#!/usr/bin/python ################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications, enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the user's requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST BUSINESS, LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g., any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script, any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # Description: # # This sample script # # - Contains function definitions for IxVM REST specific operations # # # ################################################################################ from FW_RestApiUtils import * class RestCB: @staticmethod def getHypervisorIP(): return '' #return '' ####################################################### # get the Url from a multivalue url for a specific pattern # a = getMultiValueFromUrl(baseUrl, "counter") ####################################################### @staticmethod def ixNetGetList(getAttUrl, child, logging=True): try: h = httplib2.Http() getUrl = getAttUrl+"/"+child if logging: print ("GET: " + getUrl + " <-- Child: " + str(child)) # response = requests.get(getUrl) response, content = h.request(getUrl,'GET') res = json.loads(content) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Got an error code: ', e) if response.status != 200 : raise TestFailedError(json.loads(content)['errors']) return res @staticmethod def rediscovery(sessionUrl): print ("* [rediscovery] :") print ("\t - Triggering rediscovery... (ixNet exec rediscoverAppliances)") ixNetExec(sessionUrl,'rediscoverAppliances') @staticmethod def getIP_list(sessionUrl , string_match = "newFeatures_" ): print ("* [getIP_list] :") print ("\t - string_match : " + str(string_match)) ip_list = [] RestCB.rediscovery(sessionUrl) vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" disApp = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,"discoveredAppliance",True) for da in disApp: if string_match in str(da['applianceName']): ip_list.append(str(da['managementIp'])) return ip_list #KB Added # Will retrun list of card IPs which are already connected to the chassis @staticmethod def getIP_list_chassis(sessionUrl): print ("* [getIP_list_chassis] :") ip_list = [] vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" disApp = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,"ixVmCard") for da in disApp: ip_list.append(str(da['managementIp'])) return ip_list #KB Added # Will retrun list of card status which are already connected to the chassis @staticmethod def getCardStatus_list_chassis(sessionUrl): print ("* [getCardStatus_list_chassis] :") card_list = [] vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" disApp = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,"ixVmCard") for da in disApp: card_list.append(str(da['cardState'])) return card_list @staticmethod def addDefaultHypervisor(sessionUrl): print ("* [addDefaultHypervisor] :") hypervisorIp = RestCB.getHypervisorIP() vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" hypervisorsList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl, 'hypervisor', False) hyp_ips = [] print ('- hypervisors list :') for hypervisor in hypervisorsList: print ("\t - type : " + str(hypervisor['type']) +" ; IP :" + str(hypervisor['serverIp'])) # Enable the default hypervisor ..if it is needed if str(hypervisor['serverIp']) == hypervisorIp and str(hypervisor['enabled']) != "true" and str(hypervisor['type']) != "qemu": ed = {'enabled': 'true' , 'type':'qemu'} vChassisUrlEd = vChassisUrl + "/hypervisor/" + str(hypervisor['id']) ixNetSetAttFromSession(vChassisUrlEd,"",ed) hyp_ips.append(str(hypervisor['serverIp'])) if hypervisorIp not in hyp_ips: print ("\t -> add new hypervisor : type : qemu ; IP : " + str(hypervisorIp)) paylod = {"enabled" : "true", "serverIp" : hypervisorIp, "type" : "qemu", "user" : "root", "password" : "ixia123"} cardTest1 = addIxNetObject(vChassisUrl,"hypervisor",paylod) hypervisorsList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl, 'hypervisor', False) # KB/Tarak # Adding hypervisor @staticmethod def addHypervisor(sessionUrl, enabled, hypervisorIp, type, user, password): print ("* [add Hypervisor] :") print ("\t - enabled : " + str(enabled)) print ("\t - hypervisorIp : " + str(hypervisorIp)) print ("\t - type : " + str(type)) print ("\t - user : " + str(user)) print ("\t - password : " + str(password)) vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" hypervisorsList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl, 'hypervisor', False) hyp_ips = [] print ('- hypervisors list :') for hypervisor in hypervisorsList: print ("\t - type : " + str(hypervisor['type']) +" ; IP :" + str(hypervisor['serverIp'])) hyp_ips.append(str(hypervisor['serverIp'])) if hypervisorIp not in hyp_ips: print ("\t -> add new hypervisor : type :" + str(type) + " ; IP : " + str(hypervisorIp)) paylod = {"enabled" : enabled, "serverIp" : hypervisorIp, "type" : type, "user" : user, "password" : password} cardTest1 = addIxNetObject(vChassisUrl,"hypervisor",paylod) else: print ("\t -> Hypervisor already added") hypervisorsList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl, 'hypervisor', False) # KB/Tarak # Deleting hypervisor @staticmethod def deleteHypervisor(sessionUrl, hypervisorIp): print ("* [delete Hypervisor] :") print ("\t - hypervisorIp : " + str(hypervisorIp)) vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" hypervisorsList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl, 'hypervisor', False) hyp_ips = [] print ('- hypervisors list :') for hypervisor in hypervisorsList: hyp_ips.append(str(hypervisor['serverIp'])) if hypervisorIp == str(hypervisor['serverIp']) : print ("\t - type : " + str(hypervisor['type']) +" ; IP :" + str(hypervisor['serverIp']) + " ID : " + str(hypervisor['id'])) vChassisUrlDel = vChassisUrl + "/hypervisor/" + str(hypervisor['id']) print ("delete URL" + str(vChassisUrlDel)) removeIxNetObject(vChassisUrlDel) if hypervisorIp not in hyp_ips: print ("Nothing to delete") hypervisorsList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl, 'hypervisor', False) # KB/Tarak # Enable/Disable hypervisor @staticmethod def enableDisableHyp(sessionUrl, enabled, hypervisorIp): print ("* [enable/disable Hypervisor] :") print ("\t - enabled : " + str(enabled)) print ("\t - hypervisorIp : " + str(hypervisorIp)) vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" hypervisorsList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl, 'hypervisor', False) hyp_ips = [] print ('- hypervisors list :') for hypervisor in hypervisorsList: hyp_ips.append(str(hypervisor['serverIp'])) if hypervisorIp == str(hypervisor['serverIp']) : print ("\t - type : " + str(hypervisor['type']) +" ; IP :" + str(hypervisor['serverIp']) + " enabled : " + str(hypervisor['enabled'])) if str(hypervisor['enabled']) != enabled: ed = {'enabled': enabled} vChassisUrlEd = vChassisUrl + "/hypervisor/" + str(hypervisor['id']) setEd = ixNetSetAttFromSession(vChassisUrlEd,"",ed) if hypervisorIp not in hyp_ips: print ("\t -> add new hypervisor : type :" + str(type) + " ; IP : " + str(hypervisorIp)) paylod = {"enabled" : enabled, "serverIp" : hypervisorIp, "type" : type, "user" : user, "password" : password} cardTest1 = addIxNetObject(vChassisUrl,"hypervisor",paylod) hypervisorsList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl, 'hypervisor', False) @staticmethod def clear_topology(sessionUrl): print ("* [Clear topology] :") print ("\t - Collecting card list...") vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" card_list = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,'ixVmCard') print ("\t - Removing all existing cards... if any...") for card in card_list: cardId = str(card['cardId']) cardUrl = sessionUrl.split('/api')[0]+str(card['links'][-1]['href']) arg = {"arg1" : cardId} ixNetExec(sessionUrl,'clearCardOwnershipById',arg) removeIxNetObject(cardUrl) print ("\t - Checking that cards were deleted...") card_list = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,'ixVmCard') if len(card_list) != 0: raise TestFailedError("Card list not cleared... check your configuration!") print ("\t - Card list cleared!") @staticmethod def addIxvmCard(sessionUrl, mngtIP, cardId="", keepalive=""): print ("* [addIxvmCard] :") print ("\t - mngtIP : " + str(mngtIP)) print ("\t - cardId : " + str(cardId)) print ("\t - keepalive : " + str(keepalive)) vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" payload = { 'managementIp' : str(mngtIP) } if cardId != "": payload = { 'managementIp' : str(mngtIP) , 'cardId' : cardId} if keepalive != "": payload = { 'managementIp' : str(mngtIP) , 'cardId' : cardId , 'keepAliveTimeout' : str(keepalive)} if cardId == "" and keepalive != "": payload = { 'managementIp' : str(mngtIP) , 'keepAliveTimeout' : str(keepalive)} cardTest1 = addIxNetObject(vChassisUrl,"ixVmCard",payload) #Find the new URL : cardUrl = "" card_list = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,'ixVmCard') for card in card_list: if card['managementIp'] == mngtIP: cardUrl = sessionUrl.split('/api')[0]+str(card['links'][-1]['href']) return cardUrl @staticmethod def addIxvmPort(cardUrl , interface , portId = "" , promisc = "", mtu = ""): print ("* [addIxvmPort] :") print ("\t - cardUrl : " + str(cardUrl)) print ("\t - interface : " + str(interface)) print ("\t - portId : " + str(portId)) print ("\t - promisc : " + str(promisc)) print ("\t - mtu : " + str(mtu)) payload = { 'interface' : str(interface) } if portId != "": payload = { 'interface' : str(interface) , 'portId' : portId} if promisc != "": payload = { 'interface' : str(interface) , 'portId' : portId , 'promiscMode' : str(promisc)} if portId == "" and promisc != "": payload = { 'interface' : str(interface) , 'promiscMode' : str(promisc)} if mtu != "": payload["mtu"] = str(mtu) newPort = addIxNetObject(cardUrl,"ixVmPort",payload) #Find the new URL : portUrl = "" port_list = RestCB.ixNetGetList(cardUrl,'ixVmPort') for port in port_list: if port['interface'] == interface: portUrl = cardUrl.split('/api')[0]+str(port['links'][-1]['href']) return portUrl @staticmethod def split_port(port): splitted = port[1:-1].split(";") return splitted @staticmethod def getChassisTopology (sessionUrl) : print ("* [getChassisTopology] :") headers = ['Card ID', 'Card IP', 'KeepAlive', 'Port ID', 'Interface Name', 'Promisc', 'MAC Address', 'MTU', 'Speed'] refCH = ixNetExec(sessionUrl,"refreshChassisTopology") print ("refCH = " + str(refCH)) topology = json.loads(refCH)["result"] resulted_topo = [] expected_row = [] expected_port = [] for port in topology: portx = RestCB.split_port(port) expected_port.append('Port') for i in range(0,len(headers)): row = (headers[i],portx[i]) expected_row.append(row) expected_port.append(expected_row) expected_row = [] resulted_topo.append(expected_port) expected_port = [] return resulted_topo @staticmethod def create_toplogy(sessionUrl,ip_list,card_count,ports_per_card): print ("* [create_toplogy] :") print ("\t - ip_list : " + str(ip_list)) print ("\t - card_count : " + str(card_count)) print ("\t - ports_per_card : " + str(ports_per_card)) vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" print("Adding %s cards..." % str(card_count)) for i in range(0,card_count): newCard = RestCB.addIxvmCard(sessionUrl,ip_list[i]) for j in range(1,ports_per_card+1): newPort = RestCB.addIxvmPort(newCard,"eth"+str(j)) card_list = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,'ixVmCard') print("Checking that we now have %s cards in our configuration..." % str(card_count)) if len(card_list) != card_count: raise TestFailedError("Card list not cleared... check your configuration!") print ("Card list contains %s cards!" % card_count) return 0 @staticmethod def