""" packetCapturing.py - Connecting to an existing session with traffic preconfigured to send at continuous mode. - User settings: - captureControlPlane: True|False - captureDataPlane: True|False - Get the vport object for packet capturing - Start continuous traffic - Configure vport (capturing port) to user settings - Start capturing - Wait for minimum 30 seconds - Stop capturing - Stop traffic - Get captured packets on Wireshark: - There could be over 7000 packets. - User must set the for loop with the starting packet value and ending packet value to inspect. Supports IxNetwork API servers: - Windows, Windows Connection Mgr and Linux Requirements - IxNetwork 8.50 - Python 2.7 and 3+ - If using Linux API Server: Install Linux Web UI Wireshark .waf file RestPy installation - pip install requests - pip install -U --no-cache-dir ixnetwork_restpy RestPy Doc: https://www.openixia.github.io/ixnetwork_restpy """ import os, sys, time, traceback # Import the RestPy module from ixnetwork_restpy import SessionAssistant apiServerIp = '' # windows|connection_manager|linux osPlatform = 'linux' # For Linux API server only username = 'admin' password = 'admin' try: # LogLevel: none, info, warning, request, request_response, all session = SessionAssistant(IpAddress=apiServerIp, RestPort=None, UserName='admin', Password='admin', SessionName=None, SessionId=15, ApiKey=None, ClearConfig=False, LogLevel='info', LogFilename='restpy.log') # ixNetwork is the root object to the IxNetwork API tree. ixNetwork = session.Ixnetwork captureControlPlane = True captureDataPlane = True # Get the packet capturing vport vport = ixNetwork.Vport.find()[1] vport.RxMode = 'captureAndMeasure' # -softwareEnabled == Control Plane # -hardwareEnabled == Data Plane ixNetwork.info('\nConfigure capture') vport.Capture.SoftwareEnabled = captureControlPlane vport.Capture.HardwareEnabled = captureDataPlane ixNetwork.info('CloseAllTabs') ixNetwork.CloseAllTabs() if captureDataPlane: ixNetwork.info('Apply traffic') ixNetwork.Traffic.Apply() # Note: Start traffic must be called before calling start capture. # If you call them the other way around, then the started capture will be stopped by calling startTraffic(). ixNetwork.info('Start traffic') ixNetwork.Traffic.Start() ixNetwork.info('Start Capture') ixNetwork.StartCapture() # It is safer to let data traffic and control plane run for 30 seconds minimum. # For control plane, some protocols are set at 10 seconds interval, some are set at 30+ seconds. # Set the sleep time accordingly. ixNetwork.info('Wait 30 seconds') time.sleep(30) ixNetwork.info('Stop capture') ixNetwork.StopCapture() if captureDataPlane: ixNetwork.info('Stop traffic') ixNetwork.Traffic.Stop() if captureDataPlane: ixNetwork.info('Total data packets captured: {}'.format(vport.Capture.DataPacketCounter)) # There could be thousands of packets captured. State the amount of packets to # inspect with a starting value and an ending value. for packetNumber in range(1, 2): try: # Note: GetPacketFromDataCapture() will create the packet header fields vport.Capture.CurrentPacket.GetPacketFromDataCapture(Arg2=packetNumber) packetHeaderStacks = vport.Capture.CurrentPacket.Stack.find() except Exception as errMsg: print('\nError: {}'.format(errMsg)) continue for packetHeader in packetHeaderStacks.find(): print('\nPacketHeaderName: {}'.format(packetHeader.DisplayName)) for field in packetHeader.Field.find(): print('\t{}: {}'.format(field.DisplayName, field.FieldValue)) # Do your parsing and logics here using the packetHeader and field.FieldValue if captureControlPlane: ixNetwork.info('Total control packets captured: {}'.format(vport.Capture.ControlPacketCounter)) # There could be thousands of packets captured. State the amount of packets to # inspect with a starting value and an ending value. for packetNumber in range(1, 2): try: # Note: GetPacketFromDataCapture() will create the packet header fields vport.Capture.CurrentPacket.GetPacketFromControlCapture(Arg2=packetNumber) packetHeaderStacks = vport.Capture.CurrentPacket.Stack.find() except Exception as errMsg: print('\nError: {}'.format(errMsg)) continue for packetHeader in packetHeaderStacks.find(): print('\nPacketHeaderName: {}'.format(packetHeader.DisplayName)) for field in packetHeader.Field.find(): print('\t{}: {}'.format(field.DisplayName, field.FieldValue)) # Do your parsing and logics here using the packetHeader and field.FieldValue ''' Example on wireshark output: PacketHeaderName: Frame Interface id: 0 WTAP_ENCAP: 1 Arrival Time: Dec 31, 1969 16:00:07.056489960 Pacific Standard Time Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 Epoch Time: 7.056489960 Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000005600 Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000005600 Time since reference or first frame: 0.000005600 Frame Number: 2 Frame length on the wire: 128 Frame length stored into the capture file: 128 Frame is marked: False Frame is ignored: False Protocols in frame: eth:vlan:ip:data PacketHeaderName: Ethernet Destination: 00:0c:29:3a:38:3a Address: 00:0c:29:3a:38:3a LG bit: False IG bit: False Source: 00:0c:29:86:ba:0e Address: 00:0c:29:86:ba:0e LG bit: False IG bit: False Type: 33024 PacketHeaderName: 802.1Q Virtual LAN Priority: 0 CFI: 0 ID: 103 Type: 2048 Trailer: 5613399f PacketHeaderName: Internet Protocol Version: 4 Header Length: 20 Differentiated Services field: 0 Differentiated Services Codepoint: 0 Explicit Congestion Notification: 0 Type of Service: 0 Precedence: 0 Delay: False Throughput: False Reliability: False Cost: False MBZ: False Total Length: 106 Identification: 0 Flags: 0 Reserved bit: False Don't fragment: False More fragments: False Fragment offset: 0 Time to live: 64 Protocol: 61 Header checksum: 23558 Good: True Bad: False Source: Source or Destination Address: Source Host: Source or Destination Host: Destination: Source or Destination Address: Destination Host: Source or Destination Host: Source GeoIP: Unknown: Destination GeoIP: Unknown: PacketHeaderName: Data Data: eb57d6e9b7a240dc497869600000000010111213150365a518191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f30313233... Length: 86 ''' except Exception as errMsg: print('\nError: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) print('\nrestPy.Exception:', errMsg)