protocols, start traffic and getting stats. Disclaimer ---------- This application is not meant to support all IxNetwork features. It's meant for lightweight configurations. However, you could create a very complicated configuration in the GUI, save the configuration into a file, and have this app load the saved config, startProtocols, verify all protocols including ARP, start/stop traffic and get stats, but this app will not be able to modify your configurations other than traffic items. You could modify traffic streams such as frame size, frame rate, continuous traffic or fixed packet count, biDirectional and enable/disable traffic items. Table of Contents ----------------- - Overview - Python and OS support - Requirements - Getting started - Configuration 1> Create a configuration from scratch 2> Load a saved config file - IxNetwork API servers. Choices are: 1> Windows 2> Linux (Windows Connection Manager is not supported for this app) - How to use - Make a configuration, modify existing configurations, rerun traffic and get stats. - showcommands() - Examples 1> Set your preference file name. 2> Start by connecting to one of the API type of servers: - windows API server --> Enter: connecttowindows() - Linux API server --> Enter: connecttolinux() 3> Select a method to make your configurations - Create a configuration from scratch - Load a saved config file - Linux API server usage Overview -------- - This is an IxNetwork ReST API application that emulates a CLI in a Python shell. - It is written in Python 3. Will work in Python 2.7 also. - This is intended for environments that configures simple configurations, send traffic and get stats. - This app allow users to use the CLI to make a configuration, modify traffic configurations, run and rerun traffic and get stats. - All users have to do is enter the Python shell and enter "from ixnetCli import *" and start entering CLI commands by calling function names. - The CLI commands are nothing but Python functions. - The Python functions are high level wrappers that calls functions in the the IxNetRestApi* modules. Python and Feature support -------------------------- - This app supports Python 2.7 and Python 3+ - Runs in both Linux and Windows based Ixia chassis. Requirements ------------ - IxNetwork version 8.40 (minimum) - One of the following IxNetwork API servers: - Windows - Linux - Windows Connection Manager is not supported at this time. - Python "requests" module - IxNetwork API modules: - In the directory, ../../Modules - - - - - - - How to install the Python requests module ------------------------------------------ - The requests module is a client-side tool to send ReST API commands. - If you are using Python version 2.7.9 to 2.7.14, you could do a "pip install requests". - If you're in a Linux environment, enter "which python" to get the path to your Python. - If your Python path is: /usr/local/python2.7.9, then go to /usr/local/python2.7.9/bin and ... - Enter: sudo pip install requests - Must have root privileges. - If you are using Python version 3+, follow the same steps as above. - If you are using Python version 2 prior to 2.7.9, make sure that you have pip installed. - The earlier Python 2 versions don't come with PIP. - If you don't have PIP installed, then following the below steps to install it. - You must have root privilegs. In Linux: - Enter: wget --no-check-certificate - Enter: tar -xvf setuptools-8.2.1.tar.gz - Enter: cd setuptools-8.2.1 - Enter: python install Where to get the IxNetRestApi modules -------------------------------------- - Download/clone from Github: - The full path to this application is: IxNetwork/RestApi/Python/Utilities/IxNetCli IxNetCli directory structure ---------------------------- /IxNetwork/RestApi/Python/Utilities/IxNetCli /Preferences /ConfigFiles Getting Started: ----------------------- Get the Python client-libraries and application. 1> Clone from Github: 2> Create a preference file in the /Preferences directory Copy to a meaningful name. This is your preference file. You will set this preference file each time you use this app. IMPORTTANT: Copy the file to a different name and place it somewhere outside of your cloned Github directory. So in case you do an update from Github on this project, your preference file will not get overwritten. This is where you state your preferred chassis IP, port list, API server IP and license server IP so you don't have to enter them on CLI each time you run this application. Each user could have their own preference file because they could be using different chassis, ports, session ID, etc. How to tell IxnetCli to use which preference file: Enter: setpreferences('.py') - Preference file must have the .py extension. - Prefence files need to be stored in /Preferences. You could put them in other locations, then you must include the path to PYTHONPATH so IxNetCli knows where to import it from. Preference file example: NOTE: Set the value to None if not applied. apiServerType = 'windows' ;# Options: windows|linux windowsApiServerIp = '' windowsApiServerIpPort = 11009 linuxApiServerIp = '' linuxApiServerIpPort = 443 apiKey = None username = 'admin' password = 'admin' licenseServerIp = '' licenseMode = 'subscription' forceTakePortOwnership = True deleteSessionAfterTest = False ;# For Linux only enableDebugTracing = False ;# Display error tracebacks 2 configuration methods ----------------------- 1> Create a configuration from scratch 2> Load a saved JSON or .ixncfg config file 1> Create a configuration from scratch ----------------------------------- - Currently, as of this writing, there is only a L2L3, BGP, MPLS templates available to create from scratch. - Enter: config(""). For example: If you created a config file called, then enter: config('') - Reads the parameter file, which is a Python dict file. - Configures two Topology. - Start all protocols. - Verifies ARP and protocols. 2> Loading a saved config file ----------------------------- - On the IxNetwork GUI, make sure your configuration is good. - Export the configuration into either a JSON format file or a binary .ixncfg file. - Put all saved config files in the /ConfigFiles directory. - Enter: loadsavedconfig('ConfigFiles/') 2 IxNetwork API servers to use ------------------------------ Choices are: Windows and Linux 1> Windows - The Windows IxNetwork GUI is the ReST API server. Using tcp port 11009. - Supports only 1 session. 2> Linux - Supports up to 10 concurrent sessions. - The Linux API server comes in multiple methods: 1> Install the Linux API server in an XGS-SDL or XGS-HSL chassis. (Starting with 8.40) - This is an all-in-one chassis solution. - XGS-SDL chassis supports 4 concurrent sessions. - XGS-HSL chassis supports 10 concurrent sessions. 2> OVA or QCOW2 format installation for hypervisors (VMWare or KVM). How to use ------------------------------------------ - is the main module that you import in the Python Shell Interpreter. Example: From a Linux or Windows OS prompt: Step 1: Enter a Python shell: (If you are using Windows, you might have to enter the full path to your Python.exe) Enter: python Step 2: Import the ixnetCli module Enter: from ixnetCli import * Step 3: Enter: setpreferences('') Step 4: Connect to the API server: Enter: connecttolinux() or connecttowindows() Step 5: Create or load a saved config To create. enter: config('') Step 6: Enter: starttraffic() Step 7: Enter: getstats() - To see all the CLI commands Enter: showcommands() or showcommands('The_fucntion_name') - Docstring support: Enter: help('The_function_name') - Useful functions: - showpreferencefiles() - showconfigfiles() - showtopologies() - showtrafficitems() - showallsessions() Modify existing configurations, run traffic and get stats ----------------------------------------------------------- Once you are in the Python Shell, every CLI command is a Python syntax. Notes: - Modifying Traffic Item requires the Traffic Item's name as the first parameter. - To see all of your configured Traffic Item names, enter: showtrafficitemnames() or showtrafficitems() - To get a description of each parameter, enter: help() As of this version of the DOC, this application supports the following traffic modifications: - configcustompayload(trafficItemName customRepeat customPattern) Enter: configcustompayload('Topo1 to Topo2', True, 'deadbeef') - flapbgp(topologyName bgpName enableTrueOrFalse ipInterfaceList upTimeInSeconds downTimeInSeconds)) Enter: flapbgp('Topo1 to Topo2', 'bgp1', True, 30, 10) - setfixedframes(trafficItemName) Enter: setfixedframes('Topo1 to Topo2') - setframerate(trafficItemName frameRate) Enter: setframerate('Topo1 to Topo2', 75) - setframecount(trafficItemName frameCount) Enter: setframecount('Topo1 to Topo2', 15000) - setframesize(trafficItemName frameSize) Enter: setframesize('Topo1 to Topo2', 128) - settrafficcontinuous(trafficItemName) Enter: settrafficcontinuous('Topo1 to Topo2') After modifying your configurations, start traffic and get stats: Enter: starttraffic() Enter: getstats() help() ------ - All the CLI functions in the main module has a docstring description that descibes the function and all the parameters. - Use help() to see how to use the function and its parameters. showcommands() -------------- - showcommands(): To view all the available CLI functions. - showcommands(''): To view individual CLI functions. For using Linux API server, which supports 10 concurrent sessions: - Each user should create their own preference file in the /Preferences directory. - Get the API-Key from the Linux API server in the Web UI and put it in your preference file. - On your web browser, enter the Linux API server IP address. - Log in as admin/admin - On top right corner, click on the settings icon - Go to My Account - Click on Show API-Key. - If you haven't created a session ID, enter connecttolinux() - If you already have a session ID created, you could connect to it by entering: connecttolinux(resume=True, sessionId=) - To delete a session Id, enter: - connecttolinux(resume=True, sessionId=) - deletesession() - Once you are connected to a session Id, you could load different param files anytime you like to have a different configuration. -