This page shows step-by-step on how to add security to REST API executions by using a user API-Key.
The steps are:
To enable authentication for IxLoadGateway in Windows
If you want to enable authentication during the IxLoad application installation, skip snapshot 1 and 2. Select "custom" during the installation process and following the rest of the steps.
If you want to enable authentication after an IxLoad installation, follow all the steps.
Go to c:\Program Files (x86)\IxiaInstallCache\IxLoad\<version> and double click setup.exe
Enable Authentication on IxLoadGateway
From the Ixia software website
Download User Management Sever OVA
If you are using IxLoad Gateway in Windows, download "User Management Agent" also. This is an .exe Windows installation that needs to be installed in the same Windows PC running IxLoad
If you are using IxLoad Gateway on Linux, you don't need to download/install the User Management Agent. The agent comes integrated in the Linux.
LOGOUT and log back in as the new user
Copy the API-Key
This step is only if you're using IxLoadGateway on Windows
For IxLoadGateway on Linux, follow the next step
To enable the User Mgmt Agent on Linux IxLoadGateway
Add the API-Key in the REST API headers: {"content-type": "application/json", "X-Api-Key": "aGdlZXxucEVMNWtjSFhzYUhsUm55ajZRMzdnY3d5dFU9"}