getCardStatus(sessionUrl,card_id, logging= True , withRefresh = True): if logging: print ("* [getCardStatus] :") print ("\t - card_id : " + str(card_id)) vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" card_list=[] if withRefresh == True: ixNetExec(sessionUrl,"refreshChassisTopology") card_list = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,'ixVmCard',False) for card in card_list: if card['cardId'] == str(card_id): return card['cardState'] if logging: print ("Card %s ID does not exist!" % card_id) @staticmethod def getPortStatus(sessionUrl,card_id,port_id): print ("* [getPortStatus] :") print ("\t - card_id : " + str(card_id)) print ("\t - port_id : " + str(port_id)) vChassisUrl = sessionUrl + "/availableHardware/virtualChassis" ixNetExec(sessionUrl,"refreshChassisTopology") card_list = RestCB.ixNetGetList(vChassisUrl,'ixVmCard') cardUrl = "" for card in card_list: if card['cardId'] == str(card_id): cardUrl = sessionUrl.split('/api')[0]+str(card['links'][-1]['href']) if cardUrl == "": print ("The specified card does not exist") return port_list = RestCB.ixNetGetList(cardUrl,'ixVmPort') for port in port_list: if port['portId'] == str(port_id): return port['portState'] print ("Port %s from card %s does not exist!" % (str(port_id),str(card_id))) @staticmethod def card_reboot (sessionUrl,chassis_ip,card_id) : print ("Card Reboot") print ("Chassis IP: " + str(chassis_ip)) print ("Card ID: " + str(card_id)) timeout = 300 print ("Connecting to VM Chassis: " + str(chassis_ip)) arg1 = {"arg1":chassis_ip} connectChassis = ixNetExec(sessionUrl,"connectToChassis",arg1) print ("Rebooting Card" + str(card_id)) arg1 = {"arg1":card_id} reboot = ixNetExec(sessionUrl,"hwrebootcardbyids",arg1) Card_Status = RestCB.checkCard_disconnect_Connect (sessionUrl,card_id) print ("Success: Rebooting card " + str(card_id)) @staticmethod def chassis_reboot (sessionUrl) : print ("Chassis Reboot") reboot = ixNetExec(sessionUrl,"rebootvirtualchassis") print ("Success: Rebooting chassis ") @staticmethod def checkCard_disconnect_Connect (sessionUrl,card_id,timeout=120) : print ("* Check if card was disconnected") cardStatus = RestCB.getCardStatus(sessionUrl,card_id) i = 0 while (cardStatus != "cardDisconnected" and i < 35) : print ("cardStatus is: " + str(cardStatus)) print ("Wait for 5 sec; Expected card status: cardDisconnected ... (" + str(i) + ")") time.sleep(5) cardStatus = RestCB.getCardStatus (sessionUrl,card_id) i = i + 5 if i >= timeout : print ("The card was not disconnected after (sec) " + str(i)) else : print ("The card was disconnected after (sec) " + str(i)) print ("Wait for card to be reconnected") cardStatus = RestCB.getCardStatus (sessionUrl,card_id) i = 0 while (cardStatus != "cardOK" and i < timeout) : print ("cardStatus is: " + str(cardStatus)) print ("Wait for 5 sec; Expected card status: cardOK ... (" + str(i) + ")") time.sleep(5) cardStatus = RestCB.getCardStatus (sessionUrl,card_id) i = i + 5 if i >= timeout : print ("The card was not reconnected after (sec) " + str(i)) raise TestFailedError("The card was not reconnected... check your configuration!") else : print ("The card was reconnected after (sec) " + str(i)) @staticmethod def checkPortsAvailable (sessionUrl) : print ("Checking that the ports are available..") ports = RestCB.ixNetGetList(sessionUrl, "vport") portStates = [] portDictionary = {} for port in ports: portLink = port['links'][-1]['href'] portLink2 = sessionUrl.split('/api/v1')[0] + port['links'][-1]['href'] portID = port['links'][-1]['href'].split('vport/')[1] portState = ixNetGetAtt(portLink2, "state") portStates.append(portState) portDictionary[str(portID)] = str(portState) sep = '+' + '-' * 25 + '+' + '-' * 65 + '+' print (sep) print ('| {0:23} | {1:63} |'.format('Ports ID:', 'Cause of problem:')) print (sep) for i in range(1, len(ports) + 1): print ('| {0:23} | {1:63} |'.format(i, portDictionary[str(i)])) print (sep) @staticmethod def