*** Settings *** Documentation sample demonstrating traffic creation using ixnetwork_restpy and robot extended variable syntax ... bgpNgpf.robot ... Tested with two back-2-back Ixia ports ... - Connect to the API server ... - Configure license server IP ... - Optional: Assign ports or use the ports that are in the saved config file. ... - Configure two IPv4 BGP in NGPF with network advertisements ... - Start all protocols ... - Verify all protocols ... - Start traffic ... - Get Traffic Item ... - Get Flow Statistics stats ... Supports IxNetwork API servers: ... - Windows, Windows Connection Mgr and Linux ... Requirements ... - RestPy 1.0.33 ... - IxNetwork 8.50 ... - Python 2.7 and 3+ ... - pip install requests ... - pip install -U --no-cache-dir ixnetwork_restpy ... RestPy Doc: ... https://www.openixia.com/userGuides/restPyDoc Library BuiltIn Library Collections *** Variables *** ${apiServerIp} = # For Linux API server only ${username} = admin ${password} = admin # Forcefully take port ownership if the portList are owned by other users. ${forceTakePortOwnership} = True @{licenseServerIp} = ${licenseMode} = subscription ${licenseTier} = tier3 # For linux and connection_manager only. Set to True to leave the session alive for debugging. ${debugMode} = False # Create a list and nested list ${ixChassisIp} = @{port_1_1} = ${ixChassisIp} 1 1 @{port_2_1} = ${ixChassisIp} 2 1 @{portList} = ${port_1_1} ${port_2_1} @{trackBy} = flowGroup0 @{EMPTYLIST} = *** Test Cases *** Configure BGP in NGPF Log To Console Connecting ... # If you are using RestPy version < 1.0.33, uncomment this. Backward compatibility still works, but # the parameters rest_port and platform are deprecated. #Import Library ixnetwork_restpy.testplatform.testplatform.TestPlatform #... ${apiServerIp} rest_port=11009 platform=winodws log_file_name=restpy.log WITH NAME testPlatformObj # For RestPy version >= 1.0.33 Import Library ixnetwork_restpy.testplatform.testplatform.TestPlatform ${apiServerIp} log_file_name=restpy.log WITH NAME testPlatformObj ${testPlatform} = Get Library Instance testPlatformObj Call Method ${testPlatform} Authenticate ${username} ${password} ${session} = Set Variable ${testPlatform.Sessions.add()} Log To Console sessionId ${session} ${ixNetwork} = Set Variable ${session.Ixnetwork} Log To Console New blank config ... Call Method ${ixNetwork} NewConfig Log To Console Configuring license details ... ${ixNetwork.Globals.Licensing.LicensingServers} = Set Variable ${licenseServerIp} ${ixNetwork.Globals.Licensing.Mode} = Set Variable ${licenseMode} ${ixNetwork.Globals.Licensing.Tier} = Set Variable ${licenseTier} ${vport1} = Set Variable ${ixNetwork.Vport.add(Name='Port1')} ${vport2} = Set Variable ${ixNetwork.Vport.add(Name='Port2')} Log To Console Assigning ports ... @{testPorts} = Create List @{vportList} = Create List :FOR ${port} IN @{portList} \ &{portDict} = Create Dictionary \ Set To Dictionary ${portDict} Arg1 @{port}[0] Arg2 @{port}[1] Arg3 @{port}[2] \ Append To List ${testPorts} ${portDict} :FOR ${vport} IN @{ixNetwork.Vport.find()} \ Append To List ${vportList} ${vport.href} Call Method ${ixNetwork} AssignPorts ${testPorts} ${EMPTYLIST} ${vportList} ${forceTakePortOwnership} Log To Console Create Topology 1 ${topology1} = Set Variable ${ixNetwork.Topology.add(Name='Topo1')} ${topology1.Ports} = Set Variable ${vport1} Log To Console Create Device Group ${deviceGroup1} = Set Variable ${topology1.DeviceGroup.add(Name='DG1', Multiplier=1)} Log To Console Create Ethernet ${ethernet1} = Set Variable ${deviceGroup1.Ethernet.add(Name='Eth1')} Call Method ${ethernet1.Mac} Increment start_value=00:01:01:01:00:01 step_value=00:00:00:00:00:01 Log To Console Enabling Vlan Call Method ${ethernet1.EnableVlans} Single True ${vlanObj} = Set Variable ${ethernet1.Vlan.find()[0]} Call Method ${vlanObj.VlanId} Increment start_value=103 step_value=0 Log To Console Configuring IPv4-1 ${ipv4_1} = Set Variable ${ethernet1.Ipv4.add(Name='Ipv4-1')} Call Method ${ipv4_1.Address} Increment start_value= step_value= Call Method ${ipv4_1.GatewayIp} Increment start_value= step_value= Log To Console Configuring BgpIpv4Peer 1 ${bgp1} = Set Variable ${ipv4_1.BgpIpv4Peer.add(Name='Bgp1')} Call Method ${bgp1.DutIp} Increment