Deploying IxNetwork Web Edition as a Docker container
Note: Supported on CentOS and Ubuntu Distributions.
- Copy the .tar file on the Linux host
- Make sure the interface has promiscous mode enabled: ifconfig eth1 promisc
- Load the image to docker: docker load -i </path/to/tar/file>
- Loaded image: ixnetworkweb_9.00.2.57_image:latest <-- This is the <image name> to be used on step 6.
- Create the macvlan bridge to be used by IxNetwork Web Edition:
- Enter: docker network create -d macvlan -o parent=eth1 --subnet=192.168.x.0/24 --gateway=192.168.x.254 <bridge_name>
- NOTE: Use your subnet, prefix length and gateway IP address
- Enter:
- docker network ls
- docker network inspect IxNetVlanMac
- Deploy the IxNetwork Web Edition container using the following command:
- On a remote host, open up a web browser and connect to the configured container IP address.