matchInCapturedPkt(ixNet, currentPkt, matchFieldList): #initilize return value PASSED = 0 FAILED = 1 for stack, fieldList in matchFieldList: print(fieldList) isStackFound = 0 #stackList = (currentPkt + "/stack") stackList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(currentPkt, 'stack') print(stackList) #print ("***** STACKLIST: $stackList *****" for pktStack in stackList: print(pktStack) if (pktStack['displayName'] != stack): continue else: isStackFound = 1 #print ("Browing $stack to match $fieldList" print ("Check") for fieldName, fieldValue in fieldList: print ("Aici %s %s"%(fieldName,fieldValue)) isFound = 0 fldList = RestCB.ixNetGetList(sessionUrl.split('/api/v1')[0] + pktStack['links'][0]['href'], '') print(fldList) #print ("----- FIELDLIST: $fldList -----" for pktStackField in fldList: print(pktStackField) if str(pktStackField['displayName']) != str(fieldName): continue else: isFound = 1 if str(pktStackField['fieldValue']) != str(fieldValue): print("%s: %s (obtained) %s (expected)" %(fieldName, str(pktStackField['fieldValue']), fieldValue)) return FAILED else: print("%s: %s (obtained) %s (expected)" %(fieldName, str(pktStackField['fieldValue']), fieldValue)) break if (isFound == 0): print("No match found for %s" %fieldName) isStackFound = 0 break if (isFound == 1) and (isStackFound == 1): print("All fields matched...") break if isStackFound == 0: #puts "No matching $stack found to match $fieldList" return FAILED print("All Field Patterns Matched for this packet") return PASSED @staticmethod def card_reboot (sessionUrl,chassis_ip,card_id,timeoutReconnect=120) : print ("Card Reboot") print ("Chassis IP: " + str(chassis_ip)) print ("Card ID: " + str(card_id)) timeout = 300 print ("Connecting to VM Chassis: " + str(chassis_ip)) arg1 = {"arg1":chassis_ip} connectChassis = ixNetExec(sessionUrl,"connecttochassis",arg1) cardIdList = [] cardIdList.append(card_id) print ("Rebooting Card " + str(card_id)) #reboot = ixNetExec(sessionUrl,"hwrebootcardbyids",arg1) cardDiscOK = 0 cardStatus = RestCB.getCardStatus(sessionUrl,card_id,False,False) print ("Current cardStatus : " + str(cardStatus)) print ("") try: h = httplib2.Http() urlString = sessionUrl + "/operations/hwrebootcardbyids" urlHeadersJson = {'content-type': 'application/json'} arg1 = {"arg1":cardIdList} print (arg1) # response = requests.post(url=urlString, headers=urlHeadersJson,data=json.dumps(arg1)) response, content = h.request(urlString,'POST',json.dumps(arg1),urlHeadersJson) a = json.loads(content) for key in a: if "errors" in key: raise Exception('FAIL : need To Exit ',a["errors"]) state = a["state"] url = a["url"] if state == "SUCCESS" and url == "": print ("Exec is SUCCESS") elif state == "ERROR": raise Exception('FAIL : need To Exit ',a["result"]) else: if state != "COMPLETED": print ("WAIT FOR ACTION TO COMPLETE") url = a["url"].split("operations/")[1] print ("Current state: " + state) it = 0 while state == "IN_PROGRESS": if timeout == it: raise TestFailedError ("Operation is still in progress after : " + str(timeout) + " seconds") time.sleep(1) state = ixNetGetAtt(sessionUrl + "/operations/" + url, "state", False) response, content = h.request(sessionUrl + "/operations/" + url, 'GET', json.dumps(arg1), urlHeadersJson) cardStatus = RestCB.getCardStatus(sessionUrl,card_id,False,False) print ("Current EXEC state: " + state + "; cardStatus :" + str(cardStatus) + " after (" + str(it) + ") seconds") if cardStatus == "cardDisconnected": cardDiscOK = 1 it = it + 1 except Exception as e: raise Exception('Got an error code: ', e) if response.status != 200 : raise TestFailedError(json.loads(content)['errors']) if cardDiscOK == 0: raise TestFailedError(" The card was not disconnect from ixE ... maybe the reboot doesn't work properly") i = 0 print ("Wait for card to be reconnected") while (cardStatus != "cardOK" and i < timeoutReconnect) : print ("cardStatus is: " + str(cardStatus)) print ("Wait for 5 sec; Expected card status: cardOK ... (" + str(i) + ")") time.sleep(5) cardStatus = RestCB.getCardStatus (sessionUrl,card_id) i = i + 5 if i >= timeout : print ("The card was not reconnected after (sec) " + str(i)) raise TestFailedError("The card was not reconnected... check your configuration!") else : print ("The card was reconnected after (sec) " + str(i)) print ("Success: Rebooting card " + str(card_id)) class VM: ####################################################### # getPortMacs returns a list of the port mac addresses used in the config # Note: This procedure is used by updateTrafficForKVM in order to set the mac addresses for raw flows # Example: getPortMacs( ####################################################### @staticmethod def getPortMacs(ixNetSessUrl): print ("Getting the MAC addresses for the VMs' test ports...") macs = [] vports = ixNetGetList(ixNetSessUrl, "vport") for port in vports: portID = port["id"] ifgPerPort = [] portInfo = {} connInfo = ixNetGetAtt(ixNetSessUrl + "/vport/" + str(portID), "connectionInfo") for elem in connInfo.split(" ", 4): key, val = elem.split("=",1) portInfo.update({key: val[1:-1]}) args = {'arg': str(portInfo["chassis"])} ixNetExec(ixNetSessUrl, "connectToChassis", args) chassisUrl = ixNetSessUrl + "/availableHardware" ixNetGetList(chassisUrl, "virtualChassis") chassisUrl = chassisUrl + "/virtualChassis" ixNetGetList(chassisUrl, "ixVmCard") cardUrl = chassisUrl + "/ixVmCard/" + str(portInfo["card"]) ixNetGetList(cardUrl, "ixVmPort") macUrl = cardUrl + "/ixVmPort/" + str(portInfo["port"]) macs.append(str(ixNetGetAtt(macUrl, "macAddress"))) return macs ####################################################### # updateTrafficForKVM changes RAW flows macs to the actual mac addresses of the vports in use # Note: This is to be used for KVM and Ubuntu setups, in which 00::...::00 mac addresses are not supported # Example: updateTrafficForKVM( ####################################################### @staticmethod def updateTrafficForKVM(ixNetSessUrl): # Get all the available flows url = ixNetSessUrl ixNetGetList(url, "traffic") url = url + "/traffic" trList = ixNetGetList(url, "trafficItem") macs = VM.getPortMacs(ixNetSessUrl) # Change the mac addresses used in all the raw flows to the mac addresses of the actual test ports # #1 iterate through traffic items for trItem in trList: trUrl = url + "/trafficItem/" + str(trItem["id"]) # Only raw ones need to be changed if "RAW" in str(ixNetGetAtt(trUrl, "trafficType")).upper(): hlsList = ixNetGetList(trUrl, "highLevelStream") # #2 iterate through the flows for hls in hlsList: hlUrl = trUrl + "/highLevelStream/" + str(hls["id"]) # Retrieve the tx and rx port ids txIds = ixNetGetAtt(hlUrl, "txPortId") tx = txIds.split("/")[-1] # There might be multiple rx ports, need to set all of them rxIds = ixNetGetAtt(hlUrl, "rxPortIds") rx = [] for rxS in rxIds: rx.append(rxS.split("/")[-1]) # #3 iterate through the stacks (ethernet is the one to be changed) stackList = ixNetGetList(hlUrl, "stack") for stackEl in stackList: stackUrl = hlUrl + "/stack/" + str(stackEl["id"]) if "ETHERNET" in str(ixNetGetAtt(stackUrl, "displayName")).upper(): for field in ixNetGetList(stackUrl, "field"): fieldUrl = stackUrl + "/field/" + str(field["id"]) fieldName = str(ixNetGetAtt(fieldUrl, "name")) if "SOURCE" in fieldName.upper(): ixNetSetAtt(fieldUrl, {"valueType": "singleValue"}) ixNetSetAtt(fieldUrl, {"singleValue": macs[int(tx)-1]}) if "DESTINATION" in fieldName.upper(): destMacs = [] for rxPort in rx: destMacs.append(macs[int(rxPort)-1]) # Value list for multiple rx ports if len(destMacs) > 1: ixNetSetAtt(fieldUrl, {"valueType": "valueList"}) ixNetSetAtt(fieldUrl, {"valueList": destMacs}) # Single value for 1 rx port else: ixNetSetAtt(fieldUrl, {"valueType": "singleValue"}) ixNetSetAtt(fieldUrl, {"singleValue": destMacs[0]}) print ("Successfully updated raw flows macs!")