start_value= step_value= Call Method ${bgp1.Type} Single internal Call Method ${bgp1.LocalAs2Bytes} Increment start_value=101 step_value=0 Log To Console Configuring Network Group 1 ${networkGroup1} = Set Variable ${deviceGroup1.NetworkGroup.add(Name='BGP-Routes1', Multiplier=100)} ${ipv4PrefixPool} = Set Variable ${networkGroup1.Ipv4PrefixPools.add(NumberOfAddresses=1)} Call Method ${ipv4PrefixPool.NetworkAddress} Increment start_value= step_value= Call Method ${ipv4PrefixPool.PrefixLength} Single 32 Log To Console Create Topology 2 ${topology2} = Set Variable ${ixNetwork.Topology.add(Name='Topo2')} ${topology2.Ports} = Set Variable ${vport2} Log To Console Create Device Group 2 ${deviceGroup2} = Set Variable ${topology2.DeviceGroup.add(Name='DG2', Multiplier=1)} Log To Console Create Ethernet 2 ${ethernet2} = Set Variable ${deviceGroup2.Ethernet.add(Name='Eth2')} Call Method ${ethernet2.Mac} Increment start_value=00:01:02:01:00:01 step_value=00:00:00:00:00:01 Log To Console Enabling Vlan 2 Call Method ${ethernet2.EnableVlans} Single True ${vlanObj} = Set Variable ${ethernet2.Vlan.find()[0]} Call Method ${vlanObj.VlanId} Increment start_value=103 step_value=0 Log To Console Configuring IPv4 2 ${ipv4_2} = Set Variable ${ethernet2.Ipv4.add(Name='Ipv4-2')} Call Method ${ipv4_2.Address} Increment start_value= step_value= Call Method ${ipv4_2.GatewayIp} Increment start_value= step_value= Log To Console Configuring BgpIpv4Peer 2 ${bgp2} = Set Variable ${ipv4_2.BgpIpv4Peer.add(Name='Bgp1')} Call Method ${bgp2.DutIp} Increment start_value= step_value= Call Method ${bgp2.Type} Single internal Call Method ${bgp2.LocalAs2Bytes} Increment start_value=101 step_value=0 Log To Console Configuring Network Group 2 ${networkGroup2} = Set Variable ${deviceGroup2.NetworkGroup.add(Name='BGP-Routes2', Multiplier=100)} ${ipv4PrefixPool2} = Set Variable ${networkGroup2.Ipv4PrefixPools.add(NumberOfAddresses=1)} Call Method ${ipv4PrefixPool2.NetworkAddress} Increment start_value= step_value= Call Method ${ipv4PrefixPool2.PrefixLength} Single 32 Log To Console Start all protocols Call Method ${ixNetwork} StartAllProtocols sync Log To Console Verifying protocol sessions Import Library ixnetwork_restpy.assistants.statistics.statviewassistant.StatViewAssistant ${ixNetwork} Protocols Summary ... WITH NAME protocolsSummaryObj ${protocolsSummary} = Get Library Instance protocolsSummaryObj ${result} = Set Variable ${protocolsSummary.CheckCondition('Sessions Not Started', '==', 0, RaiseException=False)} Run Keyword If "${result}"=="False" Run Keywords ... Fail Protocol sessions not started ${result} = Set Variable ${protocolsSummary.CheckCondition('Sessions Down', '==', 0, RaiseException=True)} Log To Console ${protocolsSummary} Log To Console Create Traffic Item ${trafficItem} = Set Variable ${ixnetwork.Traffic.TrafficItem.add(Name='BGP', TrafficType='ipv4')} Log To Console Add Endpoints ${endpoint} = Set Variable ${trafficItem.EndpointSet.add(Sources=['${networkGroup1.href}'], Destinations=['${networkGroup2.href}'])} ${configElement} = Set Variable ${trafficItem.ConfigElement.find()[0]} ${configElement.FrameRate.Rate} = Set Variable 28 ${configElement.FrameRate.Type} = Set Variable framesPerSecond ${configElement.TransmissionControl.FrameCount} = Set Variable 10000 ${configElement.TransmissionControl.Type} = Set Variable fixedFrameCount ${configElement.FrameSize.FixedSize} = Set Variable 128 ${configElement.FrameRateDistribution.PortDistribution} = Set Variable splitRateEvenly ${tracking} = Set Variable ${trafficItem.Tracking.find()[0]} ${tracking.TrackBy} = Set Variable ${trackBy} Call Method ${trafficItem} Generate Call Method ${ixNetwork.Traffic} Apply Log To Console Starting traffic Call Method ${ixNetwork.Traffic} Start Import Library ixnetwork_restpy.assistants.statistics.statviewassistant.StatViewAssistant ${ixNetwork} Flow Statistics ... WITH NAME flowStatisticsObj ${flowStatistics} = Get Library Instance flowStatisticsObj Log To Console ${flowStatistics} Log To Console TxFrames: ${flowStatistics.Rows[0]['Tx Frames']} Log To Console RxFrames: ${flowStatistics.Rows[0]['Rx Frames']} # Note: Using Call Method to remove the session doesn't work. ${status} = Run Keyword If "${debugMode}"=="False" Set Variable ${session.remove()}